# 21

My Love Next Door

It was a Saturday, yoona didn’t want to waste a great day like this, she felt really happy about wat had happened yesterday, she really loved yuri and she knew yuri felt the same too. Yoona sent a message to yuri telling her to come over to her house, she was ready to even tell yuri about her feelings again if she needed to she had fallen hard for her and wanted yuri in her arms again.


Yoonas phone vibrated she picked it up and saw yuris answer


“Okay I’m on my way now”


Yoona just laughed, but remembered something she were still in her pajamas and she had messy hair, she quickly combed her hair and put on some clothes just a plain hoddie and some shorts.


The door rang and yoona ran down stairs and opened it, and there she was as cute she always had been.


“Come in yuri-ah” Yoona smiled and opened the door for her.
“I didn’t know you were this happy to see me” Yuri said and laughed.
“I’m always happy when I see you around yuri-ah” Yoona replied and walked with her to the kitchen as she continued “Want something to eat?”


Yuri nodded as she sat down on a chair yoona started to get some stuff for them to eat and soon she were done, she just made two simple sandwiches and a glass of juice. When yuri saw what yoona made she gave yoona a funny look.


“Why did you make this yoona? D-Don’t tell me you just woke up?”  Yuri laughed but accepted what she got.
“Yah kwon yuri” Yoona laughed “Why do you think that?”


Yuri just sat there and gave yoona a smile as she ate her sandwich and drank her juice. When they were done they walked out and yoonas parents were working again as late as usual. 


“Yah yoona dodn’t you get super lonely when your parents aren’t home?” Yuri asked as they were walking.
“Yeah but it isn’t that bad I guess, I’m used to it” Yoona answered as she was smiling.


As they were walking they arrived at a playground and they decided to sit down on the swings.


“I have been thinking yoona, why don’t I get to sleep over at your place tonight?” Yuri said as she looked to meet yoonas face and eyes.

“Hmm, yea sure that would be fun” Yoona repled and just smiled.


Yoona and yuri decided to walk to a store and get a movie that they could watch if they got bored.


“So what movie do you want to watch yoona?” Yuri asked as they now where standing in front a movie stand. 

“Hmm” yoona scanned every movie but saw one “What about this one?” Yoona continued as she pointed at a move yuri followed her hand and saw the movies name “Frozen".


“Frozen huh? Okay deal” Yuri said and gave yoona thumbs up.


After getting the movie they got home but yoona could see that the both of her parents car were home.


“Wow are they really home this early?”


Yuri and yoona walked inside and they met yoonas parents inside, she told them about the sleepover and the both of the agreed to it but at first they just asked if yuri had been talking to her parents about it, and of course they lied.


“But mom why did you and dad came home now?” You asked.
“Thy said to take a day off when we go there” Your dad answered the question.
“Oh okay” You replied sounding a bit disappointed.


Yooonas mother came up to yoona and held her hand on yoonas shoulder.


“What’s wrong dear? You seem a bit sad?” She said as yoona looked at her mother.
“Nope I’m fine, let’s go yuri-ah” Yoona said and walked away with yuri to her room.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!