# 16

My Love Next Door

Yoona walked back to the girls changing room and changed to her uniform, she was still mad at what that sunny girl did to yuri, she wanted to hit her more and let her anger out but she knew that that wasn’t the right thing to do so she just tried to hold her anger inside of her, yoona walked out from the room and she started to think about yuri, how is she doing? I should go and visit her!



Yoona walked in the hallway and soon arrived in front of a door it said “nurse office” Yoona knocked on the door and waited it didn’t take a while for the door was opened and a nurse stood in front of yoona.


“Can I help you?” She asked.
“I just want to meet yuri, kwon yuri” Yoona replied really honestly.


The woman opened the door and let yoona come in she led the way to yuris bed and then left the two of you alone. Yoona walked up to yuri as she was sleeping in the bed. Uoona quietly took a chair from a corner of the room and sat down in front of yuri and she just watched her sleep.


“Are you awake yuri-ah?” Yoona asked in a soft voice.


Yuri didn’t reply, yoona continued to watch yuri sleep, she could feel her heart speeding up while watching yuri, why do I feel this way? What is this?


Yoona observed yuri, her closed eyes her nose, she followed the nose line with her eyes until she found herself looking at yuris lips, she couldn’t take her eyes of yuris lips, not knowing what she was doing yoona got up from the chair and walked up to the sleeping yuri. Yoona looked around and saw if someone was there but there was no one, here goes nothing!


Yoona bowed down and placed her lips on yuri, she kissed her right on the lips, What am I doing!! Yoona quickly stood up again with surprised eyes. Am I really…….Gay, like my mom said?? Yoona suddenly ran off, out from the nurse room and to her locker. She was thinking about what she did back there but it was hard to leave the image of her kissing scene with yuri, yoona thought about it a lot how would she explain this to yuri and her parents. Am I really getting feelings for you??


Just when yoona was talking to herself she could hear her name being called out, she awakened from her thoughts and looked the way where she heard someone yell her name, it was Jessica she was running towards her. What does she want?


“Is yuri okay?” Jessica asked when arrived to yoona.
“Yeah she was sleeping though” Yoona replied still looking at Jessica.
“Thanks nice to hear” Jessica said and smiled.


Yoona was just looking at Jessica and wondered why she was so nice all of a sudden, she felt a warm feeling around her arm, when she looked down she saw that Jessica had her own swept around yoona, she just looked up at her in confusion.



“Let’s go and eat!” Jessica said in a happy tone.
“O-Okay” Yoona simply replied and then Jessica just dragged her to the café.


- Fastforward -

“So why are you so nice now Jessica?” Yoona asked while she and Jessica walked to their classroom.
“I just felt like such a mad person and I just felt like making up to you and yuri” Jessica replied and smiled.


“That’s nice, but what about sunny and that red haired girl?” Yoona reminded Jessica.
“Sunny and tiffany? Hm I don’t know I might just dump them” Jessica replied.


Yoona felt happy that she could start believing and trust Jessica, she was actually kinda nice and a happy girl. When yoona and Jessica was walking to their classroom the met yuri on their way she was walking out from the nurse office.


“Oh look Jessica!” Yoona said and pointed at yuri “Yuri-ah!! Over here!” Yoona continued.


*Oh how nice* Jessica thought.


Yuri heard her name being called and she looked at her left and saw yoona running towards her, but she could see Jessica running too behind to catch up.


“Oh Yoona & Jessica” Yuri smiled and waved.


Without knowing what yoona was doing she ran up to yuri and hugged her but she soon let go.


“What was that hug for?” Yuri laughed.
“ I missed you yuri-ah” Was all yoona could say.


*Nice I feel like the 3rd wheel here* Jessica thought for herself.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!