# 25

My Love Next Door

It was Monday the 1st day of the week, yoona groaned while she turned off her beeping alarm. As usual she got dressed did her morning routine ate breakfast and walked to school. Yoona didn’t see yuri so she might just thought that she would come later.


When yoona arrived at school she saw Jessica again this morning and she decided to walk with Jessica to their classroom. Yoona knew that Jessica were thinking about where yuri was but she didn’t bother to tell her about it, even yoona didn’t know where she was but she still went on with her thought of yuri being just lazy or maybe going to be late.


“I hope yuri didn’t get ill or something” Jessica said out of the blue and gave yoona a sad smile.
“Maybe she’s just late?” Yoona replied.


Jessica just nodded and gave yoona a smile.


Yoona sometimes sent yuri a message but there was no reply, she began to worry since more hours and classes went by even lunch.


“Okay Jessica I can’t take this, I need to know what’s wrong with yuri!! And I need to know right now!” Yoona stood up from a bench where she and Jessica sat down on before after lunch.

“But you can’t!! We still have classes yoona!” Jessica replied as she followed what yoona did.
“Just tell them I’m sick or something?!” Yoona said and started to walk her way home.
“B-But yoona!!!” Jessica yelled but she didn’t stop “Oh my gosh this girl really” She continued and facepalmed herself but walked in again to her class

Yoona walked out from the school hearing Jessica yelling at her but she didn’t care, she wanted to know why yuri didn’t come to school and why she didn’t reply on her texts. Yoona walked as fast as she could knowing something was wrong with her girlfriend, she burned inside.


“I’m coming yuri” Yoona said in her mind as she started running.


It wasn’t so far away now yoona could see yuris house and hers too, she took the last of her energy and ran up to the house, she didn’t even care if her own parents saw her. 


Yoona rang the doorbell but there was no answers yoona put her ear next to the door and then she could hear yelling and things breaking inside the house, with widen eyes she started banging on the door which caused her own parents to hear the noise, they walked outside and saw their daughter banging and yelling on the door.


“Hey!! Yoona what are you doing!!” Her father yelled as both of them walked up to yoona.
“Open the door!!! NOW!!” Yoona yelled not caring about her own parents.


As yoonas parents walked up to yoona the door opened and right before their eyes they saw yuri get hit by her father and she fell to the floor.


“YURI!!!” Yoona yelled with widened eyes as she ran up to her.
“Yoo-Yoona” Yuri said as she looked up to yoona but fainted.

“What the hell is this!!” Yoonas father yelled as he looked at both of yuris parents and sometimes at yuri “I’m calling the cops” He continued.


Yuris mom were crying as her step-father just stood there in anger and didn’t say anything. Yoonas father called the police, and shortly they came and arrested her father but they let her mother go since she needed someone to look after her.


Yoona still in tears walked up to yuris mother and started to talk to her.


“What happened?” She asked still crying and was a bit shaken up.
“Just the normal, he got mad and started hitting her I felt sorry for yuri since I was scared and

didn’t do anything” She stopped and cried “And he also got mad when she told us about her being gay and all” She continued.

“It’s okay I’m not mad at you, I hope she’ll be fine and thanks for the talk” Yoona said and gave her a smile and a pat on her shoulder.


When he police drived off they took yuri to her bed as they left yoona and her alone.


“I’m sorry I wasn’t there yuri-ah, I’m so so sorry!” Yoona took yuri hand as she kissed in and started crying “I want you to get better, I’ll leave you now” She continued and wiped away her tears before walking down to the others.


Oh haha here's a new update guys, i'm so sorry i haven't been updating these days *pouts* i will try my best i promise!! And i'm sorry if the update is a bit "messy" or so haha because a lot of you guys wanted me to take yuris step-father away and i just wanted to make an update about that and i'll see what i'm going to do about that later but now you guys just have to go with this haha XD I hope you all enjoyed this update as well.

- RyuAceHiga


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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!