# 23

My Love Next Door

The next morning yoona woke up but she didn’t see yuri lying beside her only a little note, she rubbed her eyes and yawened while picking it up and read it.


                           “ I’m probably gone when you woke up and read this but don’t worry I got home safe, love you ”

- Kwon yuri


Yoona pouted and felt a bit sad that yuri left her but on the other side she could be happy that yuri got home safe, and she needed to find out a way for yuri to leave her parents, she had yuri now and didn’t want to lose her forever.


She walked down the stairs and saw that her parents were home they sat in the living room chatting. Yoona walked up to them.


“good morning” Yoona said which made her parents turn around and focus on yoona.
“Good morning to you too sweetie” her mother said and gave yoona a smile.


Yoona came in the living room and sat down with her parents on the sofa.


“So what’s up? What are you both talking about” Yoona asked as she looked at her mother and then at her dad.


“You, my dear” Yoonas father said.
“ What?? What have I done now!!” Yoona panicked.


Her mother made yoona turn around and made her looking at her mom.


“Nothing dear, calm down” She said with a smile and let go of yoona.
“Then what is it?” Yoona asked still smilng.


Both of yoonas mother and father were looking at each other, from yoonas view they looked a bit worried.


“Are you really gay?” Yoonas mother said and had a serious look on her face.
“I-I…” Yoona stuttered as she turned her head to look down on her lap


Yoona didn’t know what to reply, what if they would start hating her, maybe they would accept it, she felt really ad of a sudden but she felt warmth on her right shoulder, she looked at her right and saw her dad.


“It’s okay, you can tell us” Her dad said and gave yoona smile.
“I guess I have to say yes then, yes I’m gay please hate me, throw me out! Do what you want but don’t kill me!!”  Yoona panicked as she closed her eyes hard and looked down with her head.


There was a bit silent for a moment but soon yoona could just hear some giggling from both her parents, she opened her eyes and looked at her mom and dad, the both of them were laughing.


“Why are you both laughing??” Yoona asked a little bit annoyed.
“It’s noting honey, we will not kill you or even hate you” Her mother said as a smile formed on yoonas lips, then she turned to her dad.


“Yeah that’s right why would we hate you, you’re our only daughter and we will love you for who you are” Yoonas father smiled.


Yoona felt relief and was very happy about her parents accepting her for what she was. Her tears fell down from her eyes as she started crying of happiness in front of her parents, she hugged them and thanked them many times.


Yoona stood up and ran to her room, she wanted to tell yuri about this, she felt like the happiest person on earth, she picked up her phone who was lying in her bed. She just decided to call her instead of texting.


“Hello?” The voice on the other line said and it was yuri.
“Hey yuri guess what!!” Yoona said with so much happiness.
“Oh, hi yoona what is it??” Yuri replied sounding very surprised of all the happiness in yoonas voice.
“ My parents accepted me, that I’m gay” Yoona almost yelled.
“Oh that’s super great yoona” Yuri replied on the other line.


As yoona sat down on her bed she just smiled and wanted to be with yuri as much as possible.


“So what are you doing?” Yoona asked still sounding happy.
“Nothing much, you?” Yuri replied.
“I’m suuuuper bored!!” Yoona whined “I want to see you yuri-ah” She continued.
“Yah calm down yoona, sure I can meet you, just wait a bit, I’ll be over” Yuri replied almost giggling.


“Okay cool, I’ll see you later yuri-ah saranghae” Yoona said and smiled to herself.
“Okay bye, nado saranghae” Yuri replied and then she hang up.


As yoona hang up she just fell down on her bed and looked up on the roof, she felt so happy that she could do anything right in that moment, she wanted to have a fun day with yuri and make a lot of memories.


“Omo!! I need to get dressed” Yoona exclaimed as she sat up in an instant and started to look for some nice clothes.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!