# 3

My Love Next Door

Yoona walked out from her house and decided to not just go out, she wanted to know who the girl was on the other side of the street. She had been thinking about it before and she just wanted to know why she was crying, and it wouldn’t be that bad to maybe be friends with her before she got to know more in her class tomorrow at school.


She looked at both left and right to see if there was some cars passing by, but there was none so she just walked to the other side of the street and now she was standing in front of the girl’s house, it didn’t look that big, it probably had 2 floors like yoona’s house but of her view it just looked a bit smaller. She hesitated a bit but soon she walked up the stairs and up to the door. Yoona reached her shaky hand and turned it in to a fist and knocked slightly on the door.


Yoona waited a bit and no one opened the door for her so she thought that the ones who lived there was busy or something, but just when yoona was about to walk away the door opened, she turned around and saw an older woman standing in the door, she had long brown hair she looked kinda pretty from yoonas eyes


“Hello, who are you miss?” The woman asked smiling at yoona.
“Ehm…I’m Im Yoona, me and my parents just moved here at that house” Yoona said and pointed at the house yoona was living in.


The woman followed yoona’s hand with her eyes and looked at the house.

“Oh I see, nice to see some new faces around here” The woman said and looked back at yoona.
“ I…” Yoona stopped talking.
“You what?” She repeated.


Yoona looked down on the ground for a bit but looked up at the woman again as she spoke


“Is there a girl living here?” Yoona asked not knowing what she was doing.
“Yes, why what about her?” The woman asked, but for some reason she was still smiling.


*What a weird woman* Yoona thought to herself.



“Ehm it’s just that when we moved our stuff to our house I saw her running out from the house and she was crying, is everything okay with her now?” Yoona said almost getting an heart attack for being so nervous, she didn’t mean to investigate on these stuff that wasn’t her business at all.


“I sorry, don’t mean to snoop around about this—“ Yoona got cut off when the woman started to talk.


“She’s fine you don’t have to worry, I’m her mom by the way if you just wanted to know” She said.
“I could figure that out, but thanks anyway” Yoona replied and smiled.


“Anything else?” She asked yoona.
“Nope, I guess I should leave now, thanks for the talk” Yoona said and bowed to the woman.
“Bye bye then”


And with that the woman closed the door and yoona walked back to the side where her house was. Yoona thought about what the woman had told her but it didn’t give her so much information about the girl who was living there, but yoona though that her mother seemed really nice, she didn’t meet the father though but yoona always thought that she would give it a new chance some other day.


Yoona walked up to her house and opened the door, as she took of her shoes her mother and father walked to greet her.


“You’re home already? Why?” Yoonas mother asked a bit worried.
“I dunno, I just felt like coming home, what can’t i?” Yoona smiled and faced her mother.
“ We just thought something happened” Her father said.
“Well nothing happened, so don’t worry” Yoona said while she was walking up to her room.


Right after when yoona got up to her room she was followed by her father, while yoona sat down on her bed her father stood not so far away from her.


“Are you sure you’re fine honey?” Her father asked.
“Yes dad, I’m fine please don’t worry, neh”  Yoona replied with a smile on her face as she looked at her father.


“Okay if you say so, just remember that you can always talk to us if there’s something bothering you” Her dad said and ruffled yoonas hair “I guess I’ll go and help your mother with dinner then” He continued and walked out from yoonas room and down the stairs.


Yoona has just been in her room and was playing with her phone on her bed, she didn’t want to move a bit but her mother called from downstairs that dinner was ready so yoona just groaned a bit but forced herself to go and eat, after all she felt really hungry too.


It was a bit quiet for a while since no one had anything to say, they just enjoyed their dinner but yoona could see that both of her parents wanted to speak.


“Just ask if you want” Yoona blurted out.
“What did you do?” Both of her parents asked at the same time, they giggled a bit but stopped after a while.


“Well I just wanted to explore outside but my mind just told me to visit the house on the other side of the road so I went there-“ Yoona was cut off.


“What, why didn’t you tell us?” Her mother said.
“Shh, I’m trying to speak here” Yoona said and rolled her eyes in a funny way but she continued “Anyway, so I was going over to this house and I started to talk to this woman who was living there” Yoona finished.


“That’s it?” Her dad said.
“Yupp” Yoona replied she actually didn’t want to tell her parents about the girl that she saw that day when they were moving in.


“But why did you go there?” There was it her mother asked her that question she didn’t want to answer.


“I just wanted to say hello, that’s all” Yoona lied.
“well okay, no harm done right, so that’s good” Her father said but you could see that he was hiding something, maybe he knew the real reason why yoona went to the house but maybe he didn’t.


After the dinner yoona went up to her room and changed her clothes to her pajamas, she then walked out from her room and in to the bathroom to brush her teeth, after a while she was done and she walked up to her parents who was watching TV.


“I’m going to bed now goodnight” She said and yawned a little.
“Okay see you in the morning, night” her father called.
“Goodnight honey” Her mother then yelled.



Yoona just closed the door to her room and decided to put her phone in the charger for the night since it was school for her and she probably needed it like everyone else on this planet. Then she just laid down in her bed and fell asleep really fast.

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!