# 22

My Love Next Door

The night was coming and both yuri and yoona were watching their movie in the TV room, they were sitting next to each other n the couch with a blanket to share, they had popcorn and some soda to stuff themselves with while watching it.


The phone started ringing and yoonas mother came and answered.


“You mean right now?” Yoonas mother said “But you said—“She got cut off “Okay okay I understand” She replied and put the phone away.


“Who was that mom?” Yoona answered but were still focused on the movie.
“I’m sorry honey but they called from work and wanted me and your dad to go there now” Yoonas mother replied as she walked in the kitchen to tell her husband.


“What! But you told us that you were having a free day!!” Yoona finally turned to look at her mom, she felt a bit nervous.


“Yes I know but we have to go, I’m sorry” She said as she made her way to the door.
“I’ll see you soon honey” Her father said as he gave yoona a weak smile and then he left.


And just like that they were gone, yoona turned her head and watched the movie.


“Are you mad yoona?” Yuri asked worrying about her.
“No I’m fine yuri-ah, don’t worry let’s watch the movie” Yoona replied and gave yuri a smile and yuri smiled back.


After the movie yoona and yuri got in their pajamas and got ready for bed. As they walked inside yoona sat laid down in her bed and as yuri still standing in the doorway looked around in yoonas room.


“where do I sleep?” She turned her focus to yoona.
“Oh didn’t I tell you already? I don’t have another bed so I guess you have to sleep in mine too” Yoona said as she sat up.


Without thinking yoona made her way to yoonas bed as she got in, she lay down and didn’t dare to look at yoona. It was super awkward for her since everything they had done and now this.


“Don’t be nervous yuri-ah we’re both girls” Yoona said as she looked at yuri as she also laid down.


She covered both of them with the bed covers, she were still looking at yuri.


“Come one just look at me for once!” Yoona said as she placed her hand on yuris chen and made her looking at yoona.


Yoona gave yuri a smile and she could see yuris face got a bit red. I have to tell her! But how??


“See that’s better” Yoona said and were still smiling and looking at yuri, she finally could see yuris face.


“Don’t make this more awkward yoona!” Yuri said as she took away yoonas hand and looked up on the roof.

“I’m not! Besides isn’t the roof is more boring to look at than me?” Yoona asked and this time yuri looked back at yoona.

“Aish yoona, why are you talking like this?”Yuri asked while giving a serious face to yoona.


*Here it goes*


“You really want to know why?” Yoona replied.
“Yes I do!” Yuri immediately replied.


Yoona sat up with her elbow still on the bed and she were looking down at yuri, she quickly kissed yuri on her lips and quickly pulled away. Yuri had widen eyes as she were looking at yoona.


“Because I like you, okay! Like in “love you” Yoona said as she still were in the same pose.
“You- you do!” Yuri said still trying to take in the stuff that just happened.
“Yes I do, and I guess that you really would hate me now” Yoona said as she laid down and face her back to yuri.


Yoona closed her eyes, she was sad to think that yuri would just go away and not be her friend anymore, but she was wrong, yoona felt warmth on her back as she knew yuri was hugging her back.


“I don’t hate you yoona, and to be honest I love you too” Yuri said.


When yoona heard that she couldn’t believe it yuri loved her too, but why?!? For how long?!?!


Yoona turned around and hugged yuri back, she felt tears coming down her eyes, she was so happy, she could finally have yuri to herself.


Yoona let go of the hug and looked at yuri, she didn’t stop looking at her until their lips met, they were sharing their first kiss as a couple this time, it was a new start for them.


“I wonder how I will tell my parents about this?” Yoona said as she smiled.
“I’m sure they will understand” Yuri replied “But let’s get some sleep first” She continued.


Yoona nodded as they lied down in yoonas bed holding each other as they slowly fell asleep. 

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!