# 4

My Love Next Door

It was morning and school was starting, the alarm clock rang and yoona woke up groaning while turning of the alarm, she sat up and rubber her tired eyes. She got up and walked down to the kitchen, yoona saw a note and a key on the table so she walked up to the table and picked the note up and she read it for herself.



“We forgot to tell you that we needed to take care of some business for our new work so daddy and I will be home really late I guess, take care honey, there’s food in the fridge too if you get hungry”

- Love your parents.

ps. The key goes to this house, use it well and don’t lose it!!



Yoona picked up the key that was stuck to a key chain. After that yoona made her own breakfast and did her little morning routine, then she just started to walk her way to the school she didn’t put on a uniform since she didn’t have one but she guessed that her mom would buy one once she had time to do it, she walked a bit early too since she didn’t know when school was starting and didn’t want to be late even if she didn’t even know what classes she had.


When yoona went out from her house and locked the front door she turned around and saw the girl that she saw that day she moved in, yoona noticed that she was wearing a uniform so she guessed that she was going to the school yoona was going to. Yoona smiled to herself as she walked down to the path who led to her house, she walked over to the other side of the road and followed the girl a bit behind. It was kinda awkward and yoona move closer and closer to the girl, yoona walked the last part up to the girl and walked next to her, it was strange, the girl didn’t care or even seemed scared.


“Hello” Yoona finally said and smiled.



The girl didn’t answer as she just continued to walk next to her, it was still awkward since yoona didn’t really know what to say, but she didn’t really wanted to give up on the girl.

“I’m Im yoona who are you? What’s your name” Yoona asked again.
“K-Kwon yuri” The girl called yuri stuttered.


Yoona was a bit surprised that the girl answered her questions, she didn’t really thought about getting an answer that fast too either. The school was getting closer and yuri stopped walking and yoona was now a bit in front of her.


“What’s wrong yuri?” Yoona asked worried.
“D-Don’t talk to me in school okay” Yuri said and walked a head of yoona who didn’t know what she was talking about.


Yoona didn’t want to be mean to yuri after her so called “first meeting” with her so she just wanted to be nice and just decided to do what yuri told her.


Yoona walked in to the school and she was many students running around and was talking, they all had the same uniforms both guys and girls, but some of the girls had made their skirt really short and some of the boys had their jacket buttoned up and their tie was hanging loose, the school was clean but not THAT clean, it was a bit dirty here and there, you know like a normal school would look like.



She continued to walk in the hallway even getting some yes on her, she guessed that they knew about a new student coming to school but not who it was, girl or boy? And so on but after they saw yoona  they might had found out since yoona didn’t even had an uniform on like other new students wouldn’t have.


Yoona walked for a bit and finally came to the teachers office, she didn’t hesitate yoona knocked on the door and not watning for so long a woman opened the door and found yoona standing there in front of her.


“ehm, I’m the new student, im yoona” Yoona said and bowed then stood up.


The woman was smiling to yoona and made her come in to her office.


“Hello there yoona, nice having you I’ll give you what you need” The teacher said.


After a while you got all the thing you needed and another key to her locker, she also got to know that the woman she met was her own homeroom teacher and that she would have the honor to show yoona their home classroom.


How do you all like it this far? Is it boring for you to read? I really want to know what you guys think about it!! Don't be a silent reader!!! Anyway......Comment upvote and subcribe!! Love you all!! ♥ ♥

And WOOOOW!!! 3 upvotes haha O___O i didn't expect that to happen lool, i'm sooo happy you guys!! 

                          - RyuAceHiga


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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!