# 11

My Love Next Door

After school

Yoona and yuri took their belongings out from their locker and walked their way home together, it was a great thing that yoona got her locker next to Yuris instead of someone else like that girl Jessica or anyone else of her friends, who knows they might had hurt her or so, and she didn’t like the idea of that.


“Ugh, why did he gave us math homework to do” Yuri groaned while walking with yoona.
“I don’t know yuri, maybe he wanted us to be ready for a test or so?” Yoona laughed.


Their math teacher always gave his students a bit of homework to do so they were ready for their test and see if they would pass, the students of course hated it but they knew it was for their best so they just went with the flow and accepted it. Some of them stayed in school to study and others just went home to probably study or just ignore it.


Yoona and yuri walked home together and yoona was happy now that yuri could be her friend at school and after, they just didn’t care about other students of what they thought of it. Suddenly yoona came up with the idea of them studying in her house, to be honest yoona didn’t want yuri to go back home and get beating up by her parents.


While they were walking yoona watched yuris every move, she looked really pretty.


*What?? What am I thinking* Yoona stopped and shakes her head.


“What’s wrong yoona?” Yuri had also stopped walking as she saw what yoona did.
“Nothing, look I was wondering if you wanted to study at my place?” Yoona paused “instead of…Yeah you know” She then continued.


Yoona looked up from the ground and saw yuri smiling at her, gosh she was pretty


“Yes I would love to” Yuri replied.


Yoona just gave yuri a smile as they continued to walk their way home but this time they walked to yoonas house.


Yoona and yuri then walked up to yoonas house she picked up the key and unlocked the door then she opened it and they walked inside.


“My parents aren’t at home right now” Yoona said as she closed the door and locked it.
“Your house looks really nice” Yuri exclaimed while she walked inside.


Yoona smiled and walked up to yuri.


“I’ll show you my room you can wait there until I get back” Yoona said and got both of her and yuris backpack.

“What are you going to do?” Yuri asked while they walked up to yoonas room.
“Just getting something for us to eat” Yoona said “Just wait here and I’ll be back” She continued and pushed yuri to her room.


She didn’t hesitate yuri walked inside and did what yoona told her. It didn’t take so long for yoona she just took a bag of chips and 2 glasses of soda but she just remembered…..She only had 2 arms and hands, she just facepaled herself in her mind but she just took the bag of chips in and the 2 glasses in the both of her hands.


For yoonas luck the door was still open so she didn’t have to try knocking or anything like that, she just walked inside she saw yuri sitting on yoonas bed but she didn’t care about that in this right moment, she just wanted to be free.

“Are you okay there yoona” Yuri asked while giggling when she saw yoona walking up with the snacks.
“Yes I’m fine” Yoona replied as she put down the bag of chips on the table.


The both of them sat down next to each other and started to study, it was dead silent the only thing you could hear was their pencils and some snacks eating. Minutes and some hours flew by as they soon where done.


“Whoaa” Yuri stretched out her arms and legs.


Yoona sat up and yawned, she stretched a bit too, she looked at yuri and smiled at her but she looked at her clock who was hanging behind her on the wall, it was really late and her parents would be home anytime soon.


“This was fun yoona but I have to go home now” Yuri said.


She stood up from her chair and started to leave yoona followed her down stairs, she felt really sad and abandoned, but she knew that she would walk with her to school tomorrow. While yuri got dressed yoona was just looking at her, she didn’t know what she had in her mind but her body felt really weird, without thinking yoona ran up to yuri and hugged her from behind. both of them where really shocked.

Yuri just stood there not moving while she could feel yoonas warm body on her back, yoona didn’t want to let go of yuri she just wanted to hug her and beg her to stay, she didn’t know what she was doing.

Suddenly the backdoor opened and as yoonas mom walked inside she  hurried back to her husband and covered his mouth, she led him so see what was going on but they stayed hidden as they watched.


“Yoona you can let go, I need to go home” Yuri said with a soft voice.
“Promise me you will walk with me to school” Yoona said and let go, she could feel that she was almost on her way to cry.

“Of course I will, pabo” Yuri ruffled yoonas hair and then just like that she was gone.


*What am I doing!! What was that!!*


Yoonas parents walked up to her, yoonas mother placed her hands on her daughter’s shoulders and led her into the kitchen. Both of them sat in front of her.


“What was all that about yoona?”



Yoona just looked down on the table, she was so confused and didn’t know what to think.

*This can’t be!! No…*

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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!