# 1

My Love Next Door

Yoona was sitting in the car with her parents, they were moving AGAIN, yoona’s parents have had a bit hard time with their work and both of her parents got new jobs in a new little town. So they accepted it, yoona said goobye to her friends and then they were off.


Of course yoona didn’t like the idea of moving around so much in the first place but she just got used to it sooner or later. The house wasn’t really that far away, well yeah maybe some hours but that was it.


”Honey i’m sure you’re sad that we’re moving but i’m sure we will get used to live at our new place” Yoona’s mother said, yeah she always said that to not ruin the mood for their daughter but of course they did, it wasn’t fun moving around and away from all stuff you started to like and all your friends too, but she was used to it.


”Yea yea, whatever you say mom” Yoona replied, like always. She tried to sound a bit happy about it.


Yoona put on her earphones and played some music, eventually yoona fell asleep and slept the rest of the trip.


After some hours she felt something rocking her shoulder back and forth, she yawened and got an ear piece out from her ear when she saw her dad was the one in front of her.


”We’re here honey” He said and smiled.


Yoona walked out from the car and looked around, she smiled for herself until she heard a loud banging noice. She looked the way the noice came from and saw a girl came out from a house on the other side of the road, yoona could see that she was crying but she just turned to her dad who probaly also saw the crying girl and she just shrugged her shoulders.


Yoona took her own moving box in to the house and went to look around for a bit, the house was empty but she would easily know here the kitchen and the bathrooms were also the living room. The house had 2 floors so yoona walked up on the stairs and looked for a room she could have.

It didn’t take long for her to find one so she took her moving box into her new room and started to unpack. She was packing up her things for a long time now and she heard footsteps coming in to her room.


”Are you soon done?”  It was her mom.
”Yes mom, why?” Yoona looked up to meet her mother’s eyes.
”It’s dinner time, we didn’t eat before we left remember?” Her mother replied and smiled.
”Oh of course” Yoona put down a photo of her and her family on her desk that her dad helped her put in her room erlier.


Yoona followed her mom downstairs to sit down at the dinner table.


”Did you have fun unpacking?” Yoonas dad asked.
”yea” Yoona simply replied.


Both of her parents smiled, they knew how hard it was for their daughter to move around like they did and that yoona always tried to hide it with a smile or so but her parents alway knew that it was hard for her.


there they sat eating in peace, it was a really long day for yoona and her BIG moving day, she ate her food and decided to just unpack the last of her things and to take a quick bath before bed.


”I’m done now” Yoona said and bowed after standing up.
”already?” her parents said at the same time.
”yepp, byee” Yoona said and put away her plate and ran upstairs.


”aigoo, our daughter is growing so big” Her mother said and smiled to her husband.



Yoona ran up to her room closed the door and continued to unpack, it wasnt so much left so she hurried and after unpacking she then took a quick bath.


She put on her clothes and dried her hair really quick then she walked into her room and got into bed. She heard the door open and yoona looked at the door and saw her mom coming in.


”I just wanted to tell you that we’re going to look for a school tomorrow so you can continue to study” She smiled.


”Okay thanks” Yo smiled back at her.
”Okay goodnight honey” Her mom replied and walked out from yoonas room


”Goodnight mom” Yoona said to herself and closed her eyes.


So this was the 1st chapter of the story, i'll try to update as fast as i can, and i really hope you all like it this far even if it's the 1st chapter lool? Please comment & subscribe, don't be a silent reader hehe. Well thanks for having some interest in the 1st chapter if you liked it and last but not least;

I LOVE YOU ALL ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥





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Chapter 29: What the hell author first you said u will not give up with this fic now you are saying you dont want to complete this fic im very sad with this ...
Chapter 29: I want the next update i m curies about it
Chapter 29: Nooooo!!!!.... pero yo te espero autor esta historia es buena... esperaré hasta que actualices solo no lo abandones :'(
Trackstar #4
Chapter 28: I'll be waiting for the update! Hurry up author haha!
Chapter 27: Awww Sica was so cute when she was worried about Yoong :3
ynyltroiper #6
Chapter 26: i want yuri's father arrrrrgghhh...
Awwwwwww..Yoonyul! such a sweet couple!