Chapter 31 - CHECKMATE





*Yunho POV*


I fell helplessly on the floor, clutching on my stomach. Appa’s attack hurt so much, even for a Vampire like me. I was glad his attack did not reach Hye Soon or else, I could not imagine what happened to her.


“Yunho!” Hye Soon cried out. She quickly ran to me and helped me to stand up.


“Yunho-ah. Gwenchana?” she said between her sobs. I looked at her and smiled faintly.


“Gwenchanayo.” I whispered. “Uljima.” I tried to chuckle despite the sharp pain on my stomach.


“What a romantic scene.” I heard Appa mocked. “But too bad, it has to end soon.” he laughed evilly.


“Shut up!” Hye Soon snapped and ran towards him with a gun on her right hand. She started to shoot him but he could dodge every single of the bullets. The last bullet managed to get his chest, sending him stumbled backward, but soon, he could recomposed his self again.


“You little..“ he said while gritting his teeth. He smirked and started to approach Hye Soon and corner her.


I was going to stop Appa when suddenly something caught my eyes. The Sword. I quickly grabbed it and turned to Appa. He was clutching on to Hye Soon’s neck, lifting her up. I felt a rush of anger washed my mind and without thinking twice I ran to him and stabbed his heart from the back. His clutch on Hye Soon loosened, causing her to fall to the ground. Appa groaned and turned to me.


“You.” He stared at me with wide eyes. He was going to say something but it was too late, because now, he had turned into a heap of ashes.


I dropped the Sword and fell on my knees. I stared blankly at the scene in front of me. I had just killed my father, my own father. I didn’t know how I should feel right now.


When suddenly, I felt a warm embrace from my back.




*Hye Soon POV*


Yunho fell helplessly on his knees. I couldn’t bear the scene in front of me. I knew it was a good thing that Yunho’s Appa died but, the fact that Yunho killed him was just… ironic.


Slowly I made my way towards Yunho and hugged him from behind. I could felt him shuddered a bit. I then moved in front of him and cupped his face in both of my hands.


“Yunho-ah.” I whispered. I slowly caressed his pale face. Cuts and bruises were all over it and I bet the same condition went for me as well because I could feel my body aching. I could taste my own blood on my lips.


The mansion itself was getting quiet, seemed that the war was reaching the end. And considering the fight earlier, I wasn’t sure how many of the Slayers who could survive the war. I even didn’t dare to think about it.


The surrounding was getting hot as the fire flaming up. I was sure this mansion wouldn’t stand for long.


“You’re injured.” Yunho’s words dragged me back to the reality. I felt his cold finger tracing the corner of my lips and brushed the blood stain away. I blinked and let my tears rolled down and then I started to sob hard. Now that Yunho’s Appa was gone, was this the time for us to finally reunite?


“Uljima.” Yunho said faintly and brushed my tears away.


“He’s gone. Everything will be okay.” He said and smiled.


I couldn’t help but smiled too. I frantically brushed my tears away and composed my self. Suddenly, I felt Yunho’s soft lips pressed against mine, tenderly yet full of passion. His lips were cold, like always, but deep down in my heart, I could feel the warmth.


I kissed him back without hesitate. The kiss was felt so right, so beautiful. After all that happened between us, the encounter, the obstacle, the separation, the meeting back, the mission, the memories, the other obstacle and now, the war. After all of those things, finally, we united. We were together, being in each other’s arm and this was the best experience in my life. I couldn’t ask for more, could I?


After what felt like forever, we pulled apart. We were both steadying our breaths. We stared at each other and bursted in to laugh.


“I love you.” Yunho said first and I could feel my smile instantly widened.


“So do I.” I finished my line and once again took his lips in mine.


So, this was really our time to reunite? But I guessed the answer was No.


I caught a shiny glimpse in front of me. My eyes practically jumped out. It was Hye Rin unnie, with The Sword on her right hand and an awfully sly smirk on her face. She held the Sword up and ran towards us, aiming it to Yunho’s back. My reflex worked as I quickly pushed Yunho aside.




*Yunho POV*


I was still overwhelmed in Hye Soon’s kiss. I closed my eyes and cupped her cheek with my right hand while my left hand embraced her tightly. But suddenly I felt her pushing me away. I was slightly startled and stumbled aside.


I turned around and caught the most horrible sight on front of my eyes. I frozed.


Hye Soon was standing in front of me, with the Sword stabbed to her chest and the woman, who tried to kill me earlier, holding the Sword.


“U-unnie..” she croaked. The woman’s eyes widened as her hands slowly fell down. I could see the shock and fright in her eyes. Not long after, tears slowly flow down from her eyes.


“Hy-Hye Soon…” she cried out. She started to tremble and shake her head.


“N-No. It’s not my fault. No. No!” she screamed and ran away, fading in to the fires.


Hye Soon fell on her knees, clutching the Sword on her chest. Her clothes was soaked by her blood.


“H-Hye Soon-ah!” I cried out and quickly held her in my arms. She was gasping for the air. Pain was all that written on her face. I didn’t know what to do, everything was happened so fast.


“Y-Yunho-ah…” she mumbled. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, trying to suppress the pain. She tightened her grip on the Sword and took it out. It worsened her wound and the blood started to flow out like a river. I frantically cupped her wound with my bare hand, trying to stop the blood. I could feel my tears flowing down endlessly, soaking both of my cheeks.


“Uljima.” Hye Soon whispered with her hoarse voice.  She ran her bloody hand on my cheek and wiped away my tears. Her lips slowly curved in to a faint smile.


I couldn’t stop her blood. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop it. What must I do now? I couldn’t let Hye Soon go like this. No, not this time. Not after all that happened to us, not after finally we reunited. No!


I then remembered a way. Yeah, there’s just only one way. The only way to save Hye Soon, changed her. Changed her into our kind, changed her into Vampires. Without thinking twice, I let out my fangs. I took Hye Soon’s chin and moved her face aside, revealing her neck. I was ready to bite her, no, I had already bite her, if only she didn’t stop me. If only she didn’t caught my fangs with her lips. I felt her fresh blood flowing out her lips, slowly entering my throat as I quickly pulled my bangs out before she lost even much blood. I didn't get the only chance to change her, to save her. No, she didn't let me.


Slowly, she pulled away and looked into my eyes.


“Hye Soon-ah. Let me-“ She shook her head, motioned me to stop my words.


“No.. I-I’m a Slayer, a p-pure blood.” She coughed. Her blood spilled out as she let out another round of cough.


“Hye Soon-ah.. Please…”


“I-I’ll a-always be a s-slayer…” she finished.


“Please…” I was begging now. I was desperate. I couldn’t lose her. No. she kept shaking her head and slowly her right hand reached my cheek.


“M-mianhe.. Yunho-ah…” her voice was barely audible.


“Saranghae.” She mumbled faintly. A tear slid down her cheek. I could feel her hand slowly left my cheek and fell down limply. Soon, her eyes slowly closed, followed by her last breath.


“No. Hye Soon-ah. Wake up! Hye Soon-ah!” I cried out. I kept shaking her, hoping at least there would be a respond from her, at least a tiny one. But to my disappointment, no, there’s none.


“Hye Soon-ah, please…” I cried and cried. I ran my hand on her now, pale cheek. I sobbed bitterly.


“AARGHH!” I screamed on top of my lungs, letting out all of my anger. My anger because I couldn’t save her, my anger because I wasn’t worthy enough to protect her. I could feel the fire around me flamed up even bigger as I screamed louder.


I held on to her lifeless body tightly. I didn’t care if I crushed some of her bones. I just wanted to embrace her, took her in my arms and never let her go.


“Hyung!” I looked up and found the rest of DBSK in front of me.


“Omo! S-Soonie-ah…” Junsu stared at Hye Soon’s lifeless body in my arms.


“Hyung! Let’s go! This place can’t stand anymore.” Yoochun yelled and started to approach me.


“Leave me alone.” I said between my sobs.




“I said LEAVE ME ALONE!!” I snapped him. I threw them my coldest stare. I didn’t mean to do that but I really need to be alone.


As they got the hint from my glare, they decided to respect my decision. They slowly back off and walked away, but Junsu stopped and then turned around. He was going to say something but Jaejoong stopped him. He held Junsu shoulder, motioned him to leave me.


Jaejoong looked into my eyes and flashed me a faint smile before he turned around and walked away with the rest, faded away from my sight.


I could see the fire everywhere. The mansion slowly cracked up and broke down, pieces by pieces, but I didn’t care. I held Hye Soon tightly, tried to give her warmness, despite the coldness of my own skin.


“Hye Soon-ah..” I looked at her serene face.


“Nado Saranghae.” That was the last words that came out from my mouth before I locked her already cold lips in mine.


Slowly, I could felt the fire burned my skin and the building broke down. I let our body vanished in the fire. I let our story finished here. I let our history closed today.


There’s no turning back, nor a second chance… Because at the time we both took one step into each other heart, then it is Checkmate.






@Dhee14, 09.01.2011

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qarisha #1
Chapter 32: what a awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like totally my favorite
I love this Story....i read it in Winglin....
It's soooooo sad :'( <br />
I almost cried when I read the ending<br />
They still can't be 2gether n had a happy ending.<br />
Hye Rin unnie is so damn two face .<br />
sequel please?
reenee09 #5
Uwaaa...what a sad ending....<br />
I really wish they could live happily together forever.<br />
But still they can't be together ever after reunited thousands of years latter...<br />
Her Unnie is so cruel and such a two faced ...<br />
<br />
Sequal please...
wow awesome story and ur English is great ^_^ omg the ending :'(<br />
it was so sad but powerful at the same time....they died together,<br />
it's so tragic :( I rly<br />
enjoyed reading this and liked how u had that twist with hyeri(I think I'm sp it wrong)! she's such a two faced brat, and now she has to live with <br />
the fact she killed her sister...I really hope you make an alternate ending or some kind of sequel! hwaiting!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this! I really loved the whole story; especially the ending!<br />
<br />
Keep up the great writing skills!<br />
<br />
P.S.<br />
Your English is good; minor grammar but I'm sure you've brushes up on them.<br />
<br />
I hope you write more stories in the future. :)
this is the best..<br />
if you can make some sequel please make it..<br />
I love this story so much..^^
nebiyatnbo #9
it was very good story but too bad they both died and sorry I couldn't give u comment on each chapter coz I got to read it all together