Chapter 14 - My Lord


My Lord


*Hye Soon POV*


I sighed and plopped down to my bed. Ha~ another exhausting day. I flipped around on my bed, tossing around and messing the bed sheet. I was confused.


‘Wait for my call.’ Yunho’s sentence kept echoing in my mind. Aish! I was regretting the deal now. I was not supposed to take it. This was nonsense. A Vampire and a Slayer cooperated together. From every perspective, it just did not make any sense. I groaned slightly. This deal was just adding my over-weight burden.


My eyes caught the photograph on the desk. Yeah, it was the so-called Lord’s photograph. I took it and stared at it hard, hoping that it would give me some hints. But all I saw was just Yunho, I mean Yunsoo. Aish. Where were the voices and the scenes again?


Suddenly, I heard a knocked on my door. I slipped the photograph quickly in to my jeans’ pocket.


“Come in.” I told the knocker. And then, the door opened slowly, revealing Hye Rin unnie behind it. She smiled at me and entered.


“Unnie.” I called her. “What’s up?”


“Well, I just wanna visit my dongsaeng and see how she is doing.” She said, still plastering that smile. She looked beautiful as always. His long and soft curly hair hanging loosely, stopped at her waist. And her fashion sense was awesome like usual. She always managed to looked simple yet stylish and of course breath-taking.


“Hey, HyeSoon-ah…” her hand-waving brought me back to earth.


“E-Eh.. Eh? What?” I stuttered. She then let out a chuckle, revealing her pearl-white teeth.


“Are you okay?” she asked.


“Y-Yeah. I’m okay. Ehehe~” I giggled sheepishly. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.


“So, how’re you doing?” she smiled again.


“Fine, of course.” I replied without looking at her, hands kept playing with my bed sheet.


“Araso, so, how about your mission?” she suddenly brought up the other topic. My head shot up.


“M-Mission?” I asked her back. Okay, I was startled by the word ‘mission’.


“Yeah, mission, your main mission.” She said,like a matter-of-fact.


“W-Well… Y-Yeah.. my mission? I-it’s o-okay! Yeah, okay!” I said, no, I stuttered. She then gave me an are-u-okay look. Oh, no, did I look so suspicious? Gosh, how must I explain this whole thing to her?


“Are you sure?” she said, still with that look.


“Yeah, of course.” I answered quickly. Suddenly, I felt vibration on my bed and then my phone rang. ‘Yuhuu~ I’m safe!’ I yelled in mind. I quickly snatched my phone, flipped it open, and then answered it.




“Wow! I don’t know that you’re so excited to answer my call.” I heard the familiar voice in my ear. Scratch that. I heard the so-annoying-and-familiar voice in my ear. Jung Yunho’s voice.


I looked at Hye Rin unnie, she was staring at me. I smiled sheepishly at her and she smiled back. Argh! I’m talking with a Pure Blood Vampire in front of my unnie. Argh! Otoke? Okay, stay cool, Hye Soon-ah, stay cool!


“Yobuseyo? Yah! Are you still alive?” I heard he spoke again. Aish, this impatient Vampire.


“Yes. I’m aliveand healthy. Why are you calling anyways?” I replied while kept peering at unnie. She seemed did not interest with my phone conversation anymore, which was good.


“Come, now.” He said again.


“Come? Where?” I asked confusedly. Seriously, he must stop using those short and confusing sentences.


“My Castle, duh.” He said. Well, I could imagine him rolling his eyes and giving me a ‘Duh’ look. Aiih!So annoying!


“Yah! Do you hear me?” he started to nag me again.


“Araso, araso! Coming!” I snapped him and shut my phone close.


“Who’s that?” unnie asked me as soon as I ended my phone call.


“M-my project’s partner.” I blurted out. Project’s partner? Oh, yeah, of course.


“Well, I must get going now, see you unnie.” I said then quickly heading out. I must go before unnie flooded me with questions.



*Yunho POV*


“Araso, araso! Coming!” Hye Soon snapped and then all I could hear was a long ‘beep’. Aish, that girl, she ended the call. I shut my phone close as well, heading to the living room. I sat at the couch and waited for her.


1 hour later which was felt like 1 century later, I heard a knocked on the door. I let out a chuckle, she was the only one who had an idea to knock on a Castle door. I snapped my fingers then the door swung open. And then I saw Hye Soon walking in, approaching me.


“What do you want?” she said, arms’ being crossed. I smirked. She rolled her eyes and looked away.


“Well, let’s start our deal.” I said. She looked at me and sighed.


“Okay.” She seemed unwilling. “So, how do we… start?” she asked me.


“We must go back to the room.”


“What room?” she asked again. Gosh, was she really that dumb?


“The secret room, duh. The one we fell in to the last time.” I gave her an are-you-that-dumb look.


“How can we go there?” she asked another question. Well, this time she asked a good question.


“Maybe we can go back to the place where we fell from which is the library, or…” I widened my smirk and looking at her teasingly.


“Or?” she raised an eyebrow.


“Or you wanna visit the place where we fell back which is MY Room.” I was trying to suppress my laugh now because of Hye Soon’sface. It was priceless. I let out a grin.


“The Library it is.” She said and quickly turned around, stomping her feet to the stair case. I put both of my hands in to my jeans pocket and walking casually, following her behind.


Not long after, we arrived at the library. Hye Soon stood there, staring blankly at the door. She must be really admired the library door then,to make her stared at it every time.


“Are you going to enter or not?” I asked her. She gulped and took a deep breath. She seemed nervous. I couldn’t help but smirkedagain. She seemed too cute and innocent for a Slayer. But after all, she was one of them. She was a Pure Blood in fact. She was my opponent. And now, she was my partner. What the-?!


“I’m ready.” She said, waking me from my day-dream. Without uttered a word, I opened the library door. Thousands of books welcomed us. We then stepped in. Like usual, the familiar feeling washed my mind. Being together with Hye Soon in this library,I felt like I’ve been doing this before.


I peered at Hye Soon. She was staring blankly at the white couch in the middle of room. She was gazing longingly at it and started to approach it. Suddenly, a scene flashed in my min, afigure of a girl, sitting and reading a book at the couch. I blinked twice and then the scenes disappeared. I looked at Hye Soon again, she was now touching the couch, running her fingers against it, feeling the soft fur of it. I approached her.


“Felt familiar, right?” I spoke up. She then spun around. Our eyes met. I could see a shock in her face. I stared at her deep brown eyes deeply. I could see a longing feeling in them. I could see warm gaze, I could see anxiety in her eyes.


“My Lord.” Those 2 words suddenly coming out from her lips, very soft, but clear enough for me. I was startled. I have a really weird feeling after hearing those words from her, but in a good way. I felt… relieved.


As if I was waiting so long to hear those words. The feeling was indescribable. It was beyond words.



*Hye Soon POV*


I stepped in the library. It was still the same, full of books. And still, I could feel the same familiar feeling. Soon, my gaze landed on the couch, awhite comfy couch in the middle. I felt my body moved by its own. I approached the couch. My fingers slowly reached it. A sudden warm feeling overwhelmed my heart. It’sfelt nice.


And then, a scene kept repeating like a slideshow in my mind. A back view of a tall figure, perfect shaped body in a tux, short black silky hair, standing strong, dashing.


“Felt familiar, right?” I spun around, startled by Yunho’s words. Our eyes met. He was staring at me deeply.


“My Lord.” Those words were just blurted out from my lips. I did not know why, I even did not know the meaning. But Yunho seemed shocked by my words.


Sudden footsteps grabbed my attention. It was approaching the library. And I could feel the aura, the aura that I hate the most. But this time, it was different. It was so strong. It was threatening. My chest tightened. The aura was scary. Yunho seemed to notice it too. Even his eyes widened.


“Appa…” he suddenly spoke up.





Guys~ *waves*

Here’s the update..

So here’s a long chapter for you… yeah, quite long right? *at least 4 me* xP

Hope u like this chapter bcoz I’m not really satisfied with it.. ==v

Anyways, enjoy~ and comment??Hehehehheheee....


Thank you so much for ur comments, guys…

Really appreciate them.. <33

Please keep supporting me.. ^^v


©Dhee14, 08.20.2011

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qarisha #1
Chapter 32: what a awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like totally my favorite
I love this Story....i read it in Winglin....
It's soooooo sad :'( <br />
I almost cried when I read the ending<br />
They still can't be 2gether n had a happy ending.<br />
Hye Rin unnie is so damn two face .<br />
sequel please?
reenee09 #5
Uwaaa...what a sad ending....<br />
I really wish they could live happily together forever.<br />
But still they can't be together ever after reunited thousands of years latter...<br />
Her Unnie is so cruel and such a two faced ...<br />
<br />
Sequal please...
wow awesome story and ur English is great ^_^ omg the ending :'(<br />
it was so sad but powerful at the same time....they died together,<br />
it's so tragic :( I rly<br />
enjoyed reading this and liked how u had that twist with hyeri(I think I'm sp it wrong)! she's such a two faced brat, and now she has to live with <br />
the fact she killed her sister...I really hope you make an alternate ending or some kind of sequel! hwaiting!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this! I really loved the whole story; especially the ending!<br />
<br />
Keep up the great writing skills!<br />
<br />
P.S.<br />
Your English is good; minor grammar but I'm sure you've brushes up on them.<br />
<br />
I hope you write more stories in the future. :)
this is the best..<br />
if you can make some sequel please make it..<br />
I love this story so much..^^
nebiyatnbo #9
it was very good story but too bad they both died and sorry I couldn't give u comment on each chapter coz I got to read it all together