Chapter 15 - Junsu's Past



Junsu’s Past


*Junsu POV*


“Minnie! Let’s play soccer!” I held on to both of Changmin’s shoulders and started to shake him back and front. But he didn’t seem to care. He seemed uninterested. Aiish! This kid! So mean! Like always…


“Changminnie!” I kept nagging him. If he did not want to play, I would make him.




“Yah! Hyung! Can you please stop nagging me? I won’t play with you. Ask another hyung!” he stated like a matter of fact. Well, it was a matter of fact anyways. But, aargh! I wanna play soccer!!


“Minnie! You’re so mean!” I said and faked a sob, hoping that he would get a little pity for me. But I was wrong.


“Hyung! Stop it. It’s disgusting.” He said nonchalantly and started to walk away.


“Aish! You little- Argh! I wanna play soccer.” Hiks. It has been a long time since I touched my soccer ball. I really miss it, seemed that I was the only Vampire who loved to play soccer, too bad. I missed playing soccer with my human friend.


Oh yeah, you did not hear me wrong. It’s Human Friend.


= Flashback =


I was born as a Vampire. I lived at a castle on the top of mountain since I born. And this fact made me so lonely. There’s no other Vampire kid in my castle, just I myself. I need a friend to play with. But I didn’t have any.


One day, it was my 10th birthday. But Vampire did not celebrate birthday. Like always I was alone. The loneliness was killing me although Vampire could not die. But yeah, I really was not feeling good at all. So, I decided to go out and had a walk at town.


I was strolling at the town. There’re a lot of humans, walking carelessly, did not aware that there’s a Vampire who was walking with them. And then, I stopped at a field. There was something looked like a cage with a net at the end of field. And then my eyes landed on something near the cage, or someone to be exact. He was sitting on the ground, both of his hand was hugging his knees. His clothes were messy and dirty. I could not see his face but I could tell that he was a boy, near my ages. I decided to approach him.


“Hey! What are you doing?” I said to him.


His head shot up, his eyes widen and he was staring at me. He was crying, I could tell from the tears stain in his face.


“I’m Junsu! What’s your name?” I introduced my self and smiled.


“J-Junho.” He was stuttering. Was he scared? I think no, I was not scary, was I? No,of course not. I’m handsome.


“Hoho, let’s play together!” I said eagerly. What? I was so excited, this was the 1st time I talked to someone near my ages. I wanted to play with him.


“Hoho?” he looked confused. “My name is Junho, Kim Junho.” He said. Well, he didn’t look scared anymore.


“It was your nickname. Do you like it?” I smiled to him.


“Nickname? Oh, well… I guess.” He said. And yeah, he still confused. Was the nickname sounded weird? No, it was cool!


“Hoho! Let’s play!” I asked him again.


“You want to play with me?” he asked me. He was staring at me as if I have mental disorder. Was playing together sounded that bad? Aniya! It’s awesome.


“Yup! Why not? Let’s play!” Okay, I thought I was going to lose my patient soon.


“But, no one wants to play with me. They said that I was disgusting. I’m a poor kid. I’m a hobo.” He said. I softened. He looked so vulnerable, so lonely. That reminded me of… Myself.


“Ignore those stupid kids. I’m different. Let’s play together!” I said to him. Of course I was different. I was a Vampire. I smiled again and extended my hand to him. He took it then I pulled him up to stand. I shook his hand.


“So, friend?” I asked him. Still, smiling.


“Friend.” He nodded eagerly and smiled shyly. His smile looked cute.


“Let’s play! Let’s play!” I started to nag him.


“Araso. What do you want to play?” he asked me. I was dumbfounded. I never played with a human kid before. Looking at my blank expression, Junho suggested a game.


“Let’s play soccer.” He said. He then ran to the ‘cage’ and took out something round with some white and black spots on it. He handed it to me.


“Let’s play with this ball.” He suggested.


“Well, what should we do with this… err… ball?” I giggled sheepishly. I have no idea about ‘soccer’.


“You don’t know how to play soccer?” he asked me in disbelief. ‘Well, I was a Vampire. What’re you supposed me to know?’ I want to tell him, but no, I wouldn’t scare away my 1st friend. So, I just shook my head. He frowned.


“Well, let me show you.” He said then put the ball on the ground and then he kicked it. The ball flew in to the ‘cage’. So, that was how we play soccer? I got it now.


And then we started to play together. I came to the field everyday. We became a very close friend. Until one day, when I was going to play with Junho, I heard my Appa called me.


“Appa, are you calling me?” I asked him. He looked upset.


“Where’re you going?” he asked me. I could tell he was trying to suppress his anger.


“I’m heading to town.” I told him. He let out a cold chuckle.


“Yeah, heading to town and playing with a human kid. What do you think you’re doing?!” he snapped. I was startled.


“I don’t want to hear you playing with human anymore. You must know our position. We are Vampires. We don’t play with human. We prey them. Araso?!” he yelled at me.


“But, Ap-“ he cut my words with his glare.


“Mian.” I couldn’t do anything. I just bent my head down. My dad was scary.


“I know you need a friend, but not a human friend.” He softened.


“So, I bring you a friend, a suitable one.” He said then cleared his throat. My head shot up. He must be kidding, right?


“Bring him here.” He asked the maid. The maid bowed down and walked away, to bring ‘my friend’, I guess.


Not long after, my maid came again, but she was not alone. I saw a kid tailing her behind. He was a boy, he seemed around my age, he was taller than me but I’m sure he was around my age. He was quite handsome, but I think I was more handsome, he was just good-looking. Yeah, good-looking. I approached him.


“Annyong.” I waved at him, a big smile plastered in my face. He kept staring at me and putting that emotionless mask on his face.


“I’m Junsu. What’s your name?” I extended my hand to him for a shake, but he didn’t move. He just kept staring at me.


“He is Changmin.” I heard my appa said behind me. So, his name was Changmin? Araso!


“Minnie! Let’s play soccer!” Without waiting for his answer, I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the field behind my castle. I had a feeling that today would be a great day. Gyahahaha~


*End of Flashback*





Here’s Junsu’s Past… Gyahaha~

hope u guys like it, and sorry for the childish story.. hehehe

The next will be Changmin’s past and followed by Yoochun’s…

I’ll update the main story after that..


Please keep supporting me… ^^

I’ll update again soon…  =]



thx guys for the comments… <333 u all.. ^^


©Dhee14, 08.21.2011







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qarisha #1
Chapter 32: what a awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like totally my favorite
I love this Story....i read it in Winglin....
It's soooooo sad :'( <br />
I almost cried when I read the ending<br />
They still can't be 2gether n had a happy ending.<br />
Hye Rin unnie is so damn two face .<br />
sequel please?
reenee09 #5
Uwaaa...what a sad ending....<br />
I really wish they could live happily together forever.<br />
But still they can't be together ever after reunited thousands of years latter...<br />
Her Unnie is so cruel and such a two faced ...<br />
<br />
Sequal please...
wow awesome story and ur English is great ^_^ omg the ending :'(<br />
it was so sad but powerful at the same time....they died together,<br />
it's so tragic :( I rly<br />
enjoyed reading this and liked how u had that twist with hyeri(I think I'm sp it wrong)! she's such a two faced brat, and now she has to live with <br />
the fact she killed her sister...I really hope you make an alternate ending or some kind of sequel! hwaiting!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this! I really loved the whole story; especially the ending!<br />
<br />
Keep up the great writing skills!<br />
<br />
P.S.<br />
Your English is good; minor grammar but I'm sure you've brushes up on them.<br />
<br />
I hope you write more stories in the future. :)
this is the best..<br />
if you can make some sequel please make it..<br />
I love this story so much..^^
nebiyatnbo #9
it was very good story but too bad they both died and sorry I couldn't give u comment on each chapter coz I got to read it all together