Chapter 3 - First Day


First Day


*Hye Soon POV*


I strolled down the university hallway. Seoul Art University. Wow! This university was indeed big, well, made it huge. I could feel everyone eyes were on me. Ha! Of course they were. When you saw a new girl, wearing a short skirt, revealing her long perfect leg, and a loose blouse revealing her fair and soft shoulder, which guy wouldn’t drool over her?


I then made my way to the principal’s room. I knocked and entered after I heard someone called me in.


“Annyonghaseyo.” I greeted a middle-age man behind the desk, the principal I guess. Well, he had that kind of charisma, principal charisma.


“So, you’re the new student. Kim Hye Soon, right?” he asked with a gentle smile.


“Yes. Kim Hye Soon imnida. Nice to meet you.”


“I’m Park Kyung Min. Nice to meet you too. I’m the principal here.” He said. Yay! I guessed right.


“Well, I have seen your academy background, quite impressing. So, I’ve settled down your schedule, you’ll be in the ‘A’ class. According to your academy background, I think it’s not a problem to you to catch up with the lesson. Any questions?” he asked while handing me a folder.


I received it then browsed through it, a map, my schedule, and some other papers.


“No. Kamsahamnida.” I bowed then made my way out. I closed the door behind then scanned the map, searching for my class. ‘A’ class, here we go.


… … …


Well, I’ve been strolling over this huge place for 30 minutes. ‘A’ class, where the heck was you? Darn it, why must that Vampire studied at this huge university? Aargh!!! I was desperate now. My feet felt numb, and I was starving. Hiks.


And then I passed this room, I could feel the aroma of bunches of foods dancing through my nostrils. Fried chickens, roasted chickens, french fries, hotdogs, burgers, asian foods, kimchi! Gosh, I felt like passing a heaven.


I abruptly stopped and peeped through the window. This room looked like a canteen, but a huge one, with tons of foods. I peeked at my watch, 11.45 AM, then at my schedule, 15 minutes to lunch.


So, I decided to go into the canteen and grabbed some foods. I couldn’t find my class anyways, so having a 15 minutes earlier lunch won’t hurt, right?


At the time I stepped in the canteen, I could feel my stomach shouting and begging for feed. So, I dashed to the counter, bought some sandwiches, French fries, and a glass of mango smoothie. I picked my tray up then scanned a whole canteen to find a seat, until I met eyes with this guy.


He winked at me and smiled.OMO! His smile, it make my leg felt like jelly. I smiled back. He was indeed gorgeous, with a tall figure and a short dark brown hair. He looked like what is it? Oh, a professional model. Wow! I started to love this school.


He then waved at me, signaling me to sit with him. Without much hesitation, I approached him, until I felt that aura, the aura that I hate the most. Vampire aura.


My smile fell. So, he was a Vampire. God, why must you turn that cute handsome guy in to a Vampire? Sigh. World was way not fair.


However, I still approachedhim though.


“Hi… New here? I never seen you before?” he asked, still smiling. Gosh, he was too handsome to be a Vampire. I took a seat in front of him.


“Yeah, actually this is my first day.” I said, with a smile too, and then started to digging through my foods.


“So, what’re you doing here? It’s not lunch time yet.” He asked again, while biting his dumpling. Wow! I never know that Vampire actually eat human’s food.


“Well, apparently, I’m kind of lost. I can’t find my class, so I end up here, feeding my begging stomach.” I said.


“What class are you in?”


“ ’A’ class”


“ ’A’ class? That’s my class.”


“Your class?” My head shot up, wow, this was my first day and I get lost for 30 minutes, then I met a hot Vampire, and now he was my classmate. What a wonderful day. Wait, was he that Jung Yunho guy? Please, make him not. He was too handsome to be killed.

“Yeah, my class, wow, you must have a good academy background to attend ‘A’ class. Oh, by the way, I’m Changmin, Shim Chang Min, and you’re…”


“Hye Soon, Kim Hye Soon. Pan gap sumnida.” Yay! He was not Jung Yunho. Thank’s God. I must not have to kill this handsome guy, err… I mean handsome Vampire.


“Ah… Hye Soonnie, nice name. Pan gap sumnida.” He smiled again, gyaaaa~, he was so sweet. I knew, I shouldn’t feel this way to a Vampire, but his smile was just… Gah! Irresistible.


“So, what’re you doing here? It’s not a lunch time yet.” I copied his line. 


“AAAAHHH!!! LUNCH TIME!” He suddenly yelled.


What the-?! It almost made me spurted out my mango smoothie. And then, I heard something approaching the canteen, something like foot steps, so many of foot steps, running through the hallway, then I heard some squeals, they came nearer and nearer. Until, the front door busted open, revealing thousands of girls, jostling and struggling to enter the canteen while squealing “Changmin Oppa~”.


I didn’t have time to think about what happen there because Changmin has dragging me out from the canteen through the back door. We run and run like there was no tomorrow, in fact we were being chased by bunches of girls. Well, made thatbunches of monsters.


We then, run to the corner, and entered a room. At the time Changmin locked the door, I could heard some girl bumped in to the door. Ouch, that must be hurt, and some still squealing out there.


After 5 good minutes, the crowds disappeared. That was close. I was still gasping for the oxygen until I realized some presences behind me. I turned around, just to meet 5 pairs of eyes on me, include Changmin.


“W-Who are you?” I managed to say. Oh my god, I felt like joining a marathon race.


“I’m Junsu! I’m Junsu! Kim Junsu!” One of them squealed like a kindergarten introducing his self. He was so cute, well too cute for a university student, in fact. He looked so excited. He quickly approached me, took my hand and shook it enthusiastically.


And then, I realized. No way! A Vampire.


Suddenly, I felt a presence close behind me, then I spun around to meet eyes with another guy, he was smiling. He then took my left hand and kissed it affectionally, was he flirting?


“And I’m Yoochun. Who is this beautiful lady?” he asked. And again, Vampire.


Oh God, I stuck in a room with 3 Vampires, 1 of them holding my hands and 1 of them even kissed it. And they all looked so HOT! Oh God, could you please make them human? Please… I’m begging You…


Back to reality, I tried to free my hands, keeping distance with them. And then I met eyes with two other guys sitting at the couch. OMO! 2 more Vampires.


They kept staring at me, well, this one was glaring at me. He was so beautiful, too beautiful for a guy. Somehow, I found his glare was so eerie, horrifying, scary, you listed it. It didn’t feel good at all.


“Who is this girl, Changmin?” I heard a manly voice.I could feel Charisma in his voice. I turned to the voice owner, to meet eyes with the hottest guy I ever met before.


His face was perfect, his not-to-short spike brown hair made him looked y, I could tell that he was tall and his pale skin wrapped perfectly at his well-built arms which were shown through his black wife-beater. But the most affectional part was his eyes, his stare.Somehow it felt familiar. It felt… warm. 



*Yunho POV*


“Who is this girl, Changmin?” I asked Changmin. How dare he bring some random girl to our room.


And then I met eyes with this girl, I’ve just realized that she was actually beautiful, well, I must said absolutely beautiful. Her face was beautiful, her body was beautiful, her skin was beautiful, her legs were beautiful, and the most beautiful part was her eyes. Her stare felt so familiar, as if I was longing to see them so badly. It was like me to another world.


“She is Hye Soon, Kim Hye Soon. She is a new kid.” Changmin words pulled me back to reality. New kid?


“Yeah. Kim Hye Soon imnida. Pan gap sumnida.” She said calmly. Wow! She was the first girl who could stay calm around us. Another girl might have been fainted if she faced the 5 hottest guys at this university at the same time, the same room. Hmm, she was different, I could tell.


“Ah~ Hye Soonnie, what a nice name. I’m Junsu, I’m Junsu. Kim Junsu. Pan gap sumnida.” Junsu cheered, sticking around her.


She was just chuckling there seeing Junsu’s hyper activeness. Her smile, it made my cold heart felt slightly… warm. Why did it feel so familiar?


“Why do you bring her here, Changmin?” Jaejoong finally spoke up. I thought he was going to stay silent all the time. 


“Oh, that. Well, we were having lunch at canteen, then that bunch of fan-girl attacked canteen so I dragged Hye Soon along with me while I ran away. It’s impossible to leave her here, they will crash her in to pulp.” Changmin explained.


Well, he had a point there, she would definitely turn in to pulp if she stayed there.


“Aish… just make sure you don’t bring another girl to this room, I don’t need a fan-meeting.” Jaejoong said then left the room. And then, the bell rang. Time for another stupid class.


“Araso, Jaejoong hyung.” Changmin said.


“We must get going, the class will start soon.” I said, grabbed my black blazer and put it on, hands in my trousers’ pocket, then made my way to the class.


“Anyways, I’m Yunho, Jung Yunho.” I said and smirked to the girl before stepped out from that room.





*Hye Soon POV*


“Anyways, I’m Yunho, Jung Yunho.” The hot guy said and smirked before stepped out from that room.


His smirk, it felt so familiar, it was like I ever saw it before.


And then, I realized something, Jung Yunho, wasn’t it the name of that Pure Blood Vampire?




So, he was him, Jung Yunho!


No Way!



3rd chapter.. ^^



© Dhee14, 08.16.2011

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qarisha #1
Chapter 32: what a awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like totally my favorite
I love this Story....i read it in Winglin....
It's soooooo sad :'( <br />
I almost cried when I read the ending<br />
They still can't be 2gether n had a happy ending.<br />
Hye Rin unnie is so damn two face .<br />
sequel please?
reenee09 #5
Uwaaa...what a sad ending....<br />
I really wish they could live happily together forever.<br />
But still they can't be together ever after reunited thousands of years latter...<br />
Her Unnie is so cruel and such a two faced ...<br />
<br />
Sequal please...
wow awesome story and ur English is great ^_^ omg the ending :'(<br />
it was so sad but powerful at the same time....they died together,<br />
it's so tragic :( I rly<br />
enjoyed reading this and liked how u had that twist with hyeri(I think I'm sp it wrong)! she's such a two faced brat, and now she has to live with <br />
the fact she killed her sister...I really hope you make an alternate ending or some kind of sequel! hwaiting!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this! I really loved the whole story; especially the ending!<br />
<br />
Keep up the great writing skills!<br />
<br />
P.S.<br />
Your English is good; minor grammar but I'm sure you've brushes up on them.<br />
<br />
I hope you write more stories in the future. :)
this is the best..<br />
if you can make some sequel please make it..<br />
I love this story so much..^^
nebiyatnbo #9
it was very good story but too bad they both died and sorry I couldn't give u comment on each chapter coz I got to read it all together