Chapter 30 - Ended





*Hye Soon POV*


I could hear some faint shouts in my ear. Slowly, I drifted back to my consciousness. I opened my eyes and found my self lying on my bedroom’s floor, my hand was still clutching on the Sword. I must be fell asleep earlier. I sat up and soon, a slight migraine hit my head. I groaned lightly while massaging my head.


“Aaaargh~” a sudden yell alarmed me. And soon, I could hear another yells. I quickly stood up and ran out from my bedroom. There must be something wrong happened down stair.


As soon as I stepped out from my room, all I could see was a chaos. My mansion had been transformed in to a war field, everything inside the mansion were broken, fire started to flame in the corner. People were fighting everywhere, I mean, Slayers and Vampires were fighting everywhere. I could see some of the Slayers lying on the ground, defeated.


My blood instantly boiled up. I tightened my grip on the Sword and headed down stair. I kicked one of the Vampires in front of me, sending him to the ground, but soon he stood up and approached me. Vampire was darn quick, within some second he was already behind me, ready to pin my hands behind my back and stabbed his fangs on to my neck. But too bad, I had been getting used to this trick. Almost as quickly as him, I spun around and stabbed the Sword on to his chest without any hesitant. He instantly turned into ashes, did not has any time to even let out a groan whatsoever.


I approached some others Vampires in my way and did the same thing I did earlier to his friend. I picked up a gun on the floor and started to fire it, hitting some Vampires on my left side. I turned around and continued to slay the other Vampires. Jeez, they brought a darn big number of forces. I had been spent my 15 minutes in stabbing, shooting and kicking but seemed that their numbers did not decrease at all.


Suddenly I caught something on my right side. It was Hye Rin unnie. I saw a Vampire on top of her, his sharp and shining fangs were ready to pierce unnie’s neck. I quickly made my way to them. I kicked the Vampire off of unnie. He quickly turned around and glared at me. Within a second he was already on top of me, pinning me against the floor. I saw him smirked.


“You wanna replace her instead? I’ll more than glad to do so.” He revealed his fangs and approached my neck. I could feel his saliva dripping on to my skin. Euh, disgusting.


I lifted my leg and kicked him hard on the stomach, threw him away from me. I quickly stood up and faced him.


“Don’t tell me those disgusting words.” I glared at him. I saw his smirk widened.


“I like feisty slayer.” he said then tried to approach me again. I let him to approach me, and when he was near enough, I quickly ran behind him and kicked his back, sending him on to the floor. I heard him groaned. Without wasting my chance, I stepped on his back and stabbed the Sword on to his heart from behind, and once again, he turned into ashes.


I stood up and tried to steady my breath. And then I remembered Hye Rin unnie. I spun around and find her on the ground, still gasping for air. I quickly made my way to her.


“Unnie.” I called her and helped her stood up. But as soon as she stood up she brushed away my hands and glared at me coldly.


“It’s all because of you!” she scolded me angrily. My eyes widened.




“I’ve told you to hand the sword to me. I should have killed Yunho before he attacked us like now.” She yelled at me furiously. What did she say? Yunho attacked us? No, it’s impossible.


“No, Yunho won’t do this. It’s impossible.” I yelled back. She let out a cold chuckle.


“You still side him, even after what he did on us, on our friends?!” she threw me a disgust look.


“I said it isn’t Yunho!” I insisted.


“Whatever. I’ll find him and I’ll kill him with my own hands.” She scoffed and walked away.


“Unnie-“ I was going to chase her before I sensed that familiar aura. The most threatening aura that I ever felt. This aura remind me of… Eun Rae.


I spun around and found a tall handsome man standing not too far from me among the chaos. A sly smirk was hanging on his face. Somehow, his features reminded me of Yunho but his stare and smirk really resembled Eun Rae’s.


In a split of second, I could felt his presence behind me. I quickly spun around and held up my sword. I saw his smirk widened.


“Did I startle you, Pure Blood?” his voice was sending chills through my spines.




“Jung Yun Woo. Nice to meet you.” He said and threw me another sly grin.


“Hmm, seems that my father and my son’s taste isn’t that bad.” He eyed me up and down. “But too bad, u’re a human.” He shook his head.


And then, my mind clicked. Jung Yun Woo, Yun Soo’s son, Yunho’s Appa. My eyes widened. So, this was him. No wonder how he managed to be looked so intimidating and menacing at the same time, he inherited Eun Rae’s aura.


“So, you’re the one who attacked us?” I threw my coldest stare at him. I didn’t care whether he was Yun Soo’s son or Yunho’s father. I just knew that he was my enemy.


“Well, actually this is supposed to be Yunho’s task. But he was too weak to even kill a little girl like you.” He rolled his eyes. “So, now, I’ll do it instead.” He set his eyes on me back.


I was slightly alarmed. I got a tough opponent this time. I could feel my heart thumping hard and the cold sweat slowly formed on my forehead. I closed my eyes and brushed my nervousness off. I took a deep breath and faced him.


“Try me.” I challenged him. He raised an eyebrow and chuckled.


“It’s my pleasure.” He smirked. And then, all I knew was I fought with all of my efforts.





*Yunho POV*


I ran and ran for the sake of my life. Although I could run thousands times faster than human but still, it wasn’t enough. I didn’t know why but this reminded me of the time I chase Hye Yeon back then. And I swore, I had a bad feeling about this.


“Hyung!” I heard the rest called behind me.


“Yunho-ah!” I heard Jaejoong called beside me. “They’re in Hye Soon’s mansion.”


“I know.” I said while gritting my teeth. I quickened my pace and headed to Hye Soon’s mansion.


Not long after, I could see the mansion. It was a total chaos. Injured slayers were lying everywhere, it’s not a little of them who had died. I frantically scanned around, hoping to find a glimpse of Hye Soon, in the best shape.


I ran into the mansion. The scenery inside was even worse. Slayers and Vampires were fighting like there was no tomorrow. And soon, some Slayers approached me, guns and swords were on their hands. I sighed. I did not have anytime to deal with those slayers. I had a more important thing to do, finding Hye Soon.


Didn’t see any respond from me, the Slayer quickened their pace, approaching me. I had no choice but fought them, I guessed. I was ready to attack them before suddenly they were sent to the floor by the rest. I saw Junsu grinned at me. I rolled my eyes, this wasn’t the time to grin like that, was it?


“You have something more important, hyung. We’ll take the business here.” Yoochun said while pinning one of the Slayer on the floor.”


“Araso.” I said and started to head to the crowd.


I kept running while looking around but I could not find Hye Soon. This place was a total chaos. I could see the fire was getting big and I was sure this mansion wouldn’t stand for long. I must find Hye Soon as fast as possible.


“Jung Yunho.” I heard someone called me. I spun around and find a young woman in front of me, holding a gun. She smirked and pointed her gun on me. Was she one of the Slayers? Seeing from her attitude, the answer was yes, I guessed. I decided to ignore her. I didn’t have a spare time.


“Stop!” I heard the woman yelled and soon I could feel a bullet slide over my upper arm.


“Aish.” I hissed and turned around, finding her smirking.


“You won’t go anywhere, Jung Yunho. I, Kim Hye Rin, will kill you with my own hands.” She said with so much confident in her voice, still pointing her gun to me. I rolled my eyes and let out a chuckle. She wanted to kill a Vampire with her gun? Who did she think she was? The Founder?


“What’s funny?” she snapped me. I just shook my head in return.


“I don’t have any time to play with you.” If only Hye Soon was not in danger, I’d be more than glad to shut . I turned around and started to walk away. Soon, I could feel another bullet piercing my skin, this time on my right tight. I sighed and turned around once again.


“You ask for it.” I glared at her. I could see fears in her eyes. Pssh~ this big mouthed slayer wanted to kill me. Tsk Tsk Tsk…


Within a split of second, I was already behind her. She wasn’t aware at all. I took both of her hands in my grasp and held it up. I slammed her hands on the wall and grabbed the nearest thing I could reach, which was a chandelier. I stuck the chandelier on the wall, pinning her hands between it, making her trapped in the wall with her face clinging on it. I left her there and continued to search for Hye Soon.


I had been wandering over this mansion and still, there’s no glimpse of Hye Soon. Was she still in this mansion? I passed the stair and then something caught my attention. Appa’s aura, I could feel it. It was from the up stair. I decided to follow the stair case.


And yes, there he was. He was facing the wall with both of his hands on it. I slowly approached him and then I saw a figure was being pinned by him. I took a better look of the figure and my eyes widened.


“Hye Soon-ah!” I yelled and pulled Appa away from her. Hye Soon fell helplessly on the floor, gasping for air. I stood in front of her protectively, facing Appa.


“Aww~ You spoil the moment, kid.” Appa said with his usual smirk.


“Stay away!” I snapped. Slowly, I saw Appa’s smirk vanished, replaced by an angry look.


“Don’t try to mess with me, Son.” He emphasized the word ‘Son’ while glaring at me. His glare was as menacing as always, maybe more.


“Don’t try to mess with me either.” I glared back.


“You ask for it.” he said and then all I knew was I had been already pinned to the wall. Appa was clutching on my neck, tightly.


“Aargh!” I groaned and kicked his chest.


His clutch loosened and I quickly freed my self. I even didn’t have time to recompose my self before I felt a kick on my stomach that sent me to the floor. I tried to stand up but Appa was faster than me. He gripped on to my neck once again and threw me to the wall.


“What a weak Pure Blood.” He chuckled coldly and approached me. I leaned against the wall and stood up. I glared on to him. Within a second he had managed to grip my neck again, made me chocked.  


“You’re such a shame.” He smirked and held his hand up, revealing his piercing nails. He was ready to slice me before a bullet went through his wrist. I looked behind Appa and found Hye Soon there, with a gun in her hand. Appa loosened his grip and groaned. I took the chance to run away.   


“Aish, stupid slayer.” he hissed and started to head towards Hye Soon. My eyes widened. I stood in front of her as my reflex worked. And then I felt a sharp pain on my stomach. I saw Appa’s eyes widened. He quickly pulled his hand out from my stomach, letting me fell on my knees.


“Yunho-ah.” I heard Hye Soon cried out. She knelt in front of me, started to examine my wound. I looked up and saw Appa aiming his nails to her. I quickly pushed Hye Soon away and accepted Appa’s attack instead.




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qarisha #1
Chapter 32: what a awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like totally my favorite
I love this Story....i read it in Winglin....
It's soooooo sad :'( <br />
I almost cried when I read the ending<br />
They still can't be 2gether n had a happy ending.<br />
Hye Rin unnie is so damn two face .<br />
sequel please?
reenee09 #5
Uwaaa...what a sad ending....<br />
I really wish they could live happily together forever.<br />
But still they can't be together ever after reunited thousands of years latter...<br />
Her Unnie is so cruel and such a two faced ...<br />
<br />
Sequal please...
wow awesome story and ur English is great ^_^ omg the ending :'(<br />
it was so sad but powerful at the same time....they died together,<br />
it's so tragic :( I rly<br />
enjoyed reading this and liked how u had that twist with hyeri(I think I'm sp it wrong)! she's such a two faced brat, and now she has to live with <br />
the fact she killed her sister...I really hope you make an alternate ending or some kind of sequel! hwaiting!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this! I really loved the whole story; especially the ending!<br />
<br />
Keep up the great writing skills!<br />
<br />
P.S.<br />
Your English is good; minor grammar but I'm sure you've brushes up on them.<br />
<br />
I hope you write more stories in the future. :)
this is the best..<br />
if you can make some sequel please make it..<br />
I love this story so much..^^
nebiyatnbo #9
it was very good story but too bad they both died and sorry I couldn't give u comment on each chapter coz I got to read it all together