Chapter 22 - REWIND :: The Encounter::


Rewind :: The Encounter ::


*Third Person POV*


The sky was dim. The clouds were all pitch black. Millions raindrops kept pouring down, washing every single thing on earth, wetting every single living soul, especially the one without home, without shelter, nor warm hug.  


Sudden lightning kept flashing, reminded people of awareness in life. The weather was cold, no, it was chilly. The road was empty, without a single pedestrian passed by. It seemed peaceful in a glance, but in fact, it was more like dead.    


Sound of horse’s step could be heard, followed by the sound of cart’s wheels. A girl who looked like in her early of 20 was sitting silently in the cart. The cold breeze blew through the window, sending shiver down her slim, fragile image. She slightly shuddered, rubbing her arm, trying to sweep away the coldness. 


Beside her was a fat middle-age man. A piece of cigarette rested between his lips, with a sly smirk plastered there.


“I’ve known that you are pricey once I lay my eyes on you.” The man started a conversation. His smirk widened. The girl seemed uninterested. But deep in her head, she was shouting, shouting for her dear life. She could do nothing except gritting her teeth.


“But I never knew that you actually cost this high. Hahaha~” His evil laugh was echoing, insisting the girl to grit her teeth even more. She never expected those words came out from the mouth of a man who ever be her mother’s husband once.


“Yah! Look at me! I’m talking withyou!” he snapped and grabbed the girl’s chin, making her faced him.


“Don’t touch me.” A faint but firm sentence came out from , followed by a cold glare.


“Aish, ungrateful kid.”  The man hissed and threw the girl’s face away, rough.


“Let your new master teach you a manner. Hahaha~” His evil laugh could be heard again. The girl kept her face expressionless. But deep in her heart, she was begging, begging for someone to take her away, to save her.




Not long after, the cart stopped in front of a castle. The rain was still pouring hard. The fat man got off first, holding a black umbrella. The girl followed closely behind with a small suitcase in her hand. They approached the main door. The man rang the bell and then faced the girl.


“Wait here. I’ll go now. Don’t you dare to run away, because I’ll found you anyways.” He smirked again before started to headbackto the cart and took off. The girl stayed there, obediently.


She couldn’t help but staring at the castle in awe. It was huge, stood strongly at the top of a hill. It looked awfully stunning. The architecture was surely made by the best. The detailed craving told it all. Even the door looked beautiful. It was engraved with the picture of 2 gorgeous looking angels, who was bowing to each other.


The sound of door-cracking woke her up from her daze. The door opened slowly, wider and wider. Revealing a dark room, but she found nobody there. ‘How did it open itself?’ she asked in her mind. She was hesitated to take a step, but the cold weather outside gave her two choices. Step in or freeze to die.


With so much doubt, she stepped in. The sudden sound of door-closing made her jumped a bit. And then, the candles in the room started to light up itself, making the girl scare even more. But her scare was slowly washed away as she admiring the gorgeous room.  


It was the most gorgeous room she ever seen before, so much more beautiful than the outside. The architecture, the cravings, the furniture, every single thing there,was beautiful, but in the gap of the gorgeousness, slipped a lonely feeling. It was empty, cold, and dead.


The girl wake up from her daze, started to look around, searching for the other human living here. She gulped once and took a deep breath. She tightened her grip on her suitcase and started to roam around. Her eyes caught something, a staircase. She hesitant at first, but then decided to follow the stairs.


Her heartbeat fastened by each step she took. Within 5 minutes, she landed her feet on the 2nd floor, which was as gorgeous as the 1st floor. She looked around, and her gaze landed on a door at the corner. She didn’t know what happened but now, she had stood in front of the door. Somehow, she felt an urge to step in, as if something inside it was asking for her to come in.


Slowly, her slender, fragile hand reached the knob, twisting it. The door cracked open. She was contemplating; a part of her mind told her to close the door but the other part asked her to open it wider. Nonetheless, she stepped in. 


She was welcomed by a dim room. The candles’ light managed to show her that it was a giant library. Everyone who stepped in would be stunned by the enormous numbers of the books and the beauty of the architecture. But in her case, she was stunned by the back view of a man figure in front of her, with aperfect shaped body in a tux, short black silky hair, standing strong, dashing. He was facing the window. His hands were in his trousers’ pockets.


“I’ve waited for you.” The man spoke up. His melodious voice managed to catch her breath.


Gracefully, the man spun around. The lightning flashed behind him, revealing his heavenly handsome face. His pale skin wrapped perfectly on it, shining at the dark and glistening due to the light. He was magnificent. His eyes were the most affectionalpart. His stare was intimidating, in the same time breath-taking. A smirk plastered on his face. And the girl found her heart skipped a beat.


“Welcome, my lady.”



Annyeong~~here’s an update..  ^^

For this chapter and the next one *or maybe the next next one.. xP*, it’ll be telling about The Lord and The Founder’s past.. I hope I didn’t confused you.. hehe..

Don’t hesitant to ask me if you feel confused.. ^^’

I may update again later.. *maybe* xP


Leave me comments, guys.. ^^

And if there’s a silent reader out there.. write me a word..

Don’t worry, I won’t bite.. LOL


A BIG THANKS for your supports and a BEAR HUG for you guys.. <33

But, where’s my other readers?? Am I losing them?? ==’


©Dhee14, 08.23.2011




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qarisha #1
Chapter 32: what a awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like totally my favorite
I love this Story....i read it in Winglin....
It's soooooo sad :'( <br />
I almost cried when I read the ending<br />
They still can't be 2gether n had a happy ending.<br />
Hye Rin unnie is so damn two face .<br />
sequel please?
reenee09 #5
Uwaaa...what a sad ending....<br />
I really wish they could live happily together forever.<br />
But still they can't be together ever after reunited thousands of years latter...<br />
Her Unnie is so cruel and such a two faced ...<br />
<br />
Sequal please...
wow awesome story and ur English is great ^_^ omg the ending :'(<br />
it was so sad but powerful at the same time....they died together,<br />
it's so tragic :( I rly<br />
enjoyed reading this and liked how u had that twist with hyeri(I think I'm sp it wrong)! she's such a two faced brat, and now she has to live with <br />
the fact she killed her sister...I really hope you make an alternate ending or some kind of sequel! hwaiting!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this! I really loved the whole story; especially the ending!<br />
<br />
Keep up the great writing skills!<br />
<br />
P.S.<br />
Your English is good; minor grammar but I'm sure you've brushes up on them.<br />
<br />
I hope you write more stories in the future. :)
this is the best..<br />
if you can make some sequel please make it..<br />
I love this story so much..^^
nebiyatnbo #9
it was very good story but too bad they both died and sorry I couldn't give u comment on each chapter coz I got to read it all together