Chapter 25 - REWIND :: Checkmate ::



Rewind :: Checkmate ::


*Third Person POV*


Hye Yeon kept running and running. Her feet were sore, but she kept running. Her tears kept flowing. Her eyes had been red and stinging, but her tears kept flowing. It felt like she had been running for days but yet, she could not get away from the castle. She stopped at the park. She was tired, she was worn out. She felt her legs went limp, she fell on her knees, and both of her hands cupped her face. She was sobbing hard.


In one swift movement, Yun Soo wrapped his arms on Hye Yeon’s shaking body. It did not take long time for a Vampire like him to find a weak human girl. But then, he felt Hye Yeon pushed him away and not long after a hard slap landed on his left cheek. Actually, the slap was not hurt at all, but what hurt the most was the sight in front of him.


A weak, vulnerable side of the woman that he loved. The tears of the woman that owned his heart. The hurt that he had caused for his most precious thing on earth. They torn his heart apart. And yet, he could do nothing but stare at her sadly. This was the first time he felt so useless in his thousands years of life.


“Don’t touch me.” Hye Yeon said between her sobs. And yes, it scratched Yun Soo’s heart deeply.


“Listen to-“


“Stop!” Hye Yeon cupped both of her ears, did not want to hear further. Slowly, Yun Soo held both of her hands, moving them away.


“I said Don’t Touch Me!” Hye Yeon snatched her hands back and looked away.


“Please, Hye Yeon-ah. Listen to me.” There was so much hurt in Yun Soo’s voice. And that made Hye Yeon’s heart ached even more. There was silence.


“Mianhe.” Yun Soo began. “I never told you about her.”


“You never told me anything about you.” Hye Yeon said coldly. Yun Soo couldn’t help but sighed.


“She is… my wife.”


“I knew that.” Hye Yeon cut him. She couldn’t bear the fact that the man she loved was not hers but the other woman’s.


“And she is… the mother of my son.” Hye Yeon did not know what Yun Soo’s purpose of telling her this was. Was he meant to hurting her more?


“But… she is not my love.” Yun Soo finished his sentence and looked at Hye Yeon. She still was looking away. He slowly cupped her face in his cold hands, brought in facing him.


“My love is you.” Hye Yeon could see the seriousness in Yun Soo’s eyes.


“You’re the first one that I love with this heart.” He stopped a while then continued. “And this heart just loves once.” A tender smile formed in Yun Soo’s face.


“I need you to trust me.” Yun Soo continued. He stood up and held out his hand, waiting for Hye Yeon’s hand. “Please, trust me.”


Hye Yeon was speechless, more like confused. Her heart told her to trust him, but her mind spoke the other. She knew she could not live without this man, but she also knew that she could not bear another pain. But even so, her hand was reaching for his.


Yun Soo’s smile widened a bit. He squeezed her hand tight. Their hands were fit perfectly in each other’s. If only he did not have to release it anymore, then he would hold on to it forever.


Yun Soo helped Hye Yeon stood up.


“Follow me.” Without hearing Hye Yeon’s answer, he carried her in his arms and then all Hye Yeon knew was they moved extremely fast.




Within a minute, they arrived in a room. Yun Soo then put Hye Yeon down. Hye Yeon started to look around. She was never been here before. The room was dim, lightened only by some candles. It looked quite cozy though.


Yun Soo then hold on both of her shoulder, made her moved her attention to him.


“Hye Yeon-ah. Listen.” He then fished out something from his pocket, something looked like a knife and handed it to Hye Yeon. “Take this and stay here. No matter what you see or what you hear, don’t walk out from this room, promise me?” He said seriously.


“W-what’s this?” Hye yeon stared at the sharp thing on her hand.


“This is ‘The Sword’. This is the only thing that could kill a Vampire.” Hye Yeon eyes widened. “Wha-“


“Just take it. It can protect you.” Yun Soo cut her while Hye Yeon just could nod.


Yun Soo smiled and Hye Yeon’s cheek with his palm. He then planted a warmth kiss on her forehead before he walked away. Hye Yeon quickly reached for his arm.


“Where do you go?” There was a hint of worry in her voice. Yun Soo turned around.


“Don’t leave me.” Hye Yeon begged. Yun Soo enveloped her in his hug once again. He then looked in to Hye Yeon’s eyes and whispered.


“I’ll be back.” With that short sentence, Yun Soo walked out.


Hye Yeon could not do anything but watched him walked away. She sighed and started to look around, hoping that she could find something to distract her mind and killed the time. And something hanging above the fireplace caught her attention.


She approached it to take a better look. She slightly gasped. It was a painting of a couple. Not just a painting, but a painting of herself and Yun Soo. She was sitting at a chair and a Yun Soo was standing behind her. His hands were on her shoulder. They looked really happy and harmonious together. Hye Yeon’s eyes trailed along the panting, stopped at the corner.


‘My beloved, Kim Hye Yeon.’ She read and gasped. She cupped with her hand. She could not help but felt touch, her tears kept flowing. On one side, she felt glad, glad that the man she loved actually loved her back. But in the other side, she felt sad, sad that the man she loved was owned by the other woman.


She continued to wander around, and then stopped in front of the book shelf. Her hand reached for something, a diary placed on the shelf. She grabbed the diary and started to open it. She knew it was Yun Soo’s. It was not full of writing. It was quite empty in fact. She kept flipping the diary and suddenly a piece of paper fell out.


She knelt down took the so called paper, but she found that it was a photograph. A photograph of her and Yun Soo. She smiled unconsciously, she still remembered clearly the day Yun Soo forced her to take a photograph with him. She took a better look at the photograph. They looked so happy in there, their arms were linked to eachother. She chuckled silently, if only that day could last forever.


She stood up and flipped the photograph back. There was a note on it. It said,


‘Look each step you take.

Watch every step you lay.

Because one step is Checkmate.’


The note reminded her of Yun Soo’s word. She remembered one day Yun Soo asked her about the meaning of Checkmate, which was she did not know. But Yun Soo said, ‘Checkmate is when you decide to take one step then you can’t take another step back or a step front.’


Hye Yeon did not understand back then, but now, she got the meaning. It was just like her. She had decided to take a step into this castle, and now, she could not take another step out. She had taken one step into Yun Soo’s life and now, she could never move out. She was checkmated.


She ripped the photograph apart. She took Yun Soo’s one and put it in her pocket. She took hers one and slipped it back to the diary.


“Hye Yeon-ah…” Hye Yeon’s attention was directly caught by the voice. It heard like Yun Soo’s voice, but she wasn’t sure. She approached the door and she heard some screaming and groaning. She slightly startled.


“Yun Soo-ah.” She called.


“Hye Yeon-ah, help me.” Her eyes widened. Was something happened to Yun Soo? Was something bad happened to him? Why did he ask for help? Those questions kept flashing in her mind. She wanted to run out and help him but she had promised not to.


“Arrghh!!” she heard Yun Soo groaned. She grew panicked even more.


“Hye Yeon-ah, help me!” she could not take it anymore. Hearing Yun Soo in pain, pained her thousands time. She took a deep breath and grabbed on to the sword tightly.


She opened the door and ran out, but she did not find Yun Soo there. Instead, she found two men in front of her, two Vampires to be exact. They were smirking slyly and started to corner her.


“W-who are you?” Instead of answering, one of the Vampires pinned her to the wall. She grabbed her neck and grasped it tightly, made her chocked. The Vampire’s smirk widened.


“Who do you think yourself to be paired with The Lord?” he chuckled and continued. “You’re nothing but a useless human girl, our prey.”


Hye Yeon was out of breath, the Vampires grasp hurt terribly. Then she remembered The Sword. She used all of her strength and lifted the Sword.She stabbed it on the Vampire’s chest, exactly on his heart. His eyes widened.


“You-“ Without finished his sentence, he turned in to ashes. Hye Yeon was released and breathing hard. But then she felt another grasp on her wrist, not long after she was yanked away and landed on the floor.


She cried in pain, her back hurt so much and she could taste her own blood in her lips. She was praying. She prayed for Yun Soo to come and save her. But no, he was nowhere to be seen.


“Where did you get the sword?” the other Vampire appeared in front of her.


“None of your business.” Hye Yeon spat and tried to stab him too but he dodged.


“Nu-uh. Not for the second time, little girl.” The Vampire smirked.


“Shut up!” Hye Yeon yelled then tried once again to stab him. But she just managed to slash his arm. He groaned in pain.


“You !” The Vampire cursed and approached Hye Yeon.


He grabbed Hye Yeon’s hand and threw her on to the wall. Hye Yeon hit her head on it and fell to the floor. She was really worn out this time. She did not have power to fight back. She saw the Vampire approaching. He was aiming on the Sword in her hand, but Hye Yeon could reflex quickly and she stabbed the Sword to the Vampire’s hand, made him groan in pain. Hye Yeon took the chance to stand up and run away.




Meanwhile, Yun Soo was heading to the living room and yes, he found Eun Rae here. She had been waiting for him with her infamous smirk plastered, a glass of blood on her hand.


“Miss me already, My Lord?” she said seductively.


“Shut up!” Yun Soo said while gritting his teeth. “I’ll give you your right and your son’s right-“


“It’s our son.” Eun Rae cut him then crossed her arms.


“I’ll give all for you and him, my wealth, my pride, my name. All for you. But release Hye Yeon.”


“I’ll release her, but you have to give me your heart too.” Eun Rae’s smirk widened.


“You know I can’t.” Yun Soo said.


“Well then…” she sang playfully.


“What do you want?” Yun Soo was getting impatient.


“Ask her to leave and tell her that you were just playing with her. If I can’t have your heart, then you may not have hers too. Or else,” A victorious smirk formed on Eun Rae’s face, “The other Vampires will do it for you.”


Yun Soo tightened his fist. He knew he had lost already. He failed to protect his only love, his treasure. He felt useless, what was the advantage of being the first Vampire anyways, The Lord, but yet he even could not protect a human girl.


He knew Hye Yeon would be in danger if the other Vampires knew about her. They would surely use every way to kill her and it was all because of him, because of his love. But, couldn’t he be selfish just for one time?   





Hye Yeon turned around and she saw the Vampire chased her. She kept running and running until she saw the gate, opened. She could just leave the Castle and entered the forest, but no, she could not leave Yun Soo.


She stopped in front of the gate, catching her breath. Not long after, she felt a grasp on her fist. She knew she was caught, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was ready to face the worst. She looked up, just to find Yun Soo in front of her. A wide smile formed in her face.


“Yun Soo-ah.” She threw her arms around Yun Soo’s neck and hugged him tightly. It felt like forever since the last she hugged him. She could not felt more relieved than now. But then, she felt Yun Soo pushed her away.


“Leave. Get away from my Castle.” A cold sentence escaped Yun Soo’s mouth. Hye Yeon was shocked.


“Don’t bother to disturb me again. Leave, before I make you my dinner. And I’d more than glad to do that.” A sly smirk formed in Yun Soo’s face. Hye Yeon’s mind was blank. She never expected him to be like this toward her.She never expected this sudden change.


“W-what do you mean?” Hye Yeon whispered.


“I say leave.” With that, Yun Soo grabbed her arm and pushed her out of the gate.


“Wait.” Hye Yeon abruptly reached for Yun Soo’s hand. “You’re kidding me, right?” She prayed silently that Yun Soo would say yes.


“Do I look like someone who was kidding around?” Yun Soo turned around and glared coldly at Hye Yeon. He grabbed Hye Yeon’s hand and threw it away.


“Who do you think you are? I’m not interested in human and I never once. You’re just my toy. Leave before I make you my prey.” He hissed then closed the gate and walked away.


Hye Yeon felt her body went limp. She fell on her knees and stared blankly ahead.


“I thought you asked me to trust you.” She said between her sobs, more to herself.


I THOUGHT YOU SAID THAT YOU NEED MY TRUST!” She yelled out loud. Yun Soo seemed did not care at all. But, actually his heart could not bear the pain anymore. However, he kept walking, there was no turning back for him. He was not going to risk the life of his precious one.


Hye Yeon was hurt mentally and physically. She never imagined this day would come. She stood up and grabbed the sword tightly. She ran and ran, ran into the deep forest, as the dim light of the moon guided her further and further.She had made up her mind, she hated Vampire. She hated them with all of her heart. She swore, swore to destroy every piece of them.


But yet, she knew that she never could hate him.




Tonight was full moon. Yun Soo walked in to his secret room once again. It had been years since the last time he stepped here. He stopped in front of the painting and chuckled. It had been years since the last he saw her, the years of pains and guilty.


“You still as beautiful as the first time I saw you.” He slightly laughed, recalling the past time.


“Yun Soo-ah. You’re unworthy.” He scolded his own self.


“Hye Yeon-ah. Mianhe.” With that last word, he turned his self in to ashes.


Yes, during this time, the only thing that could kill a Vampire was The Sword, but they never know that, love actually could kill too.   




Tonight was full moon. Hye Yeon was sitting on her bed, reminiscing her past. She slightly chuckled. It had been years since she became The Founder, the first slayer. She had spent her life for slaying Vampires, just like what she had sworn to before. And she could be called success, because now, she had her own forces, her own slayers.


She took out her diary from the drawer. She opened a certain page and there itwas. ahalf of the photograph, Yun Soo’s photograph, the only one that owned her heart. She then walked to the table and grabbed a ballpoint. She began to write something on the photograph. The other note stated,


‘Don’t ever open your heart.

Don’t let him step in.

Because once it’s locked, then Checkmate.’


A single drop of tear rolled down Hye Yeon’s face. If only she never opened her heart, she would not suffer here. If only she never let Yun Soo entered, her heart would not hurt this much.


But she never regretted it, because deep down in her heart she knew that Yun Soo never regretted it too.




Fiuhhh~~ finally.. I finished this chapter..

It took me a long time to type this.. ==v

I hope you enjoy this *cough*long*cough* chapter.. hehe~

And this chapter officially end this story..



Just Kidding.. LOL

This chapter officially end the story of their past.. and the next chapter will be the main story again.. *gosh, I was itching to type Yunho’s name* LOL


Happy reading, guys.. and don’t forget to comment.. ^^


©Dhee14, 08.25.2011


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qarisha #1
Chapter 32: what a awesome story!!!!!!!!!!!!!i like totally my favorite
I love this Story....i read it in Winglin....
It's soooooo sad :'( <br />
I almost cried when I read the ending<br />
They still can't be 2gether n had a happy ending.<br />
Hye Rin unnie is so damn two face .<br />
sequel please?
reenee09 #5
Uwaaa...what a sad ending....<br />
I really wish they could live happily together forever.<br />
But still they can't be together ever after reunited thousands of years latter...<br />
Her Unnie is so cruel and such a two faced ...<br />
<br />
Sequal please...
wow awesome story and ur English is great ^_^ omg the ending :'(<br />
it was so sad but powerful at the same time....they died together,<br />
it's so tragic :( I rly<br />
enjoyed reading this and liked how u had that twist with hyeri(I think I'm sp it wrong)! she's such a two faced brat, and now she has to live with <br />
the fact she killed her sister...I really hope you make an alternate ending or some kind of sequel! hwaiting!! ^_^
I absolutely loved this! I really loved the whole story; especially the ending!<br />
<br />
Keep up the great writing skills!<br />
<br />
P.S.<br />
Your English is good; minor grammar but I'm sure you've brushes up on them.<br />
<br />
I hope you write more stories in the future. :)
this is the best..<br />
if you can make some sequel please make it..<br />
I love this story so much..^^
nebiyatnbo #9
it was very good story but too bad they both died and sorry I couldn't give u comment on each chapter coz I got to read it all together