27~ ♥

Unexpected Love
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Luhan and naraa now in the furniture shop.


“may I help you sir?” said the girl who working there to luhan. “we are searching baby bed, closet” luhan reply. The girls nod. “oh.. let me show you” the girl said and walk away.


Luhan hold naraa’s hands and follow that girls. Naraa just silent and follow luhan’s step. “here the furniture for baby bed, and closet.” The workers said. Luhan nod.  “which one you want?” luhan asking naraa.


“naa, Im letting you to choose anything. Im just following.” Naraa said. “hm okay then…” luhan said. He still holding her hands and drag her along the hall that full of baby furniture.


Luhan stop drag her and look at her. “what about this white closet?” luhan ask. “ohh. Its okay..” naraa said. Luhan rolled his eyes, he know naraa doesn’t like it. “I know you don’t like it. Lets find another closet then.” Luhan said.


“hey, no, its not like that. Im just following you…” naraa said. “hm okay.. but this is white, its not suitable for him. He is a boy, so lets find a brown one.” Luhan said.


Naraa chuckle. “hm okay then” naraa said and follow luhan’s step. Their hands is still holding each others.


“hm this?” luhan ask. Naraa take a look at the brown closet that luhan said. “oh this.. okay, I love it.” Naraa said. Luhan nod. “so lets buy this?” luhan said. “yeah okay..” naraa said.


Luhan call the workers and told her he want that brown closet. Its suitable for a boy  like a colours, design and all.


“hm okay lets find a bed” luhan said. And drag naraa towards the bed displayed. Followed by the workers


“this time I give you to choose any bed you want. Im following you.” Luhan said and mocking naraa voice.


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AyeItsMeeh #1
Chapter 45: :o omana update soon
Jecilediego #2
Chapter 45: Update soon....
Chapter 45: Update soon
Chapter 44: everything is so harmonious now :)
Jecilediego #6
Chapter 44: Its okay authournim we understand you^_^•_•...... Hahha....lol 'excited voice' haha.... BTW, UPDATE SOON AUTHOURNIM!
Brooklyn123 #7
Chapter 43: Hmm. Its okay. Hope you can update quickly. ;) fighting
Jecilediego #8
Chapter 42: Update soon author-nim!!
wadaqmahir #10
Good story