21~ ♥

Unexpected Love
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im sorry for not updating. i have a lot of homework. teachers nowadays is killing me. im sorry :(



month by month already passes. this month, December, the month that jin hee will giving birth THEIR baby. its weird isnt? someone else giving birth THEIR baby.


today, naraa want to go luhan office after she get back from work because she want have dinner with luhan at the restaurant. luhan dont know about this. even its almost 10 month they stay together, naraa still dont go any cooking classes or trying any recipe.


--after working (naraa)--


naraa on her way towards luhan office. she drove silently. after arrive, she got out from the car and headed to luhan office, 19th floor. she press the button '19'. he door f elevator close. everyone in this office already back home since office hours already ended. once she arrive at 19th floor, she walk slowly to luhan's office.


at first she want to knock the door. but she feel lazy to do those thing, she open it without any second thought. she immediately close with her palm after she saw something.


what she saw? yeah she saw luhan with ANOTHER GIRL. the girl is on top of luhan. she saw luhan smiling. like he was enjoying it. she immediately was slamming the door with a very strong. luhan tilt

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AyeItsMeeh #1
Chapter 45: :o omana update soon
Jecilediego #2
Chapter 45: Update soon....
Chapter 45: Update soon
Chapter 44: everything is so harmonious now :)
Jecilediego #6
Chapter 44: Its okay authournim we understand you^_^•_•...... Hahha....lol 'excited voice' haha.... BTW, UPDATE SOON AUTHOURNIM!
Brooklyn123 #7
Chapter 43: Hmm. Its okay. Hope you can update quickly. ;) fighting
Jecilediego #8
Chapter 42: Update soon author-nim!!
wadaqmahir #10
Good story