
The Wolf Who Fell In Love

Little Red Riding Hood


I decided to take the long way around to my grandma's house. Why am I visiting her? She knows a lot about werewolves and I always come to her when I'm curious. She's like the wise women everybody go for advice.


"Grandma, what happens to a werewolf when a full moon appears?"


"Well didn't I tell you the story about HwaYoung?"


"Yeah but does that happen to all werewolves?"




"What about half human and half wolf?"


"I don't know. It depends on them if they can control their power. Because they are half human and half wolf. They don't have full control of their power. So on a full moon they might go crazy or how you young people say it, wolf mode."


"Haha we don't say ‘wolf mode.’"  


"Haha. Why are you interested in werewolves all of the sudden?"


"Because... That story of HwaYoung got me interested." I hesitated.


"Ahh I see."


"So grandma, how do you know wolves exists? Or like know so much about them?"


"When I was a little older than your age I saw a werewolf in person."




"Yea, he was nice enough to teach me about them. I don't know it he's still alive but he was the most handsomest guy I ever seen. More handsome than grandpa."


"Grandma? What happen to grandpa?"


She sigh, "He use to be a woodcutter... One day in the forest he was working late. And I heard he was fighting off some wolves. He was killed by them."


"Do you miss him?"


"Yes I do. But it's okay. I have you and your mother." She gave me a small smile. "I should start making lunch now."


"Okay." I watch her heading to the kitchen then I went to my room. I went to my desk and pulled out a picture from the drawers.


It was a picture of my mom, my dad, and me. My dad disappeared. Well that's what my mom keep saying when I was younger. He actually left for another women. To be honest I do miss him but he never bother to visit me...


I walked away from my desk and looked my drawing of Sehun. I wonder what he's doing...



Grandma's Flashback 1972


She was in the forest, picking flowers. She kept picking and picking until she realized she was deep into the forest. "Uh oh. I think I'm lost.." She kept wandering around and she went even deeper into the forest. The sun was setting and eventually it became dark.


She cried, "Where am I? SOMEONE HELP ME I'M LOST."


The bush started moving. She got scared. "Y-Yah.." Her voice trembles. "Who ever you are.. Come out.. Or else.." It jumped out, which scared the hell out of her. It appeared to be a man.


The guy spoke, "It's not safe for a woman like you to be here, especially at night."


"I got lost." She took notice of how red his eyes were and couldn't stop staring.


"Curious about my eyes?" He asked.


"They're unusual. I never seen anyone with red eyes before."


"I'm a werewolf." For a second she didn't believe him.


She raise one of her brows up."But you're a human."


"Every full moon we become human."


"Uh huh. For all I know you can be a creep."


"Don't believe me?" She nodded. "Come with me then."


"No. You could be a ..."


"Fine but don't get scared." She rolled her eyes and he transform into a wolf and back to human.


"You're not so scary that I would've imagine."


The man chuckled, "We creates those rumors, of how we look like. So no human would come near us."


"We? There's more of you?"


"More of my kind, yes."


"Are you the one who killed my husband?"


"We don't attack humans unless they irritates us first. There are more than one kind of wolves out there. There's good one and the bad one. My kin are the good one."


"So do you think the 'bad' wolves killed my husband?"


"Most likely."


"What's the difference between the two?"


"They feast on humans unlike us."


"But what if your kin attacked human without you knowing?"


"I'm the alpha in group. I know almost everything that they are doing."


"Alpha huh? You're pretty short to be an alpha."


"I may be short but I am determine to show no mercy towards anyone."


"Haha, you're funny."


"Follow me I'll lead you back."


"My name is Juri by the way."


"You don't need to know my name. This is the last time we'll see each other."


"Who knows. Maybe one day fate will bring us each other."


"Will until then." He lead her out of the forest and quickly disappeared.





I walked back and forth, waiting. Actually waiting for Ara to come. I don't know what had overcame me to do this. I waited and waited. The sun was already setting and she never came. I guess she took my words... My heart started aching, just thinking about her.

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Thank you guys for reading, subscribing and upvoting my story! I kind of have a writerblock. Idk if I should end this story soon or not. O:


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 25: omg this is too cute
Chapter 24: THAT..WAS..SO..GOOD :DD Please continue soon :)
alicele2000 #3
Chapter 22: I LOVE IT SOO MUCH! Please update soon!
Chapter 21: the best wolfy and vampie drama i've read...seriously?!keep updating coz i'm anitcipating it.this can replace twilight series you know...yehet!
Chapter 20: Ohh now that is what you call drama. Heechuls vision. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Daecakie #6
Chapter 14: Noooooooooo! SEHUN DONT LEAVE HER! YOU CANT! So....sad. Great story!
Chapter 18: This is great. Please update as soon as u can :) its an amazing story
Chapter 17: Its so sad, they are leaving each other again :(
Chapter 16: Omg she‘s married? Wow, i want to know wat will happen next
scoobie #10
Chapter 15: I'm getting excited!!!!!!!>>.<<