
The Wolf Who Fell In Love

Omo I completely forgot about this story! Luckily someone subscribe to this today, lol. Here's a chapter! Sorry if it was boring. I've been working on my other story. Sorry to keep you guys from waiting! >o<








Ara pulled away from the hug. Sehun look at Ara.


“Why?” She said. Kris signal the gang to give them some privacy. Now it was only those two. “Why did you keep pushing me away?”


“Ara. I was…”


“Afraid?” She finished for him. He look at her with a sad expression, “You’re not alone, Sehun. Whatever happen between us, we’ll work it out.”


“But what if I hurt you like I did before?”


“I know you won’t.”

“But what if, I can’t afford to hurt you.”

Ara shook her head no. “I believe in you.” She gave him an assured smile.



Two years later.


Sehun and Ara had been working out their relationship. There were few disagreement but they manage to stay together until the end of the day.



Today was her grandma’s birthday. Even though she doesn’t like throwing party or getting gift, Ara still got something for her. Ara entered her grandma’s house, at 7 p.m.


Ara said cheerfully, “Grandma, I got a surprise for you.”


The grandma sigh, “Ara you know that I don’t like getting gifts.”


“Trust me! You’ll like it.” Ara smiled as she left the room.


The grandma was sitting down waiting for Ara to return. But instead of her returning, Suho came. The grandma widen her eyes. She immediately stood up look at him. “It’s you.” She almost whispered.


He nodded and walked up to her. He smiled, “It’s been a while huh?”


“It has. And you haven’t age one bit.” She smiled sweetly at him.


“Do you remember back in 1979? The year your husband died?”


“The year I met you, yes. But why are you bring that up all of the sudden?”


“Your husband actually wanted to give you this for your birthday.” He handed her a small box.


She look confuse for a moment, “But he know that I don’t like birthday gifts or gifts in general.”



Flashback 1979~


Jonghyun (Grandma’s husband) was in the forest with his other co workers cutting down trees. It was getting late and his co workers decided to go home.


“Hey Jong, you should go home!”


“I will I will, soon.” He replied.


“Okay, be careful of werewolves. Today is the full moon.”


He chuckled because he didn’t believe in werewolves.“Alright, see you tomorrow.” He continued chopping down trees. After a while he stop to take a break.


The heard the brushed making noises. So he decided to walk to the noise with his ax in his hand. But then the wolves jump out, which made Jonghyun fell to the floor.


The wolves look hungry and so they growled at him. Jonghyun stared at their bloody red eyes. He wasn’t scared, he actually wanted to put up a fight but it was 6 against 1.


Jonghyun is a man who doesn’t back down even if he’s outnumbered. He’s a guy who gives it his all.


One of the wolves pushed Jonghyun to the ground. He quickly got up and held his ax tightly. Another wolf came to attack him but Jonghyun quickly raise his leg and kick the wolf in the ribs. The wolf howled in torment. Then another wolf did a charge attack on Jonghyun. He swing his ax and skinned the wolf. Another two wolf attacked Jonghyun. Jonghyun dodge one but not the other.


Jonghyun was clawed on the back. “Ahh!” He yelled. But he still stood on his feet.


The alpha of the pack got tired that Jonghyun wouldn’t give up.. He immediately and forcefully push Jonghyun to the tree. He then started coughing up a huge amount of blood.


Jonghyun was beaten up badly. He looked lifeless on the floor. The wolves began to walk up to him ready to eat him. But another wolf came in front of him, protecting him. He growled at the wolves.


Jonghyun just stared and breath unevenly. He closed his eyes for a minute and open them back up. The wolves was gone and a man was right in front of him.


He must be a werewolf. Jonghyun knew himself that he wasn’t going to make it.


“Don’t worry. I won’t harm you.” The wolf said.


Jonghyun weakly smiled. “That’s good.” He continued to cough up more blood.


“I’ll take you to the hospital.”


“No.” He stop him. “We both know I won’t make it at this rate.”


The wolf was quiet.


Jonghyun weakly reach into his pocket and took out a box. “I have a family back home.” He pause to take a breath.


“Do you want me to deliver something?”


Jonghyun was slowly losing conscious. “C-can yo-you give thi-this to-to my wife? He-r na-name i-is Ju-ri…” The man took the box and nodded. Jonghyun with all his strenght smiled again, “Can you… tell… her.. I..lo-ve.. he-r…”


The man nodded again and Jonghyun was gone.



The grandma started crying. “Stupid Jonghyun, such a childish man.” She had already open the box and inside was a little wood sculpture of Little Red Riding Hood.


Suho stay next to the Grandma and comfort her. Outside of the house Ara was eavesdropping until she felt a pair of arms around her waist. She turned around and it was Sehun.


Sehun asked, “What are you doing?”


“Shhh.” She said. “I’m eavesdropping.”


“What a good granddaughter you are.” He said sarcastically.


“Tch. What are you doing here?”


“To fetch you. We’re going on a date.”


“But my grandma’s birthday.”


“I think she’ll be fine with Suho..” Sehun quickly dragged Ara away from the house.


“Where are you taking me?” Ara asked curiously.


“You’ll see soon.” Sehun smiled at her. After a long walk in the woods. They finally reach to the destination. Ara suddenly smiled.


“Its the tree.” Ara said.


“Yeah, it is.” Sehun replied.


There was an awkward silence afterward. Well not really, Ara was just engulfing all the bad and good memories that happen here.


Sehun softly spoke, “Ara… I know we’ve had our ups and down but… Will you marry me?” He took out a ring and kneeled down. He looked right into her eyes, hoping she would say yes.


Ara was speechless but nodded yes. Then cheering and clapping were heard from the brushes and the whole gang came out including her grandma.


Her grandmother smiled, “Now this is the best birthday gift.”


“Grandma!” Ara said in surprise.


Chanyeol, “WOO! Congratz man!”


Everyone congratulate, the now engaged couple.


Kris went up to his son, “You better treat her right.” He then ruffled Sehun’s hair.


“Ahh.” Sehun replied.



Next chapter is going to be the last chapter!!

Thanks for reading! (:

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Thank you guys for reading, subscribing and upvoting my story! I kind of have a writerblock. Idk if I should end this story soon or not. O:


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 25: omg this is too cute
Chapter 24: THAT..WAS..SO..GOOD :DD Please continue soon :)
alicele2000 #3
Chapter 22: I LOVE IT SOO MUCH! Please update soon!
Chapter 21: the best wolfy and vampie drama i've read...seriously?!keep updating coz i'm anitcipating it.this can replace twilight series you know...yehet!
Chapter 20: Ohh now that is what you call drama. Heechuls vision. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Daecakie #6
Chapter 14: Noooooooooo! SEHUN DONT LEAVE HER! YOU CANT! So....sad. Great story!
Chapter 18: This is great. Please update as soon as u can :) its an amazing story
Chapter 17: Its so sad, they are leaving each other again :(
Chapter 16: Omg she‘s married? Wow, i want to know wat will happen next
scoobie #10
Chapter 15: I'm getting excited!!!!!!!>>.<<