
The Wolf Who Fell In Love

Remember the Grandma is telling the story.





“Hwa Young, dear.” Her mom entered her room.


“Yes Mom?”


“I have arrange a marriage for you.”


“What? Without telling me? Do you know how I feel about this?”


“Hwa Young, I’m doing what’s best for you.”


“No you’re not! I’m not doing this.”


“Yes you are and that’s final.” She said trying to be calm.


She cried, “I bet Dad wouldn’t let me do this.”


“Hwa Young! Don’t bring your Dad into this.”


“You know he wouldn’t!”


“Hwa Young! What I say is final! You’re doing this no matter what.” The mom left her room, leaving her crying.


Few months later she met her future husband.


“Hello. I am Oh Hwa Young.” She bowed.


“Nice to meet you Hwa Young. (He bowed and reach for her hand to kiss it.) My name is Lee ByungSoo.” She felt disgusted when he kissed her hand.


“Oh look at that.” Her mom said happily.


“Don’t they look perfect.” His mom said. Hwa Young secretly rolled her eyes. “ByungSoo, why don’t you let Hwa Young to your room.”


“Okay, Mom.” They both went to ByungSoo’s room. As soon as Hwa Young entered ByungSoo immediately closed the door which made Hwa Young jumped a little.


Hwa Young asked, “What are you doing?” As she took a step back when he took a step closer to her.


He just smirked at her and suddenly pin her down to his bed. “Let’s have a little fun.” She struggles, trying to escape from him but he was holding her tightly. Hwa Young started forming tears.


Byungsoo lean in for her lips but Hwa Young kneed him on , causing to him to fall on the floor in pain. She immediately got up and ran out of the room past the mothers and went outside. ByungSoo came after but stop at the front door. He punched the wall which startled the mothers.


Hwa Young didn’t run home but to the forest where she can be alone. She kept running and running. She stop at a big tree and fell to the floor, do to exhaustion and started crying.


A huge wolf appeared and growled at her. She didn’t even move or flinched, she continued crying. The wolf didn’t move either but examine her some time.


When Hwa Young calm down a bit, the wolf slowly came to her and rest his head on her lap. Hwa Young hesitated to pet the wolf or not.


She gently pet him and started talking to the wolf. “For a big wolf like you. You’re not that scary.” The wolf eyed her. “You can understand me? Then can you listen to my complaints.” The wolf looked away still resting his head on her lap. She was still petting him.


“So I met my future husband today. He tried to me but I luckily escape from him and ran here.”


She paused for a bit “You see my mom arrange a marriage for me but I don’t want to go along with it. I really don’t.”


She started tearing up a bit. “If my dad was still here.. He wouldn’t make me do this.” Tears slowly started falling from her cheek and onto the wolf. The wolf sat up and her tears away.


She stood up and dust the dust off her dress. “It’s getting late. I should go now. But if you’re here around the same time tomorrow I’ll give you a treat.” She pet the wolf one last time and left.


The next day she came to the spot again, waiting for the wolf to come. She waited for about an hour and the wolf finally appeared. She smiled, “I knew you would come.” She gestured the wolf to come closer and he did. She handed him a piece of meat and he ate it happily.


Almost everyday they have been meeting up. Even though he wasn’t a human she would complain to him and he would comfort her. And eventually the wolf had fell in love with her.


One night the sky was cloudy. Hwa Young leaned against the tree and she joked, “I wish you were human. So I don’t have to do all the talking, haha.”


Slowly the sky began to cleared up and the moon appeared. She looked up at the moon. “Ahh it’s a full moon today.” She turn back around to face the wolf but instead she face a man. She didn’t get scared. She slowly reached her hand out and touch his face.


He spoked, “As expected. You didn’t get scared.”


“You’re pretty handsome.” She giggled afterward.


“You’re pretty yourself.” He replied.


“So did my wish really came true? You actually turn into a human.”


“I turn to a human every full moon.”


“I don’t think I ever told you name name. My name is Hwa Young.”


“My name is Kris.”




The day of Hwa Young’s wedding also a full moon.


Hwa young was in a little room. She quickly wrote a letter to her mother and placed it on the table. She got up and immediately ran away without anyone knowing.


Her mother knocked on the door, “Hwa Young. It’s time to go.” she knocked few more times, “Hwa Young? I’m coming in.” She open the door and saw no one. She gasped and called for help.


ByungSoo stood next to the pastor waiting for the bride. A man came up to him and whispered, “Hwa Young is missing.” ByungSoo got angry but he still remained smiling. That . Is she trying to embarrass me?!


Hwa Young was running with her wedding dress on. She ran into the forest to be with the wolf. She had fallen in love with the wolf when he first transform into a human in front of her.


When the full moon appeared the wolf transform into a human and they made love that very night. Every full moon they made love until Hwa Young was pregnant.


April 12, 1994


The baby boy was born. But of course they didn’t name him yet until it was a full moon because Hwa Young want to name their son together.


One month later. The wolf was hunting food for his wife and the baby. Hwa Young was singing a lullaby to the baby. “Today we’re going to name you.” she smiled. But then suddenly frown when she heard a gunshot and a howl. She hoped it wasn’t him. She gently put the sleeping baby by the tree and went to where the sound was coming from.


She cried when she saw Kris on the floor. She ran up to him, “No, no, no. You can’t die!”


“Hwa Young?” A familiar voice.  


She looked up at the guy with the gun. “ByungSoo. You did this!”


“He tried to kill me! I was defending myself.” She got up and threw rocks at him. He blocked his face, “Yah! Stop it!” The rock hit his head and he was bleeding. “You ! You’re going to pay! For embarrassing me in front of a lot of people and for this!” BAM. He shot her and she fell beside Kris…



“And I don’t know what happen afterward.” Grandma said as she got up from the table.


“What ever happen to the baby?”


“I don’t know. It’s a myth. But some say that he’s still alive and he lives deep in the forest.”




“Don’t worry. I don’t think this is a true story. Don’t think about it too much and have a good night sleep.”


“Okay. Good night Grandma.” I headed to my room and lay down on my bed.


I frown and knitted my eyebrows together. “Could the baby be Sehun? 1994? He’s the same age as me then.” After thinking about it I eventually fell a sleep.

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Thank you guys for reading, subscribing and upvoting my story! I kind of have a writerblock. Idk if I should end this story soon or not. O:


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 25: omg this is too cute
Chapter 24: THAT..WAS..SO..GOOD :DD Please continue soon :)
alicele2000 #3
Chapter 22: I LOVE IT SOO MUCH! Please update soon!
Chapter 21: the best wolfy and vampie drama i've read...seriously?!keep updating coz i'm anitcipating it.this can replace twilight series you know...yehet!
Chapter 20: Ohh now that is what you call drama. Heechuls vision. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Daecakie #6
Chapter 14: Noooooooooo! SEHUN DONT LEAVE HER! YOU CANT! So....sad. Great story!
Chapter 18: This is great. Please update as soon as u can :) its an amazing story
Chapter 17: Its so sad, they are leaving each other again :(
Chapter 16: Omg she‘s married? Wow, i want to know wat will happen next
scoobie #10
Chapter 15: I'm getting excited!!!!!!!>>.<<