
The Wolf Who Fell In Love


I woke up by the warmth of the sunlight. I yawned and I stretched my arms out. My stomach started growling. I frown because I hadn't ate in days.

No one really walk into the deep forest because of me. The only people whose out here is those woodcutters and you don't want to mess with them.

I stood up and started walking around to look for food. Maybe today might be my lucky day. As I walked I encountered a little girl, she was wearing a red hood. She was few feet away from me. I can smell the sweetness in her.

My stomach started growling louder. I began my hunting procedure.



Little Red Riding Hood


"Ara, what are you doing?"


"Making food for grandma. She's sick."


"Don't tell my you're going to visit her alone?"


"Why not?"


"Well there could be a werewolves in the forest."


"No one had seen them in a long time mom." I just finished packing up the food into my basket. "I'll be fine."


"Okay.. But please be near those woodcutters."


"Okay mom. Bye." I headed off to my grandma's.


I walked into the forest and I stayed near the woodcutters. But as I kept walking I saw fewer and fewer. I walked until the path divided.


There was 2 path. Right, there were woodcutters and the left one there was barely any but the scenery was beautiful. So I ended up going to the left.


As I kept walking I was mesmerized by the forest beauty. It was breath taking. After a short while I was deep into the forest and I haven't seen any woodcutters. I kind of got worried but continued to walk forward. I started humming to keep me from not being scared.


But, I felt that someone is following me. So I looked back and saw no one. I quicken my pace. Because I got scared, I fell and twisted my ankle. "Ouch!" I said out loud to myself.





After following her, she fell and twisted her ankle. My lucky day. I came out if the bush and walked towards her. She looked at me in fear. She wince in pain as she tried to move away from me.


"Please..." She cried. I got closer and realized how beautiful she was.


"Don't eat me..." she said weakly. I slowly touched her ankle and she bit her lip trying to hide her pain.


"I, I won't eat you." I met her hazelnut eyes. It became silent until my stomach growled.


"Are- are you hungry?" She softly said.


I nodded embarrassingly because I was suppose to be the big scary wolf. But here I am being soft to a girl. She reached inside her basket and hand me a sandwich. I instantly took it and ate it in one go. She giggled and I looked up.


"Do you want more?" I nodded and she gave me more.



Little Red Riding Hood


After watching him eat, he didn't look as scary as before. "My name (I paused and he looked at me) is Ara or you can call me Little Red Riding Hood, because I always were red."


"I don't care and I don't have a name." He replied back coldly.


"Really now?" He just nodded. "Hmmm." I tap my chin with my index finger and then I snap. "I got it. Your name shall be Sehun."




"Yeah, it kind of suit you." I smiled.





"I don't have a name." I continued eating.


"Really now?" I nodded.


"Hmmm." She suddenly snap. "I got it. Your name shall be Sehun."


I peeked at her, "Sehun?"


"Yeah, it kind of suit you." I turn my back facing her and smiled secretly. "What you don't like that name?"


"No. It just that no one ever gave me a name. I'm always known as the scary wolf."


"Now you'll be known as Sehun the scary wolf." She giggled.


I looked back at her. "I'll carried you to the end of this forest, in return. But don't expect me to be friendly the next time we met." She nodded.


We reached to the end of the forest. I gently put her down.



Little Red Riding Hood


After he put me down he immediately ran back into the forest. The people in my grandma village helped me with my ankle and then I went to visited my grandma.


"Grandma! I'm here!"


"Ara!" She brightly smiled at me.


"Grandma, you should be resting right now."


"I'm not that sick. I may be old but I'm young in heart."


"Stubborn, just like mommy."


"That's where she got it from and you too, are stubborn."


"Haha, well I made you some food."


"Thank you. But what happen to your ankle?"


"Oh I trip that's why I took a little longer."


"How did you manage to get here?"


"I met a guy in a forest and he carried me all the way here."


"Oh how sweet of him. But you guys didn't run into any wolves right?" I nodded. I had to lie because.. Well.. I don't know, actually.


I stayed over at grandma's for a few days until my ankle healed. "Bye grandma! I'll see you next time." I gave her a tight hug.


"Have a safe trip back." I nodded and entered the forest again and this time I took the other road back because Sehun said, “But don't expect me to be friendly the next time we met." I kind of got scared by those words so I don't want to take any chances.

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Thank you guys for reading, subscribing and upvoting my story! I kind of have a writerblock. Idk if I should end this story soon or not. O:


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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 25: omg this is too cute
Chapter 24: THAT..WAS..SO..GOOD :DD Please continue soon :)
alicele2000 #3
Chapter 22: I LOVE IT SOO MUCH! Please update soon!
Chapter 21: the best wolfy and vampie drama i've read...seriously?!keep updating coz i'm anitcipating it.this can replace twilight series you know...yehet!
Chapter 20: Ohh now that is what you call drama. Heechuls vision. I can't wait for the next chapter :)
Daecakie #6
Chapter 14: Noooooooooo! SEHUN DONT LEAVE HER! YOU CANT! So....sad. Great story!
Chapter 18: This is great. Please update as soon as u can :) its an amazing story
Chapter 17: Its so sad, they are leaving each other again :(
Chapter 16: Omg she‘s married? Wow, i want to know wat will happen next
scoobie #10
Chapter 15: I'm getting excited!!!!!!!>>.<<