I'm not for you LOVE

One week later....


Author POV

Sung Young have been stayed in the hospital for a week and for the whole week Baekhyun was there to be with her. Still unconcious. They told Soo Man after they reached at the hospital and Soo Man quickly withdraw EXO from MAMA.

They didn't fly to HK because of Sung Young.

Baekhyun being silent by her side after he having his thought about Sung Young. Did Sung Young really suffering with brain cancer? That is always play on his mind day and night.

Sung Young's father also came back from his work at US to visit his daughter. He came back as quickly as he can as he received a call from Dara. To let you know, his father's name is Park Chan Young.

He gave Chan to his son, Chan Yeol and Young to his daughter, Sung Young. Mr Park really happy as he knew that he will got a pair of twin and it was girl and boy.

So he gave his own name so when it combined together it will be his name. He don't want his first pair of twin forgot him as their father.

The second pair of twin who is Sang In and Sang Eun, their name was own by Mrs. Park. Mrs. Park real name is Park Sang Yoon.

Only Dara's name that didn't involving with their name but Dara never thought that her parents is choosing their children because she knows that her parents really love her just like others siblings.

EXO members stop from attending any ceremony under Soo Man's order. The citizen started spreading rumours that EXO will be extinct because they don't have any song for some problems made by the members.


Chanyeol POV

I started to feel more worried after Sung Young being unconcious for a week and damn it she still knocked out in this hospital bed. I also could see some different in Baekhyun, he never be this silent just because Sung Young was in coma.

At least he will say some words to the members or his parents. But after Sung Young passed out the other day, he nevr let out a single word from his mouth.

Its impossible for him to know about Sung Young's cancer right? He couldn't know it since the members already promised to not telling him and I really believed all my members.

Or did he?

I hope so not. I must take Sung Young away from him as soon as I can, I can't wait for Sung Young to reach her conciousness. I must take the first step, Sung Young can't never be with Baekhyun and I wouldn't allow that happen.

I bring my legs, heading to my parents to tell them the plan of mine. I should do something.

I saw mom and dad was sitting together at the cafe of the hospital. Sang Sang still need to school even their unnie was in hospital.

"Mom we should bring Sung Young to somewhere else to get some therapy." I said as I done greeted both of them. "Yeah of course we need it" dad responded while nodding.

"But we must bring her away without anyone know it, even my members." I continued. Mom and dad started to give me a bad respond. I already aware about this, thats why I've got a plan B.

"But why, she can't get the therapy even when the members knew it."


Just like the way I planned."No she can't, I will show you what is the reason when the time come" he said.

Without he know it, there's someone heard thier conversation. Its a guy, he want to heard the next conversation but Chanyeol stopped as he eating his food and chatting with his parents.

So he just go from there quickly and headed to somewhere else.

Chanyeol tilted his head a bit to look around. He sighing before a smirked shown on his face then continue telling his parents about his plan.



Author POV

Baekhyun walked as fast as he can to reach Sung Young's ward. As he reached there, he switch off the wire that Sung Young wearing and pull it off from Sung Young's body including the oxygen.

After what he heard at the cafe about Chanyeol's plan to bring Sung Young away, he couldn't take that. So thats why he quickly make a move to bring Sung Young to another hospital.

He lifted Sung Young in bridal style and leave the ward where Sung Young was staying. When he about to enter the elevator, he heard a voice calling him.

Its Chanyeol.

He ignored Chanyeol's shouted and continued his walk to enter the elevator. But the elevator taking a long time to open the door and Chanyeol already run to get him.

Baekhyun want to run when suddenly Sung Young coughing and vomits a lot of bloods. Baekhyun feel bad about her so he put Sung Young down and make you leaned on his laps.

Chanyeol arrived at Baekhyun's place and immediately push him away. Chanyeol's parents were watching the scene and the nurses were at their back, running towards Sung Young with stretcher with them.

Chanyeol continued pushing Baekhyun away from Sung Young which made Baekhyun lost his temper. He stopped stepping back from Chanyeol's push, when Chanyeol want to push him again, he avoid it and land a hard punch on Chanyeol's face.

"Yah!! Stop you two!! Chanyeol!!" Mr. Park shouting while trying to prevent the boys from beating each other.

"Why?! Why didn't you tell me about Sung Young's cancer? Since when are you keep it secret from me?" Baekhyun shouted while trying to be free from Mr. Park.

"Its because I don't want you to be sad and always worried about Sung Young, the members knew it. Plus it's Sung Young's task, she don't want you to be worry about her!" Chanyeol shouted back. He being calm by Mrs. Park.

Baekhyun still trying to make Mr. Park to let him go, but he was so incredible strong. "So are you trying to say that I was not sad when I knew it? Like that?!" Baekhyun said.

"Yeah you got that. Because you will never know what is sad when you always make Sung Young cried because of you!!" Chanyeol answered then smirked.

Baekhyun trying to calm from land a punch on Mr. Park. But by hearing what Chanyeol said really made him out of control so he push Mr. Park as strong as he can and Mr. Park landed his on the cold floor so hard.

"I love her so much till I die seeing her being in pain, now you're telling me that I will never know what is sad when I see her in this condition?" Baekhyun argued.


Suddenly Mrs. Park's voice echoed that floor. "Baekhyun-ah, I will never give my daughter to you after what you did to her just now. Can you see how much blood she vomitted because of your selfishness?" she voiced. Mr. Park already stand up from his fall while brushing of his hurt .

"But..Mrs. Park...--"

"I will never give my daughter to unresponsible person like you. Yeobo, Chanyeol lets go from here" she said then go away from there while pulling Mr. Park's and Chanyeol's arm.

Only Baekhyun's gaze sending them away before they missing from his sight.

Baekhyun fells on his knees. Feel very weak when he knows that Sung Young was really having brain cancer and to know that her parents didn't allow him to be with her, made him feel the world starting to turn upside down. He really can't take this alone.

"Jagiya....don't leave me...tsk tsk" No one can heard his sadness, he was there alone without Sung Young by his side.



Baekhyun POV

I walk slowly heading to Sung Young's ward to know her condition after vomitting a lot of blood. I've been crying so much in the elevator and now I feel dizzy because too much crying.

I walking while my head looking down to my feet when suddenly I heard so much people crying infront of Sung Young's ward. I quickly lifted my head up.

I saw Mr. Park is trying to calm his wife who getting hysteria, I run towards them and immediately ask Chanyeol about what has happened.

"Don't you dare to come near, you moron" Mr. Park said before give a punch on my face. I wondered why Mr. Park landed a punch on my face suddenly.

A few minutes passed then suddenly Chanyeol come and again give me a hard punch on my face until a blood came out from my mouth.

"Because of you!! Becasue of you, now Sung Youg in critical. Listen Baek, if something happen to her, I will never forgive you. And one more, I will withdraw from EXO no matter what!!" Chanyeol said then leaves me there in pain. I wiped the blood that flowing from my mouth, maybe my teeth getting bleeding from the punch I got.

I take a sit far away from Park's family while waiting for ther result from the doctor about Sung Young. I'm so worried with Sung Young's condition when I saw her vomitted incredibly much of blood.

Its about 20 minutes later when the doctor came out from the room. My heart felt uneasy when I saw the doctor's expressions, it looked like it lost of hopes.

I walked closely to the doctor said the result which can end my life as soon as he done say it.

"I'm sorry, we're trying our best. But she couldn't be save, i'm so sorry" the doctor said before walked away from that. For the third time, I fell on my knees. I could never living without Sung Young beside me. She always made my day, no...I know she still alive, there's no way she gone.

I chased the doctor.

"Doctor... Tell me she still alive. she save isn't she? Tell me she still alive" i begged the doctor while holding his legs. My mind is totally knocked out, I don't know what I'm doing right now.

"I'm sorry Mister. She's died. I can't do anything about that" the doctor said.

Sung Young-ah... can you hear me? you're still alive, aren;t you? come back to me.. Jebal.. Jagiyaa.. don't leave me alone...


Chanyeol POV

My plan has gone well, no one knew about it except the doctor, dad, mom and Soo Amn sajangnim. Even though my twin was gone, at least I satisfied with Bekhyun's condition now.

Finally I can see how suffered he was when Sung Young gone. let him feel how Sung Young feel whenever she was hurt because of him. Let him feel how bad I was when seeing my saengie suffered with his done.

And now I feel more hurt whenng Young gone because of him.

I will never done to make you suffer in your life, Baek. This is just the beginning, there's more in future...

I walk with Sung Young's body to the another room to transfer her to Australia. Her body   will be buried at Australia and I will never leave Korea forever. All of us will leave our house now and move to China. No one knows about this except Soo Man sajjangnim.

All this while, only Soo Man sjjangnim really understand our situation becaue he didn't drawned his feelings like me, Sung Young and Baekhyun. I don't want to do this but I can't stand it anymore looking at Sung Young crying because Baekhyun's mistakes.

She always trying to be the best to Baekhyun but he always made her cried... a lot. Sometimes I saw Sung Young cutting because she was so depressed with her life. Fortunately, I saw it and stopped her or not she will be worst now.  I hope the she rest in peace right now without thinking a single problem.

Luki will follow us since her parents and mine is best friends.  We will dissappear like a bubble from them. They may wonder why he missing suddenly but I don't care about it and I will come back one day with my grudge to make Baekhyun suffer even more.


Author POV

A year passed...

Second years passed...
Third years passed...

Everything was changed after the died Sung Young gone in really not expected. Among their family and friends, Baekhyun is the most that affected by this incident. He keep blaming himself and now he be a mad guy since Sung Young gone. Mrs. Byun tried many things to make Baekhyun come to his sense but nothing succeed.

Their love was like it never end even though one of them was died.

Baekhyun always talk to himself, if someone could hear it, its like he was talking with Sung Young.

Sometime he laugh...
Sometime he cried...

And sometime he being normal...

At the midnight, he always mumbled about Sung Young is still alive. His life turn to be so sad and he even didn't care about his look anymore. To tell the truth, he still use the cloth that he used on the day Sung Young gone.

Chanyeol and his family, icluding Luki gone missing after the bad tragedy they faced happened. No one know about it, the members is wondering too.

The members felt so sad when they knew the news about Sung Young. In their eyes, Sung Young is part of their family, she is part of EXO. Kai, D.O, Sehun and Tao crying for a week since they're the maknae line that closed with Sung Young.

After that, another bad things came out. There is no more EXO and Soo Man already gave a confirmation about EXO being withdraw from SM.

This happened because there's no Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They're also agreed about this decision because they're not EXO if someone was missing from the group. They cannot wait for Baekhyun to be well, it maybe take a few years. And they also don't know when will Chanyeol comeback, lost his twin is effected him as well as Baekhyun.

When the confirmation done, Kris, Tao, Lay, and Luhan went back to their home in China. Chen, Sehun, Kai and D.O still dancing and hanging out together while Xiumin was there to taking care of them since he's the older. Only five of them that still living togeter in their dorm.

Suho working at his father's company, he trying to forget about what had happened by working hard in his department. Since Sung Young is closed to him and he even already made her like his own dongsaeng so he also received a big effect in his life. Knowing her is the most happy moment in his life.

                                                          THE END


No one know what will happen in the future.





The story of them is just BEGIN !


A/N:  Annyeong!! I will be busy.. I'm sure all of you were so disappointed with the ending.. but there will be a sequel..! Since I'm busy, I will try to update the sequel.. Do wait for the next story, take care, I love youuuu !!!

-MrsByunBakkie~ aka Lukitazka







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Oooh I like this :333
swaggiestalien #2
Chapter 24: ahh Krisseu~~
thanks for updating, it's really long time you know..
haha fighting!! yehett yehett !!
swaggiestalien #3
Chapter 23: hohoho Dara unnie the savior !! :D
fighting ! ^^
swaggiestalien #4
Chapter 22: hmm short update short update..
fighting!! ^^
swaggiestalien #5
Chapter 21: whoa im happy too.. haha krease!!!!!
What?I also don't get it what you don't get xD
swaggiestalien #7
Chapter 20: sungyoungie?? why ? i dont get it *slow*
swaggiestalien #8
Chapter 19: why they two always arguing baekhun unnie?? sad ㅠㅠ
Mianae...i forgot to tell you,Yeol Ie-sshi
swaggiestalien #10
Chapter 15: sung young-shi.. u didnt tell me u already update it :/