Chapter 21 - Succeed

I'm not for you LOVE


I'm really sorry if my story getting crapped..its just, will end soon,don't worry :)



 Its 4.40 pm now,5 minutes more,Chanyeol will send me to SM building.I'm quite nervous to meet Soo Man ahjushi because we've never meet each other before this.And i don't know his face either,this was so a troublesome.

Actually i've been taken by Baekhyun's words.What if Soo Man ahjushi will not..will never give his approovement for my task? What if i can't spend time with EXO? Oh God,pleSe just let Soo Man approove me.Just 3 days,not more than that.

By the way,why must he said something like that?I'm a bit dissappointed with his words,i do that for spending time with the members..and him.I'm ing miss him and i want to spend these 3 days with him.Just not only him,this time the members will included.Didn't he miss me?Didn't he want to spend time with me?

i just planning to get clear everything between us but he ruined everything...E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G.....everything.

"Sung Young-ie,palliwa.The members already waiting for you" i heard Chanyeol shouting outside my room.

"Ne...a little more" i answered.

"i'll be waiting in the car"


i continued getting ready as Chanyeol heading to his car.EXO company car.The members decided to accompany me too,giving me encouraging me to asking the permission for EXO 3 days holiday.The members akl cheering around except this guy who starting to be cold,Baekhyun.

The members were still waiting in the car comfortably when i reach there.

EXO-M was in the other car,I'm with EXO-K's car.

Chanyeol take in driving,Suho sitting at passenger sit beside him.At the back,first row,Kai,D.O and Sehun sitting together.And..what the..-- i have to sit beside Baekhyun?but why? Aihhhhh~they must've planned all this things.I've no choice but just sit beside Baekhyun at the last row.Since only the two of us who sitting at the last row,so we keep a quite distance between each other.I look away,outside the window without bother to look at the man beside me who i don't know what he doing right now..

i'm still mad wit what he said,if what he said come true,I'll put the blame on him for saying that ing words.Dammit !

My mind was not there with them,but it goes to how should i say when i meet Soo Man ahjushi.

ahjushi can you give EXO 3 days holidays? no no...he will not approove me if i asked that way and called him ahjushi.

Soo Man oppa~~~~give EXO 3 days holidays juseyooooo~

ohoooooo !!! Hell no ! No way man,its disgusting.Should i just call him like the members? Or should i use 'sir'? That will show how respect i am to him,thats probably will help.

Annyeong,i'm sorry,nega Park Sung Young imnida,Park Chan Yeol's twin.My purpose coming here to ask you,sir.If you could give EXO 3 days holiday,just three days,not more than that.

OHH YEAHHH !!! Thats it,perfect,respect,suitable words.Ahhhhh~if he still not approoving me,then i'll use my 'sickness' method to make him feel pity to me.Never mind,moreover my sickness is the main reason why i do that.

i will do everything...everything,whatever it is just to spend time with EXO for these 3 days.

i realised that i'm still in the car heading to SM building when i suddenly,UNPURPOSELY i caught Baekhyun was staring at me but look away as i turn my head to him.

"Did you just staring at me,Bakkie?" i asked.

He diesn't answer  me and i could se his body froze by my question.With that,i making my hand slowly touch his shoulder which made him sturtle to dead.

"yah ! You scared me" he shouted at me.I'm really shocked with his suddenly action.Whats wrong with him?His face look red too.

"i-i'm s-sorry.....jagiya" i answered slowly.Prevent everyone heard what i said.I don't think everyone in the car was heard what i said but i'm sure Baekhyun was really heard it clearly.His face made me don't wanna continue this argue.As i said sorry,i just look away,outside the window again.



That morning,i just came back from hospital.Sung Young left me not in good mood,now i start miss her.Suddenly,Kai called me to said that the members drop by to Sung Young's house.At first,i doubted to come along or not.But since i miss her so much,i follow them.

Once we reached there,Chanyeol welcome us with Sang Sang.I'm just quite while the others busy playing with the twins.I would like to,but i'm not in the mood.I'm thinking if Sung Young will really leave me,for real.I never can accept that,i don't want her to leave me.Without i realise it,the tears already flowing through my cheek.

As time moving on,i'm sobbing because i'm getting hard.The other members start noticing my condition when Luhan ask suddenly.

"Baekhyun-ah..waeyo? Why are you crying so sudden?"

I didn't answer his question but continue what i do,crying.

"hyung neo waeyo?" Kai asked.

"i don't think i have trolled him but...Baekhyun-ah why are you crying?" Chen followed,asking me.

I also don't know why i crying suddenly,so i just answered him "aniya...i just hurt..."  after i said that,i continue being silent when i heard this words...which made me sturtle...

" i don't believe you,hyung.You will never crying this bad unless its about Sung Young's noona stuff..." i heard D.O said things that only now i know why i'm being like this....

i'm missing,i missing someone....Sung Young was missing from my life....

I don't wanna continue this,i don't want suddenly Sung Young saw me crying.I don't want that."i want to go back" i said.Thats the only way to avoid Sung Young to see me in this condition.I quickly stand up,ready for going back to my home,plus i felt tired with my life.I feel like i want to suicide so all the problem will solve.But i can't do that,Sung Young will angry and if i suicide,i'll never meet her again.

I starting my step to get out from Sung Young's house when my leg froze suddenly....

"hey guys,since when you're all being here?"

i know that voice....

"ouhhhh....Baekhyun-ah neo waeyo? Wae ureo?" she asked me.I didn't answered her,luckily i already wiped my tears away.

"We don't know either,he cried suddenly and when we asked him why,he just said that he was hurt.Do you know why he was hurt?"Xiumin asked.I didn't bother to stay there,so i start my step again when she voicing again.I remained there to hear what she want to say.

"errr...nega...molla~maybe he was really hurt.?" she answered.

i shocked with her answer? What? She didn't know why i'm being like this? Sung Young-ah i'm being like this because of you !! I screamed in my heart.So i just say ...

"she...she have nothing to do with my tears,so don't ing ask her...SHE KNOW NOTHING" thats the true,she know nothing about me.She don't know i'm hurt because of her,i'm crying because of her.

i feel relieved because i thought when i said that,she will realise that she was the one who made me like this.But my thought was wrong,she smiling like a mad girl after i said that.Driving my heart,riped into pieces.

"oppa-ga,take me to SM building now" Sung Young said to Chanyeol,i feel awkward in this situation.But wait...SM buliding? Why is she going there?Everyone show her what-do-you-want-to-do-there face including me.

"you all should thank me because i'm going to ask permissionfrom Soo Man sajjangnim to give EXO 3 days holidays!!" she continued cheerfully.I was shocked with what she said...she want to ask Soo Man to give us 3 days holidays? She must've planning to spending that 3 days with the members.Then how about me?

aihhh !!!! I really can't deny it that i'm getting jealous now !!! She promise to spend this one week with me,but now why it ended she speding time with the members??!

"Soo Man sajjangnim is not someone who will easily give us holidays,so better don't.He will definitely not approoving your suggestion"i said that in case she will stop with what she want to do.But it turn out unlike what i wanted.

"when Soo Man already approove it,don't you ever popped out wherever you are that time,in front of us...never ever you try to do it" Sung Young answered me coldly.She never been this she will not stop isn't she?Aishhh !! Why i must said that? Soo Man sajjangnim someone who is kind in person,i bet he will approove it.But then,if he approove it,then i can't join them hanging out with Sung Young...arghhh !!, pabo me !!

As she answered me,she ran away heading to her room.And slammed the door hard.Is she angry with me?

"why are you saying like that? All of us know that Soo Man sajjangnim is a kind in see what you've done" Chanyeol complained.

i didn't hear what he said,i just think about what i just did to my own girl.I'm still wondering if Sung Young was still my girl or not.I take my sit back on the couch,trying to calm my self.

"lets just accompany her too...don't tell her its my idea though" i said.

All the members aggreed with my idea."but what should we say if she ask why we bother around?" Chen asked me.I take time to think about it.

"lets just say,we encouraging her to meet Soo Man sajjangnim.Let her believe that Soo Man is just like i said" i recommended.

"not a bad one" Xiumin said.

i smile on my own idea.I don't know why i'm being too excited.

a few hours later.....

Chanyeol was inside the house,calling Sung Young who still getting ready for meet Soo Man sajjangnim.Lady always taking so much time to get ready.Suho asked me to sit alone at the last row,i was so confiused why he asked me to do that.

After a few minutes later,Sung Young finally came out from the house,heading to our car.As she looking at the sit,something popped out from my mind.WHAT THE HELL HYUNG !!!! So this is the reason why Suho hyung askedme to sit here alone? Aishhh!!! He knows that i still feel guilty with what i said just now.

Sung Young take her place with poker face created on her face.She sit far from me even there is more spaces between us.As the car start moving,i saw Sung Young just looking away through her windows,i just staring at her without her realise it.

i missed that face,if i could be the windows who she keep staring at.

On our way,all the way,Sung Young still serves on my sight.She look like a big,beautiful garden which i wanna see everyday without missed any seconds.
Why she keep looking outside? Didn't she realise that i'm still here? I kept staring,staring and staring at her without i noticing that she already turn her face to me.She caught me staring at her.As i realised it,i quickly look away from her,froze at my sit.
Did she saw me? What if she saw me? What will she think about me? Aishhh !!, i should not daydreaming just now.
Eottoke? Eottoke? Arghhhhhh !!!
 I keep thinking that stuff when i feel someone touch my shoulder.When i look behind,ohooooo !!! I feel my heart gonna stop that time,Sung Young touching my shoulder,slowly...filled with care and love.
"yah ! You scared me!" i yelled.
All the members looking at us,but i juts let them be.Sung Young let go of my shoulder as she shocked with my yelled.I never yell at her all this time.
The members continued their own work,i heard Sung Young muttered something,but i didn't heard it clearly.After she muttered,she continue look away while i,still confiused with what she muttered.I proceed what she muttered just now in my mind.
It take times,though.
A few seconds later,i sturtle with my own thought...did she just said............
"i-i'm s-sorry,jagiya"
5.10 pm,the journey from Chanyeol's house take time to reach SM building.
As we reached there,Sung Young get out from the car...With my hand in her grab.She grab me somewhere else instead of SM building.She bring me to another car.What she gonna do?
"Cheon Deong-ie bring him somewhere else,what important,far away from here" she said in Japan.What they're talking about?I saw tha man that Sung Young called Cheon Deong just nodded with what she said.
At first i didn't care about it,but suddenly Sung Young push me into the car.As i'm being pushed in the car,that man quickly drive away.I shouted at Sung Young,look at the back.What i saw just,she waving me away with an evil smile on her face.
She being cruel to me,she....she was really changed.This is not Sung Young that i know,she's just not someone that i love before..
"she asking me to drive you away...." finally that man spoked up.
I keeping silent,just let him continue what he want to say.
" you'll not popped out in front of her.She heard that Chanyeol hyung said Soo Man ahjushi is someone who is kind in person" he continued." she don't want you to join them when Soo Man ahjushi already apply her task"
She...she heard it? So she was really mean that i don't have to popped out infront of her and others? Is she abandoned me now? 
"so where are you going to take me?" i asked him.That Cheon Deong look kind...and handsome.
"we can hang out if you want." he suggested.Hmm not a bad idea,but i can't help my mind to thinking about Sung Young.
Finally i already sent him somewhere.Hmm since you said that way,so you'll never joining us,jagiya.
Yes,i heard that Chanyeol said Soo Man ahjushi is someone who is kind in person.But we don't know about what will happen right? It can be that Soo Man ahjushi was not in the mood and didn't approoving my task.Yeah,i'm still taken by Baekhyun's words.
I'm still nervous.
"yah! Saeng-ie where is Baekhyun?" suddenly Kris popped out from i don't know where and asked me.
"i just sent him somewhere else" i answered.
"where did you sent him?" Kris asked again but now in worried face. " don't worry,he safe with someone that i trusted" i make him believe me.And yeahh he believe it.
Soo Man ahjushi's office
I wait in that room since Soo Man ahjushi's secretary said that Soo Man ahjushi will come back later.His office looked neat and clean.I was suprised when suddenly Soo Man ahjushi came in.I quickly sit on my chair back.
"what your purpose here,young lady?" he asked me.His voice was so soft and full with care.He sound like my father who still working abroad.Ahhh i miss him so much.
" i'm sorry for disturbing you,sajjangnim.By the way,before that let me introduce myself" i stand up and greeted him as respect as i am to my father.He gimme warm smile looking at me.
"My name is Park Sung Young,i'm Park Chan Yeol's sister aka twin" his face look a little bit shocked but calm back as time passed.
"ermmm,so what is your purpose here,Sung Young-ie?" he asked again.I think i like having some interview to becoming an artist in SM Ent.
"err...sajjangnim,actually i'm here to ask you if you can give EXO 3 days holdays.Can you?" i straight to the point.I'm nervous actually,so i'm a bit shaking.
"Yes of course i can..." he answered me.A smile was created on my face,because of the happiness that i got to day.But it faded away after Soo Man ahjushi continue his talk.
"but gimme some reason...a strong reason why i must give EXO 3 days holiday?" what ?! I already decided to not letting Soo Man ahjushi know about my sick,but what any reason that i can give?
"err...ahjushi....err no...sajjangnim...actually,i'll be gone after this 3 days ended" i start.
"why? Where are you going?"
"i already decided to not telling you this,but if i didn't tell you,you'll not applying it,am i right?"
"what did you mean with that?"
"i'm....having brain cancer...third level and i will have my treatment after this 3 days ended"
"then whats wrong with that?"
Whats wrong he asked me? Aishh !!! He making me more nervous.
"The members already know about it,and they hoping for my survive...but.."
I stopped.The tears starting falling on my warm cheek.Soo Man ahjushi came to me to calm me as i continued my words.
"...the doctor can't confirm if i can stay alive after the treatment...they can't confirm whether i can survive from the operation or not" i sobbing when i said that.Soo Man ahjushi take me in his arm,patting my back slowly.
"don't cry,young lady.Okay,i applying your task.EXO will have 3 days holidays...i give them 4 more days for extra so they'll have a week for holidays" i feel like i wanna jump here and there when i heard that.
"thank you,sajjangnim" i said.
"ani...don't call me sajjangnim,just call me" he said.He want to be my adopted father? Oh my god,then i'll not feel lonely anymore whenever appa going abroad again.
"tell me when you wanna go for your treatment" he continued.
"ne...appa-ga" i smile in his hug.His hug was so warm like appa's hug.I miss appa so much.Appa-ga,when will you comeback to us? Nega neomu neomu beogosippeo..
Finally !!! I succeed !! Yess !! I can't wait any longer to tell the members everything.So i excuse myself from my 'appa' office,and get out from it with a smile on my face.No one can describe my own feeling right now,including myself.I was too excited,i want to hug someone when i reached at the members place....but...
Where is he?


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Oooh I like this :333
swaggiestalien #2
Chapter 24: ahh Krisseu~~
thanks for updating, it's really long time you know..
haha fighting!! yehett yehett !!
swaggiestalien #3
Chapter 23: hohoho Dara unnie the savior !! :D
fighting ! ^^
swaggiestalien #4
Chapter 22: hmm short update short update..
fighting!! ^^
swaggiestalien #5
Chapter 21: whoa im happy too.. haha krease!!!!!
What?I also don't get it what you don't get xD
swaggiestalien #7
Chapter 20: sungyoungie?? why ? i dont get it *slow*
swaggiestalien #8
Chapter 19: why they two always arguing baekhun unnie?? sad ㅠㅠ
Mianae...i forgot to tell you,Yeol Ie-sshi
swaggiestalien #10
Chapter 15: sung young-shi.. u didnt tell me u already update it :/