Chapter 10 - Examine

I'm not for you LOVE



I've spent my money to buy groceries and the junk food for this sick kid.If i'm not mistaken,he asked me to buy one or two of junk food.I thought he really mean that but actually he's not.Seriously,our trolly only filled with his junk food.I always angry with him because he buy so many junk food,but he will made his cute face whenever i scold him.

He know i can't stand with that face,so he will keep doing that.Errr this kid !!!Baekhyun want to buy more junk food,but this time i'll not loose to that face.NEVER !

Baekhyun : Sung Young-ie,this look tasty.

me : no Baekhyun,thats enough.

Baekhyun : *cute face* 

me : no no no no.....NO !!!!

Baekhyun : but...-

Me : no more but,now let's go pay all of this.

Baekhyun : *silent*

me : Bakkie-ah?

Baekhyun : *silent*

Me : ok fine.Bakkie,if you keep silent like this,i swear, i will pick up all my cloth once we got back and i'll go back home after that.

Baekhyun : *still silent* 

me : *talk in my heart* this kid really made me going up to my nerve.Ok if that what he want,i'm not joking.

Our conversation end just like that.We're not talking to each other even in the car.Luki got weird so she asked Japan.

Luki : Why didn't you talk to each other?

Me : huh? Nothing.

Chanyeol : *interrupt* Don't lie,Sung Young-ah.I know you two were arguing.So whats wrong?

Me : fuhhh ~ ok he bought so many junk food.And he keep buying even our trolly had full with his junk food,i scold him and he being quite after that.Sulking with me *sad* i told him i'll clean up my cloth once we arrive home,and i'll go back after that if he keep silent.But still he being silent.

Chanyeol : so you're joking or what?

me : i'm not joking,Chanyeol.I will clean up my luggage when we arrive.

Luki : so how about him for this two weeks?he's still sick.

me : he can do that by himself since he refused to obeyed me.But can you guys take care of him?I'm worried.

Chanyeol : see? You still worry about him,just stay with him.

Luki : Chanyeol was right.Just stay with him.Sick people love to being sulk,you must understand that.

Me : i'll see.But i can't promise.

Chanyeol sigh.He know he can't stop me anymore.Once i said no,then my answer will forever no.Luki as my bestfriend also can't stop me.Just blame that sick kid,he made me do this decision.

Chanyeol and Luki keep silent while i keep thinking about what Chanyeol said just now.I turn my head to look at Baekhyun.He leaned his head at the car window and tried bearing with the coldness.Whenever the car hit stone or something he will wake up from his sleep,his sleep really didn't comfort him.

I think i'm being too cruel at him when i saw all that.I saw he sleeping again,still leaning at the window even he didn't feel comfortable.i move my body closer to him before put his head on my shoulder so he will have a comfortable sleep.I'm shocked when he hug me with his eyes still close.Reposition his sit so he will feel comfortable,he look cute with that way.

I reply his hugged...tightly.Put my arm around his body so he will keep warm.Now i know,i'm being too cruel with him but i don't think i want to changed my mind.I'll still go back home tonight,Baekhyun will learn from his mistake.

Once we reach home,i take out all the stuff that i bought.The members helping Baekhyun to get into his room.I didn't even help him.After i done put all the things to its place,i made my way to his room.Ready for packing all my cloth to go back home.

When i enter the room,I saw the members were chatting with Baekhyun.Laughing,cheering.So i don't have to worry about Baekhyun anymore,he's better now.I take all my cloth in the closet before put it in my luggage.

My Wolf 88 shirt still using by Baekhyun,i'll take that when it was already clean.The members looking at me,wondering where i wanna go.

Sehun : Noona,where do you wanna go?

Luhan : are you wanna going home already? I thought you will stay for this two weeks.

Me : *looking at them* i wanna go back home.

Chanyeol : still on your decision?

Luki : you should not leave him.He's still sick.

me : I looked he better now.I should leave.*made my way to get out from the room*

Baekhyun : don't go.

me : *stop**walk again*

Baekhyun : don't.......go....*sobbing*

Kai : *look at Chanyeol* what happen?

Chanyeol : you should ask him.He the one who made her making that decision.

D.O : What?! That can't be,yesterday she was really worried about Baekhyun until she didn't even care about herself.Now she just let him be like that?

Chanyeol : no Kyungie,she still worried about him.She asked us to look after him for these two weeks.

Sehun : guys !!! You should help me here !! He's yelling again !!


I'm driving by my own after get out from Baekhyun's house.But i can't think it right,just because of that damn junk food,we're being like this?I should not let him buy even one junk food.Err i hope the members will take care of him.

I parked the car at the garage,as usual.Mom was cooking for lunch when i entered the house.

me : mom i'm back!!!

mom : ouh Sung Young-ah !!*shocked* the week are not ended yet,why are you come back home so early?

me : just feel like mom.Ermm what are you cooking for lunch? I'm kinda hungry.

mom : i cooked tomyam soup.Where your oppa?Anyway,i heard Baekhyun having bad fever.How is he now?

me : he okay..

mom : *Weird* what do you mean he okay?

me : he just...okay? Okayy,like i said he was you understand what i said ?! *felt annoying*

Mom : ok2 .I'm just asking.why are you raising your voice to me?

me : *just realise* oh my god,i'm sorry mom.I'm just annoyed with the guy at the street *lying*

Mom : okay okay,just forget about that.Let's eat.

Mom and i eating together with Sang Sang,i'm pretty missed with this twin,they're so adorable.They playing with me after lunch,their laugh echoes the living room including mine.They're so playful and cute.I'm spending my time with the twin before i'm having this kind of habits

I'm staying in my room since i came back from Baekhyun's house and just came out for eat.Chanyeol always invite me to visit Baekhyun,but everytime he invites me i'll pretend that i'm sleeping or something like that.

It continue until a week,i left Baekhyun without asking Chanyeol about how is he now.Since a week was passed,so i thought he already better from his fever.

But i'm wrong.Chanyeol knocking my door like he want to break it.I can't bear with the noise so i open the door.

Me : what the hell are you doing,big giant?!!! I'm try to sleep !! *shout*

Chanyeol : you still can think about sleeping in this kind of situation?!!!

me : what situation?! If you want to visit him,just go.Don't invite me !!! I'll go when i want to.

Chanyeol : we have no time to arguing.Now just follow me !!

me : what?! I'm not and i will NOT !!!Just where the heck you wanna take me to?!

Chanyeol : you will know once you follow me,Sung Young-ah!,

Me : no until you tell me where do you want to take me.

Chanyeol : ok since that what you want.I'm going to take you to the hospital.Satisfied?

me : *cool down* i'm not sick,Oppa.

Chanyeol : i'm not taking you there because you sick..b-but...

me : why?*blur*

Chanyeol : Sung Young-ah,B-Baekhyun was burning this morning..his temperature raise up to 40.He's now at the hospital.

me : what?! Why didn't you told me earlier?!

Chanyeol : you're not following if i said i'm going to visit Baekhyun.

me : ! You should just drag me,big giant !!! Haishhhh !!! *grab sweater* let's go.

i'm harshing go to my car at the garage.Chanyeol wanna drive but i know he'll drive too slow so i drive the car even he refused.I drive th car like a mad girl,i didn't stop at the trafic light,i even nearly hit a little kid who crossed the road.Damn ! I'm just too worry about Baekyun.

i should throw away my ego.I'm too ego.Err if i'm the one who take care of him maybe he was now discovered.I recalled what Baekhyun said when we're want to shopping for groceries.'i will (will discovered) ,sweetheart since you the one who taking care of me...with your me'

Chanyeol : Sung Young-ah,i know you're worried about Baekhyun.But why your face so pale?

Me : huh ? I-i'm okay,i just too worried.

Chanyeol : are you sure you still can drive?I don't want to book a bed beside Baekhyun.

Me : we will not got in accident,Chanyeol.ouhh *nosebleed* damn *wipe it*

Chanyeol : Sung Young-ah,stop the car.Lemme drive it.

me : *dizzy* ahh okayy okayy,please don't drive too slow.We have to get there faster.

Chanyeol : don't worry.I've got my drive skill.

Once Chanyeol get to driver sit,he drive as fast as he can.I'm a bit shocked with his drive skill,i can't deny he drive like a F1 members.Just where did he learn that.Err i'm jealous !!

Chanyeol keep his promise by reaching there quickly.I felt my headache become worse but i beared it so that i can see Baekhyun.I asked the nurse where is Baekhyun's ward.I immediately go to the room after the nurse told me.I'm running out for oxygen,err why my heart beating so fast?

When i arrived at the Baekhyun's ward,i'm calming myself before enter it.I saw all the members surrounding him with sad face.

Xiumin : you're here.Finally.

Sehun : you promised you won't leave him,noona.Why are are you broke the promise?

Kai : noona,you're so mean.He being like this because of you.

me : *looking at the members* i-i'm s-s-sorry,g-guys *crying*

Chanyeol : *came in* why the heck are you all made her crying?

Chen : we're just want her to realise her mistake,Chanyeol.

Chanyeol : this is not the way,she was freaking worried when i told her until she got pale and nose bleeding.

D.O : ouhh,Sung Young-sshi.Gwaenchana? Chanyeol's right,her face looked so pale.

Chanyeol : you should leave her with Baekhyun.We know Baekhyun being like this because of she,maybe he'll get better if he know Sung Young was here.

me : *cracked voice* i'm really sorry guys.

Xiumin : nevermind,whats important you're here now.*leave the room*

EXO : *following Xiumin*

I looked at Baekhyun's face.He look weak.I hold his hand and caress it smoothly.Hot.Then i put my hand to his forehead.Hot.He really burning up.i said slowly,but i can hear it clearly.

me : Baekhyun-ah i'm sorry for leaving you.I thought you was okayy when i leave you with the members.I swear,Bakkie-ah.I won't argue with you about ridiculous things like that damn junk food.i'll not leaving you because of my ego.I promised you that i'm not leaving you even a second right? I broke the promise,i-i promised you once again,even if i had to leave you,i'll stay in your heart forever.You hear that? FOREVER.

After i done saying that words,my headache become more worse.I can't take it anymore,so i put my head on Baekhyun's hot hand.Collapsed by his side.

I hear someone calling me,asking for help,shouting.Thats what i can hear before fully passed out.


Baekhyun : *woke up from his sleep* ughhhh *felt something heavy on his hand* uh? Sung Young-ie? Wake up,thanks for being here i missed you so much !! *shaking Sung Young's body* Jagiya? Aigoo why your face so pale? Jagiya?! Chanyeol!! Xiumin or who ever outside !! Help me !! Sung Young didn't wake up from her sleep !!!

Chanyeol : *came in immediately* why? Whats wrong Baekhyun? Why are you shouting?

Baekhyun : *sobbing* Chanyeol...Sung Young-ie,didn't wake up...her pale *crying* 

Chanyeol : what?! *running to Baekhyun's bed* damn !! Her nose bleeding again.

D.O : She's not well,Jongin-ah call the doctors now !!

Kai : okayy hyung !! *run*

Baekhyun : Chanyeol,put her on my bed.

Chanyeol : but you're on you bedand you still weak.

Baekhyun : then put her beside me,we'll sharing the bed.*move a bit*

Chanyeol : err okay.*lift Sung Young then put beside Baekhyun*

Baekhyun : *caress Sung Young's hair* jagiya,wake up.Please....

Kai : Doctor was here.Move !!

Doctor : everyone please get out now.I need to check her.

EXO : *get out except Baekhyun* (Baekhyun) i'll stay.

Doctor : you can't stay here.I'm going to examine her body.

Baekhyun : don't worry,doctor.I'm her husband.

Chanyeol : stop it,ert.You're not going to see her body again.Come join us.

Baekhyun : erkk..hehe *get out* please tell me the result soon doctor.

doctor : i will if you're her family members.

The members waiting for the results.

"Ouh god,please don't let something happen to her.Just let her being fine" - Baekhyun.

"She will be okay,Ouh God what happen to Sung Young?What happen to my twin?Save her,my god" - Chanyeol


No one knows what will be in future and what actually had happen







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Oooh I like this :333
swaggiestalien #2
Chapter 24: ahh Krisseu~~
thanks for updating, it's really long time you know..
haha fighting!! yehett yehett !!
swaggiestalien #3
Chapter 23: hohoho Dara unnie the savior !! :D
fighting ! ^^
swaggiestalien #4
Chapter 22: hmm short update short update..
fighting!! ^^
swaggiestalien #5
Chapter 21: whoa im happy too.. haha krease!!!!!
What?I also don't get it what you don't get xD
swaggiestalien #7
Chapter 20: sungyoungie?? why ? i dont get it *slow*
swaggiestalien #8
Chapter 19: why they two always arguing baekhun unnie?? sad ㅠㅠ
Mianae...i forgot to tell you,Yeol Ie-sshi
swaggiestalien #10
Chapter 15: sung young-shi.. u didnt tell me u already update it :/