Chapter 1 - Got it !!!

I'm not for you LOVE

Tiring for helping the teachers at school..wondering what they did when we done all of their works..never mind i always didn't finish the homework they gave to me,so just take this like an "homework"...feel more fun doing this work than the homework they gave..

Too tired to reach home,i just need to cross the road then i reach home,but i feel like i already walked for miles since i doesn't reach home yet..maybe this tiredness made me feel that stomach had asked for foods..i'm so hungry right now..erkk btw what my mom cooked for this lunch? Must be the delicious one because the older said mom cooked is the best..yeah that phrase is so right..
I can't wait to laying on my smooth bed so i can take a i just said hi to my mom than go to my bedroom..
"Sung Young-ah come down after you changed..the lunch was ready" Mrs. Park shouted from the downstairs..yes i was hungry but when reach home,i dont think i'm hungry..btw where is him?
"Chanyeollie went to buy groceries for tomorrow so don't look for him," i can hear she shouted again from downstairs..she was like know what i'm thinking...i was about to ask her where is Dara unnie..
" Mom where..-" i didn't finish my words when she cut it off. "She went to the YG Ent. For dance practice..they will have their comback soon".Wow she really can know what i think..such an increadible mom..ahh ok then i'll have lunch alone with my mom today?my father,Mr. Park is working abroad..when suddenly i though of something..where is that Sang Sang?
I get a shower before changed to the more comfortable cloth..a slack and a t-shirts,don't have to be so pretty just to have lunch..i was about to go downstairs when i hear a noise from the room beside mine..i recognised that noise..they having a fight!
"yahh !! Sang Sang,why are you fighting? Come on,the lunch was ready. Chanyeol will be back soon." i starts nagging to that twin. Err feel a bit annoying have a pair of twin maknae..boy and girl..Sang In is boy then Sang Eun is girl..they heiress Dara unnie baby face :3 maybe this is how Dara unnie felt when she having me and Chanyeol oppa.
"she trying to take my Vinjazz(vinjazz was his bear),noona you should mad at her not me!" Sang In shout at me. Can you see that how rude he is? no wonder why Sang Eun try to take Vinjazz from him.
I can see how red their face,Sang Eung won't give up..Sang In want his Vinjazz so much.. "unnie help me juseyo," Sang Eun closely to crying..hmm can bear with that cute face so i walked towards them and try to settle it..
"Sang Eun-ah why did you want to take his Vinjazz? You have your Venjazz am i right? Sang In-ah you should give up on your sister..should i give you some punishment?ok that is enough,lets have our lunch,i think Chanyeol already reached home,mom have wating for us..palli !" i gave them a caring glare before lift them up to my right and left hands since they were too slow..they were not to heavy and i'm strong enough to carry both of them..
They just need a love from me,not more than that..
Once i step my feet to the downstairs,i put Sang Sang down and i can see,Chanyeol having some chat with mom. He doesn't realise me and Sang Sang when the Sang Sang starts to making some noise.
I quickly go to him and hug his neck. He is being too busy these day because he was a member of new popular rookie male group. If i'm not mistaken,his group called EXO and they have 12 members in it. Chanyeol oppa is one from them.
I missed him so much because we were twin like Sang Sang. I give him a welcome back kiss on his cheek because we were close,not like the Sang Sang twin..always fought day and night.
Chanyeol oppa is my brother since he was born first. He chuckled when my lips touch his cheek,he kissed me on my head when i sit beside him.
"Chanyeollie,when will your group have comeback? I start to having fun with the song,and the members too >_<" i start our conversation. I usually start it when we have our breakfast,lunch or dinner, felt like something wrong if we eat in silent.such an awkward moments.
He smiled before answer "around the corner. Btw who is your bias? Me? " i can see the happy-virus on his eyes. Whenever he smile,his eyes look playful.
"Stop it Chanyeol oppa,you already in front of me,so how can you be my bias anyway?" his face look dissappointed a bit. "But of course you also were list in my biases list", i continued.
He chuckle before continue eating his food before ask me again. "So who is it?"
My mom suddenly cut our conversation before i answer Chanyeol oppa's question.
"Sung Young-ah,i already arranged your schedule for your karate class. You'll have it on weekend as your wish" my mom said before create a smile on her small lips.
I was about to split food in my mouth to my mom since she was infront of me,but i managed to hold it which made me swallow it unwantedly.
I cough non-stop because it was spicy dish,i could die any minute if i can't control it.Chanyeol become shock and give a glass of water.His face is so worried about you.Your face already turn red like you're having a hard time.
The Sang Sang just watch me. Finally mom succeed to managed my schedule for karate class.
These day,it is not safe for a girl like me to be outside...alone.I asked my mom permission to having karate class for my self-protection.I asked Dara unnie to join me.She refused cause she had a tight schedule but promise will join me if she has free time.
Mom and dad always busy,so i have to bear a little while for my mom to managed my schedule.So this the result,i got it! I got a class to attend every weekend. You know,in weekend i have nothing much to do and i got boring easily. This class will do.
I already ok when i realised my mom was asking me if i'm ok or not. Chanyeol said "be careful when eating something. You really mademe worry just now. Btw you didn't answer my question yet",he went to sink and wash his plate.
I was about forget his question when mom telling me that good news. "ah yes. Sorry for forgoting,"I answered him.he turn back when he asked me back. "So who your ultimate bias", i chuckling around when i answer him.
"He is Baekhyun"
Thank you for reading.would be my pleasure if you leave some comment :)
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Oooh I like this :333
swaggiestalien #2
Chapter 24: ahh Krisseu~~
thanks for updating, it's really long time you know..
haha fighting!! yehett yehett !!
swaggiestalien #3
Chapter 23: hohoho Dara unnie the savior !! :D
fighting ! ^^
swaggiestalien #4
Chapter 22: hmm short update short update..
fighting!! ^^
swaggiestalien #5
Chapter 21: whoa im happy too.. haha krease!!!!!
What?I also don't get it what you don't get xD
swaggiestalien #7
Chapter 20: sungyoungie?? why ? i dont get it *slow*
swaggiestalien #8
Chapter 19: why they two always arguing baekhun unnie?? sad ㅠㅠ
Mianae...i forgot to tell you,Yeol Ie-sshi
swaggiestalien #10
Chapter 15: sung young-shi.. u didnt tell me u already update it :/