Full Moon

100 Prompts (The Showdown sequel...kinda)

Out of sheer desperation to write something for this prompt, you are getting something cute and fluffy and short.  Limited keytae in this chapter.


Things are freaking busy at work right now so there hasn’t been a lot of time to write…or when I had time my brain was kind of melting so I didn’t take the time out to write anything.  But now here is something for you to enjoy!  I hope!



#94 – Full Moon


Jinki glanced around him and wondered just why in the hell he had agreed to this in the first place.

His living room had been overrun by toddlers.

It hadn’t occurred to him, when he had offered his services as a baby sitter for his friends in need that taking in Minho’s daughter and Taemin and Kibum’s daughter for the night would mean that there were four girls, all under the age of five, that would be running about his house.

It was a reality that he was not prepared for until it was shoved headlong in his face by the laughing hand of fate. 

It was a common occurrence for Jinki to watch over Minho’s daughter once a month while he took his wife out on a date.  Same for Taemin and Kibum.  But somehow, these days had never overlapped before.   

Jinki had his youngest daughter, Myunghee bundled in his arms as he tried to sooth her infantile wails. 

Not three feet away his wife Hosook stood, bounding lightly on the balls of her feet trying to calm an equally hysterical Jinae. 

It had started several minutes ago.  There had been relative quiet throughout he apartment when Jinae suddenly pushed herself up on her arms and looked around the room as though searching for something. 

“Wuaah!” She gave off a sharp yelp and then seemed to sit back with a confused expression bunching up her face.

“Jinae sweetie?” Hosook had begun, sliding off of the coach to settle on the floor with baby.  “What to you need sweetie?” She asked in a calm tone, reaching out to pick the girl up.

Jinae swatted a hand at Hosook and her chin had started to tremble as her head moved around once more.  “Wuaah?” she tried again, her voice doing an impressive demonstration of incredulous for an infant.

Then the tears started.  They came fast and loud and, like a flash flood, showed no signs of stopping despite the swiftness of its appearance.

Seemingly in sympathy with her pseudo cousin, Myunghee began to wail as well, holding her arms up to her daddy, seeking comfort.

The pair of one year olds had started crying and nothing from changing diapers to feeding to burping and several tosses pacifiers later the couple stood without any ideas.  They seemed to be feeding off of each other, trying to outdo their counterpart with the volume of their wails increasing in intensity. 

The two year old Sunjung and four year old Chohee stood in the hallway, just at the entrance to the living room, watching the adults just about loose their minds trying to calm the babies in their arms.  The two girls shared a small smirk and backed away from the distracted adults.




It took about twenty more minutes of shushing and singing and other ineffectual attempts to calm the children when Jinki finally caved. 

He struggled to fish into his back pocket for his cell phone as he balanced his daughter in his other arm.  He quickly found Kibum’s number and put the phone to his ear, enjoying the callback tone if only for it being a different sound from what had been perpetually assaulting his ears.

“Yoboseyo?” Kibum laughed into the phone at the man answered.

Jinki had never been so happy to hear his dongsaeng’s voice in his life.  “Kibum…Jinae won’t stop crying, and that got Myunghee crying…” the man trailed off, unable to speak anymore to explain what Kibum could doubtless hear through the phone.

“Put the phone on video call.” Taemin’s voice came over, sounding odd as though it was some distance away. 

The singer sighed but did as ordered, soon looking into the faces of his lovable dongsaengs.  He could see the decorations for the restaurant that they had gone out to in the dim background of the phone. 

“Hyung,” Taemin smirked, “you look terrible.”

The man just shook his head, quirking an eyebrow, silently asking what was next.

“Put the phone up so Jinae can see it,” Kibum said soothingly, elbowing his partner subtly. 

Jinki crossed the room to his wife and held up the phone to the red faced baby his her arms.

Suddenly Kibum’s high-pitched ‘coo’ came out of his phones speaker, bringing Jinae’s fit to a screeching halt as her pudgy little hands rubbed at her eyes and she tried to focus on the image of her fathers in front of her.  “How’s my angel?”

Hosook and Jinki shared a look at the nickname but said nothing.

With Jinae’s ceased crying, Myunghee was quickly calming and now pushed her warm face into Jinki’s tear drenched t-shirt, her tiny little fingers curling up in the fabric. 

Jinae mumbled some mindless baby-garble at the phone and Taemin and Kibum continued to try and calm their daughter over distance. 

Soon enough, Jinae was slumbering in Hosook’s arms, exhausted from crying and Myunghee was well on her way.

So were their caretakers, truth be told.  Slightly trembling limbs lowered the two infants into a play pen where they were quickly covered with soft blankets and the couple fell back onto the couch. 

Taemin and Kibum were laughing from the still active call and Jinki dragged his tired arm up so they could look at the apparently entertained couple. 

Taemin opened his mouth to say something, but stopped at the sudden gasp Hosook let out and at the sight of Jinki’s eyes practically bugging out of his face. 

“What?” Kibum inquired.

Jinki just turned to phone.

Chohee chased after the young Sunjung who was running around the apartment holding her pull-ups rather than wearing them.  In fact the little girl wore nothing but her birthday suit as she giggled, remaining just out of reach of the older girl.

There was a moment of stunned silence from the phone couple before they burst into laughter, Taemin positively cackling and having to use Kibum to keep himself balanced and from toppling off of his chair. 

“Full moon rising tonight!”  He practically bellowed as the little girl’s behind disappeared out of sight back down the hallway.

Jinki just shook his head.  Seriously, what the hell had be been thinking?






These characters haven’t appeared for a while so I decided to give them a last hurrah as this story inches ever closer to completion. 


I don’t know if this is a colloquial thing or not, but when someone reveals their bare behind to another it’s called ‘mooning’ them (cuz it tends to be pale and round…like the moon…ha ha ha…yeah, punny I know…).  And a full run can sometimes be referred to as a ‘full moon.’  Just in case anyone was confused by any of that.


I don’t know when I will be able to get the next one out to you but it is started so we’ll see about that.


Also – I started posting that Onew-fic that I wrote all those months ago and it’s 2/3s of the way up.  It’s called Kiss it and Make it Better and it’s basic premise is that Onew has been tapped to be a groom on We Got Married!  Please check it out if you have some time.  It’s 30 chapters long + a forward and an epilogue.  There are some similar underlying themes to the stuff I’ve played a bit with here so if you like my writing here, odds are that you will like that story as well. 


Here’s the link: 





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simneesee #1
Chapter 100: I loved everything about this verse, and I cried all through chapter 100. You wrote so very well! Great job!
Chapter 100: Omg this was so beautiful. All those moments they had. The children, the famil, everything. I was so touched. I can't describe it with words :')
But this last chapter was really sad. I cried a river when I read that they died and all Kibum's memories after Taemin died. So beautiful and sad T^T <3
marchblossom15 #3
Chapter 17: I can honestly say that, as a California born and raised account holder, I hav never heard the phrase eat crow. But then again, we probably use more explicate words in replace of crow, so I wouldn't know.
Wow, what a hectic story!! :)
komateiru #5
Chapter 100: omg i don't even know what to say, i finished reading the showdown a couple of months ago aswell, and now i've just finished reading your 100 prompts, and i'm speechless. i'm crying a lot but I think im happy and you honestly could not have ended this in a better way than you did. you wrote in such a way that i became attached to the characters and i was worried that when i finished reading it i would feel like a piece of me was missing, but this is not the case as the final chapter gave a form of closure i think, and instead i feel like a part of me is complete? idk, thanks a lot for writing this, it really has touched my life and i'm sure i'll re-read it and encourage others to read it even months from now. i've been reading a couple of chapters every night before bed for a couple of months and it's been a wonderful experience, i can't really get across how much i loved this story and these characters so i hope this is somewhat a satisfying comment haha, but again, thankyou,you did a great job!
-megan x
Chapter 100: Omg.... I loved these prompts.... They were awesome, yes it took me a while to read them but, it gave me something to do.... Infact i especially love this one because 'the showdown' was the very first fan-fiction i read. You guys are great writers and you did a great job on this one. Right now because i just finished reading 'magic' (i think thats the last one)... I feel like i have lost something in my life , its how i usually feel after reading a long series of books... I really think that this is an awesome story .... Keep going and remember to have fun in your life because happiness makes you live longer :D
Chapter 100: Hey Sammery.
You know I've been here from the Showdown, so this probably means as much to you as does to me. This story has given me strength, so much strength to face with changes I would never have been able to face if I had never read this story. Its funny how this fanfic (that isn't real and I have to keep reminding myself its just a story) I stumbled on one fine day changed the lives of my friends and I.
I am not making any sense as I am crying too hard. Reading this last chapter gave me closure I guess, I had to stop reading so many timea as my tears made it hard to see the words. I have dutifully saved every chapter of this in my hard disk and will reread this when I need the moral support. Thank you Sammery. Thank you Matt. Thank you Matt's boyfriend.
I'm glad I was here from the start to the end. I hope one day I will get the chance to meet you, or send you guys a huge long ___ email with everything I want to say but its too private to post as a comment or a huge christmas card to wish you guys well.
The story was amazing. Thank you once again. You changed lives, may God bless you <3

gothiscinsan #8
Chapter 100: ...its over....the story...its finished...author-nim...you made me cr and trust me I have never cried for a story in all my life...this story has been my life for the time if been reading this....and now its finished. When I first started reading the 100th chapter, I already started tearing. And then when you wrote Key's letter...the tears just started flowing...non-stop...your a good author Sammery. I love this story and I will always cherish this ^^ 사랑해요 저자님 <3 ...아이씨!!! 미칠 것 같아요 ㅠㅠ 감사합니다 저자님~
I just... Can't believe this is over. This story, these characters... You, have become part of our, the readers', life. You have reached so many hearts and, even if I have no friends that went through the same as Matt or Taemin or Key, though they did go through the discrimination of being... Different, it is just... It's amazing... I just feel that this is part of me now...
I never thought I could be so moved by a story, much less by a fan fiction, and seeing this wonderful story end, it makes me sad. I had to pause numerous time to wipe my tears away, or simply, to cry more and more and let all the happiness but at the same time, all the sadness, flow out of me. Somehow, I feel relieved, relieved to know that, even if it is corny or predictable, as Matt said, they were happy. They ARE happy. They're not fictional character anymore, they're so much more than that, and you, that were able to create that, I just want to thank you... Thank you wholeheartedly because of what you've done, what you've created, and what you've made us realize. You have grown as a writer, but I have grown as well, grown as a person... Thanks to you :)

Goodbye Taemin, goodbye Key, goodbye Minho, Jinky, Jonghyun... Goodbye The Showdown, goodbye 100 prompts... You were... Simply... Perfect.

And Sammery... Kamsahmnida... :)