Be EXO's Manager Again

Who Is Suho To Me?

Baekhyun knocked the door and opened it.
"Noona!" We waved to her.
She was sitting on her bed with a smile carved on her face. I gave her a bouquet of rose while Baekhyun handed her a bucked of fruit.
"Kamsahamnida." She said while sniffing the flowers.
Then, her eyes wandered around and around. I frowned.
"What are you looking for?" I asked curiously.
"Where is Suho?" She asked back.
We stared at each other. Our face was plastered with curiousness.
"He was not feeling well." D.O explained
After the explanation, her face changed suddenly. I noticed it. Maybe it was frak when she suddenly asked about Suho. But, I remembered the doctor's explanation. She only remember certain info yet she had remebered about Suho. I'm so glad but perhaps the hardtimes will not appear and yet Suho don't have to hide anymore.
"But noona..." Baekhyun started. "Can you remember...him?"
"That... I don't know how can I kno wit. "She explained then chuckled. "I can discharged today." She continued.
"Jinjjia?" I asked. She nodded. We were so happy to know that. We jumped there crazily but then we kept silent. We almost forgot that we were at hospital.
"So, when you can start your work?" Asked Baekhyun with a smile carved on his face. All of sudden, D.O strangled Baekhyun.
"Yahh! You should not ask her that silly question." D.O yelled.
"I...I was just...Kidding." He stammered.
We laughed to them including Hae Young. Baekhyun was freaking silly.

The alarm clock shrilled. I woke up with a start and drowsily switched it off. Slowly I dragged myself out of bed and took my bathe. Then, I opened my closet need to find the suitable cloth. I got it! I chose to wear yellow half dreaa with a pattern of polja dot and a white denim cargigan. I suited them with a pale blue slack. As I made sure that I am ready, I quickly grabbed my bag.
"Noona, where are you going?" Asked Jong Hwan as I took my seat. I smiled to him.
"As usual. It has been a week since I discharged. So, I'm ready to start my work today." I explained.
I sipped my drink and then pit it down. I noticed Jong Hwan gave me a cold glance.
"What? Am I wrong?" I asked curiously.
"No. But, I just worry about you."
I smiled and his chair. I can't understand why people around me always worried about me.
"Don't worry." I said while carved a smile. He only pouted and didn't give any reaction to me. This kid was so childish. I thought he was more pampered than Hae Joon.
"Jong Hwan-ah! Don't worry. Please smile!" I tried to comfort him.
Slowly, he carved a smile. Fuh! I was so relieved.
"Noona, please take care of yourself." He remembered me. I nodded before leaving. I was so glad to have him. Even I can't remember about our memory, but still I believe that he really love and care about me.
"Hae Young-ssi, you stay here first." Asked Kevin.
I stood there stedily. I kept took my breath. Up, down, up, down. I was so nervous. I'm sure they will be happy.
"Guys, I have a surprise foryou." I heard Kevin voice in the dorm. I carved a smile. Kevin-ssi, please be faster.
"Who are you?" I heard someone's voice. I was shocked but then I turned with a smile carved on myface.
"Hae...Young...noona..." Said Suho with stammered.
I just nodded to him. But, his face showed that he was scared to see me.
I turned when hearing EXO was shouted for me. If they were so happy, I also happy with them.
"Noona, come in." Said Sehun while pulling my hand.
"Suho hyung, where are you going?" D.O shouted.
He didn't stop to answer D.O's question. My eyes kept staring at him who just walked away. I felt weird with my feeling. Why he kept avoiding me?
"Hae Young-ssi, this is their schedule."
kevin handed me a file of paper. I took a look page by page.
"EXO showtime?" I asked curiously.
"Yes. It's our own variety show." Baekhyun explained.
I smiled to them. I never thought that they willbe succeseed. How long I didn't meet them? Even I can remember them, but still I can't remember about my past. My memories with them. It must be fun.
"I got it. For this episode, we will have a trip to the beach."  said.
"Jinjjia? For a long time, we will have a trip together." Sehun cheered.
"Don't too excited!" Baekhyun yelled.
I chuckled. They were like a kid. So cute and flawless. I can't deny that I really love them even I forgot everything. Seriously, they were like my own brothers.
As we reached there, they immediately ran to the beach. I kept smiling behind the camera. I can see they were so happy to have a trip. They really want to release their stress. The most attractive was Baekhyun. He kept babbling and I can't stand to hear that. But, he was so cute.
I sat at the rock while watching them played a game to determine who will dive into the sea. nfortunately, Luhan was lost. Then, they played rock-paper-scissor as Luhan requested to have someone to dive with him.
It was impossible because they were so crowded and it was hard for them to determine it. I kept laughing  at the back. They were so funny. At last, Kai was lose. Poor him. His happiness only last for five minutes. Maybe it was hard for him since the wheather was cold.
Kai and Luhan came towards me. I helped them by took off their mic. I found that Kai was so sad. So, I comforted him by saying that I will treat him a meal. Of course he was so happy. But,I'm sure that it was not because of the meal.
As I watched them, all of sudden my phone rang.
"Yahh Jo Hae Young! Where are you?" Bora shouted. I put the phone away from my ear. It was so terrible. I almost faint when she suddenly shouted as I picked up th ephone.
"I'm not in Seoul right now. Mianei. But why?"
"Jong Hwan said that you had started your work." She said. I nodded. I'm sure she can't see that. "You're really stubborn." She continued. I chuckled. She was such a caring person.
"Can you stop babbling my dear friend?" I asked.
I heard she was mumbled. We had a conversation for about five minutes. Then, I noticed someone was standing in front of me. I put my head up. I smiled as I saw Suho. I helped him took off his mic.
"Do you also have to join Luhan and Kai?" I asked while my hand doing my work. He replied with nodded. "But, why?" I asked curiously. It must be a reason. And I know it must be Baekhyun's plan. I noticed that sometime he was freaking silly.
"Baekhyun asked me to do that as the representative of EXO." He explained. I chuckled. He must be sad. After I done took off his mic, I put both of my hand on his shoulder. I loo into his dark eyes.
"Omo! Don't be sad. As a leader, you must sacrifice. Please smile!" I comforted him.
Slowly he carved a weak smile. I'm happy to see that then I pinched his nose. He kept rubbing his nose. Maybe it was hurt. Sorry!
About 30 minutes later, the camera off. Then ran and took their seats with me. I smiled to them.
"You must be tired?" I asked.
"No. We were so happy." Baekhyun answered without hesitation.
"Of course you're not because you don't have to dive like me." Kai yelled. I knew he still wasn't satisfied. "It was so cold." He continued while he kept sneezing. poor that boy.
"Noona, I have a question." Said Baekhyun. I nodded to let him continued. "Who is the most handsome between us and why?"
His friends kept laughing with his question. Me too. But then I clenched my lips. I must be honest to them.
"For me, it is D.O." I said.
"What?" Baekhyun asked shockly. He maybe hoping that I will choose him.
"It is because he didn't like to show off."
"Aigoo! Are you mocking me?" He asked.
"Nope. I'm just telling you the truth."
"Okay. Let's move to the next question. I hope you will pick me." With a hope, he gave a question. "Who is the most cute in EXO? Please don't tell me that it is D.O again."
I chuckled. Silly Baekhyun.
"Annieo. I think our maknae, Sehunnie!"
Baekhyun strolled his eyes.
"Mianei. But I think Sehun is the most cute. He's like to do aegyo, though. It was natural." I praised Sehun.
"Thank you noona." Said Sehun happily.
"And the last question. I hope you will choose me."
Yahh Byun Baekhyun! You're so silly." Chanyeol yelled while smacked his head. baekhyun kept rubbing his head. I thought it was hurt.
"Move on. Even D.O was the handsome one while Sehun was the cutest one, but I'm sure your answer will not them."
I kept waiting for his question.
"Who is the most person do you like between us?"
"Mianei Baekhyun-ah, but I choose our leader, Suho." I answered without hesitation. Suho who was drinking, chocked. He must be shocked.
"If you want the explanation, I'm sorry because I don't have the explanation. For sure, I'm honest with you." I answered honestly.
Fortunately, Baekhyun accept the answer with the open heart. He don't have to worry since he was already cute but he must change his silly behaviour.

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Chapter 30: I love you story i read this story the whole day. I love it.
Chapter 30: Yes, Make Baekhyun the main character in the next story.
exobabyelf #3
Chapter 15: Update reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly faaaaaaaaaaaaaast
Chapter 10: Author-nim, Hae Joon is just too cute :) Visit my story too kay ? lol :)
Btw, update soon :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim , don't forget to put Kim Hae Joon pic okay ?
Daebak author-nim :)
Chapter 6: Wow,the story is getting interesting..hope you can update more,author-nim.. :D
Chapter 1: gile la aku bce ^_^
Btw,Who's HaeJoon? o.O
Nugu?Nugu? ~v~