What's The Reason?

Who Is Suho To Me?

I quickly ran towards EXO who was in their practise room. While I was running, I felt so happy for them. I have good news for them. They must be so shockedwith the news.
"Guys!" I exclaimed.
EXO who was busy practising was shocked and stops from doing their work. Their eyes only stick at me. I felt a bit shy. Maybe they never see me shouting like a crazy girl.
"I have a good news!" I said happily. They nodded and frowned. They still can't get what am I going to inform them. But it's okay because it was my job to inform them.
"Today you will have a performance at Music Bank and you're the number one nominee of this week." I said.
They stared at each other. All of sudden, they shouted while jumping at their places. They were so happy. Me too! I hope they will succeed even without me.
We reached at Music Bank. After I parked the car, all of them went out from the car. I glanced at my watch. It has already 6.00 p.m. They should be ready. Well, they took a long time to get ready. And their performance will start maybe at 9.30 p.m.
We went in and they followed my steps. Actually I must find their room. Yes! I got it! First of all, they have to put make-up on their faces. Since they were 12 members, they have at least four stylist. So, they do not have to wait for a long time. I just sat on the couch. Checking their schedules, arranging their schedules and so on. Suddenly I stopped my hand from writing. They did not change their clothes yet. My eyes turned to the left and to the right. Seemed like I was looking for something or someone. Yes! Of course! You know I was searching for Suho. Yes! I found him. All of sudden, I felt a bit weepy. I don't know why. His face made me called in our memories. I was a bit emotional. I can't describe what is my feeling but to explain it in a short way, I feel like I will lose him. But, I tried to think good things.
"Noona!" I was shocked with Sehun. I quickly wiped my eyes. I didn't realise that I was crying about him.
"Are you crying?" Asked Sehun, whispering.
I know he don't want someone to hear that. I relieved because I have someone who was understanding me. I'm not saying that other members didn't understand me. But, since only Sehun knew about my secret, only he can give me a spirit. Just him. Yet, I don't want all of them involve in my problem. Enough with Sehun.
"No. But, something just went inside my eyes." I lied.
Sehun gave me a scornful smile. I was not too good in doing this. He knew whether I was lying or not.
"Noona, fighthing! Fight for your love!" Said Sehun.
He gave me a wink. I pinched his nose. What a naughty boy. Thank you Sehun. You're so meaningful to me. But I'm still sad. It is not because I have to lose Suho but maybe everything around me. I hope it's just a feeling.
Out of sudden I've got a call from Kevin.
"I'm sorry."
I went out from the room. What a good timing. They have finished with their stylists and they need to change their clothes first.


We ended the conversations. I smiled sheepishly when remembering about my conversations with Kevin. Then, I glanced at my phone screen. A picture of me and Suho. How I missed that moment. Only I know the feel. I also hope he will feel the same way.
"You know how I missed you." I whispered.
"I don't know and I don't want to know." I heard someone voice.
I was shocked. Yes! I know the owner of the voice. I took a deep breath before facing him. Then, I carved a smile to him. He ogled. What the... I felt like I was got one shot from him.
"I need to talk to you." Then, he pulled me to the place that people can't hear or notice about us.
"Do you want to know something?" He asked. "Youre such a burden to me. After you worked here, nothing works smoothly." He continued.
I closed my eyes. I want to find some spirit. But, I can't. I will lose myself whenever with him. Only he can give me a spirit. But, it was all the past. I can't hear the good things come out from his mouth. After he left me, I lost control. I assumed that he brought all my spirits. From now on, he only can insult me.
"Can you just straight to the point? I knew it must a bad thing. But, what can I do? I can't blame anyone with your changes." I tried to fight back.
Suho widened his eyes. Maybe he was shocked. For me, I'm not that strong to fight back. All of sudden, he pushed me and i hit the wall. I tried to calm down. I looked at his face. His face has written that he will never feel regret for what he had done to me.
"Hae Young-ah, it's the time." He said. I faced him with my face plastered with curiousness. "I want you to go away from my life. Leave me and don't appear in front of me." He continued.
I was shattered. I can't stop myself from crying.
"But why?"
"B...because... You will ruin my life." He answered, stammering.
I stood up and tried to be braved. I don't want to be the weak person anymore.
"I agree but..." I didn't end my words. I looked into his dark eyes. "Why did you leave me?" I continued.
I was waiting for his answer. Unfortunately, he just left me without answering my question that I had thought since he left me. Well, I accept it. If I was destined like that, I am willing to sacrifice for my love to him.


Author: Done for this new chapter. I hope readers will enjoy it. Sorry for my bad english but I hope you can understand what I am trying to say. Do comment please! Saranghaeyo! Muahhhhh.............Do subscribe MissKevin too<3 <3 <3

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Chapter 30: I love you story i read this story the whole day. I love it.
Chapter 30: Yes, Make Baekhyun the main character in the next story.
exobabyelf #3
Chapter 15: Update reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly faaaaaaaaaaaaaast
Chapter 10: Author-nim, Hae Joon is just too cute :) Visit my story too kay ? http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/613849/second-chance-angst-drama-missa-exo-love-nuest-lie lol :)
Btw, update soon :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim , don't forget to put Kim Hae Joon pic okay ?
Daebak author-nim :)
Chapter 6: Wow,the story is getting interesting..hope you can update more,author-nim.. :D
Chapter 1: PIna..best gile la aku bce ^_^
Btw,Who's HaeJoon? o.O
Nugu?Nugu? ~v~