New Year

Who Is Suho To Me?

Seoul 2013...
Early in the morning around 5.30 a.m, a terrible noise shot out from the right side of my bed, awakening me from my wonderful slumber. I slung my arm like an elephant trunk along the top of the alarm, searching the snooze button. While stretching my hands and feet to the four posts of my bed, my eyes opened after several watery blinks. Slowly I dragged myself out of bed and get ready for my works.
After took my bathe I opened my closet, need to find a suitable cloth for me to wear. Well, I got it! I chose white with pink stripe shirt and black miniskirt. As I make sure that I am ready, I quickly grabbed my handbag.
"Good morning Jong Hwan!" I exclamied happily.
Jong Hwan who was eating chocked. I chuckled with his reaction. Then, I found him stare at me with a weird look. I took my seat in front of him.
"Why are you so happy today?" He asked curiously.
"Its a new year. So, I'm happy." I gave him those silly answer.
Its time for Jong Hwan to laugh. I know it must be a funniest answer. Well, I felt the same way.
"I need to go now. Don't forget to sent Hae Joon at Bo Ra's house." I reminded him. Jong Hwan nodded. I know he felt tired to hear those words everyday in the morning. I know he such a nice boy and he loved Hae Joon so much.


I drove my car slowly. Ha... I felt so happy. As usual, as I reached at SM building I will park my car at my usual places. As I went out from the car, I threw a slight on the sky. The whole western sky seemed to be ablaze with a wild splash of gold, red, orange and yellow. I gazed at the spectacle in wonder. What a magnificient sight it was. Hopefully my day will as beautiful as the sky.
I stepped into the dorm. The boys already woke up. I felt so relieved. My new day will not bad with their sleepyhead.
"Hye guys! Good then you're wake up." I said happily.
All of them stare at me. I raised my eyebrows. Yay! They felt weird with me. The same question as Jong Hwan maybe repeated.
"Noona, why..."
"I'm happy because it's a new year." I cuts Baekhyun words. He nodded slowly. Maybe he was shocked. "Okay, today you will have a charity works at unable children house." I informed them.


We reached at our destination. I stretched my body. It such a long journey. As we reached there, we was greeted by Miss Park.
"Okay. Since today is a new year, we will help them to clean the place. Make it more attractive so that the children will be happy with their new vision." I said.
All of them nodded. After five minutes, Kevin approached me. He want to say something important. I don't know what, but I just follow him enter the car.
"What's the important thing?" I asked as the door was closed.
I don't know why he want to meet at this place but I do not refuse since he was my senior.
"Nothing. Actually I....I..." He stammered. I stared at him, waiting for him to end his sentences.
"I what?"
'Kring...Kring...' Suddenly my phone rang. I excuse him and went out from the car.
"Nae... Omma!" I answered the call. It was my mother-in-law a.k.a Suho's omma.
"Are you alright? What about Joon Myeon? I can't get over him." Said mom. I clenched my lips. What the hell! She asks me about Suho. I felt guilty towards mom. She did not know anything about our situation. "Hae Young-ah!" She called out my name. I cleared my throat.
"I'm fine. Joon Myeon also fine. Lately he was too busy with his works." I explained. "What about you, mom?" I continued, tried to change the topic.
"I felt relieved to hear that. I thought you're fought with him." She said. We having a conversation for about 10 minutes. She must be missed me so much and also Suho. And more I felt guilty is she did not know anything about Hae Joon. If I can cry there, I will.
"Noona!" I heard Sehun called me. I waved to him. Then, I walked towards him with a bright smiles.


I sat at the bench while my eyes was stared at the boys who was doing their work. I smiles to see them. They make me felt so happy. They are my happy virus. I love them so much and I don't want to lost them. The important one was Suho, my only love.
Then, my eyes sticked at the guy who was playing with a little kid. I found it was Suho. I observed all his movement. He kissed her cheeks and gave her a lollypop. I knew he loves kid so much.
I still remember the time we spend together two years ago. We met with a young girl who was crying along the street. I tried to coax her but I'm not succeed. But, when Suho gave her a lollypop, she stops crying. I don't think she stops because of the sweets, but because of Suho's sweet smiles. I melt with him but why don't other people? HiHiHi... Such a best day for the girl because she got the kissed from Suho.
I woke up from my daydream. I turned to my left and I found it was Sehun. He sat beside me while his eyes was same with me - Sticking only at Suho.
"You must missed him so much." He started the conversation. I frowned. Ouhh... I almost forgot that Sehun already knew about us.
"You already know the answer." I said. He chuckled.
Of course Sehun knows the answer. He was the only one person who understand me after Jong Hwan and Bo Ra.
"You don't have to worry. I know him and he is not hating you. He just pretend."
I gave him a weak smiles. I felt a bit relieved with Sehun. Such a nice boy.

Author note: Annyeong readers! Long time no see. I'm sorry because I can't update as soon as possible due to my schedule. But, I hope you will enjoy with my new chapter. Just a simple chapter cuz I don't have any idea. Well, don't forget to subscribe me~ If I have time, I will subscribe you back.~ Ah Saranghaeyo~ Urineun Minyeo! Haha~ Saranghaeyo readers! Muahhhh! Hihi <3

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Chapter 30: I love you story i read this story the whole day. I love it.
Chapter 30: Yes, Make Baekhyun the main character in the next story.
exobabyelf #3
Chapter 15: Update reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly faaaaaaaaaaaaaast
Chapter 10: Author-nim, Hae Joon is just too cute :) Visit my story too kay ? lol :)
Btw, update soon :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim , don't forget to put Kim Hae Joon pic okay ?
Daebak author-nim :)
Chapter 6: Wow,the story is getting interesting..hope you can update more,author-nim.. :D
Chapter 1: gile la aku bce ^_^
Btw,Who's HaeJoon? o.O
Nugu?Nugu? ~v~