
Who Is Suho To Me?

After almost two hours, the doctor went out from the operation theathre. The operation was succeed but she was unconscious. Even it was so bad to hear but I'm happy to know that she was safe. For me, she lost her spirits. But, I hope she will wake up from her long slumber and met with us again.
We waited outside the icu ward. We can't enter her ward together. One by one entered the ward. I kept thinking. Should I meet her? After what have I done, I felt bad to her. If I was not drove her out, maybe it will not happen.

"I'm really sad to see her condition." I heard kai crying.

I knew they were shocked. The day thet we should be happy but it was turned to be the bad day ever.

"I will go first. Then, it will be your turn." Sehun whispered. I nodded.

I can't describe the scene. It was so quiet. All my members were sitting at one corner silently. They were in the deep weepy. They even not talk to each other. Tears kept flowing on their flawless face. Out of sudden, I heard Hae Joon was crying. Maybe she was sleepy. Then, she came to us.

"Hae Joon-ah, come here!" Called Baekhyun.

Hae Joon walked towards him and Baekhyun hugged her. It was not only him but all of us hugged her. We shared the same sadness. After a few minutes, I found that Hae Joon was slept on my lap. Then, Bora took her from me.

"See you tomorrow." Said Jong Hwan before leaving.

As Sehun went out, I was the last person to visit Hae Young. I took a deep breath before opened my steps.


I stared at Hae Young who was lying unconsciously on the bed. I can't stop myself from crying. i can feel what she feels. I can't believe that she was on the bed with an oxygen tube snaking from her nose. Yet, her head was bandaged heavily, her arms in casts and her neck in a brace. She had a long cut along her right cheekbone. To describe it in a short way, she was really in pain.

"Noona, you must be strong!" I whispered. Then, I touched her hand. It was so cold.
"Noona, I hope Suho hyung will comeback. I don't know what had he done but you must know that he never and will never hate you." I continued.

It was what I felt. I told her the truth. I knew Suho very well.  hope Hae Young will hear me. She must comeback to us because she was the special person for us.

"Noona, I've to go. I will see you tomorrow."

I walked away. As I want to twisted the knob, I turned back. I stared on her weak body. Then, I went out from the room with a hope she will meet us again tomorrow.


I took my seat with EXO. They still can't stop crying. They felt the same way like me. But, their sadness still can't beat Suho's feeling. I knew he was sad. Yet, she was his first and last love. I knew it even he tried to keep them hidden away. i believe what they felt and Suho can't hate Hae Young.

"I don't want to have a new manager. I want Hae young nnona." Kai cried by my side.

I tried to comfort him. All of us have a lot of memories with her. We don't want to lose her. Only Hae Young can stand with our behaviour.

"Kai-ah, me too." Said Baekhyun with his red eyes. It seemed like he was crying for a long time. I never saw he was like that before.

"But, I have a weird feeling about something." Baekhyun continued. We kept silent and waited for what he felt."I have noticed this before, but I just keep quiet." Baekhyun started. "Suho hyung, seemed like does not like Hae Young noona. But, just look at him just now. I think he is more sad than all of us." He continued.

"Yes. You're right!" Chanyeol, D.O and Kai agreed with Baekhyun statements. I kept thinking. What should I said? I must protect their secrets.

"Sehun-ah, what about you?" Asked D.O, the most caring person. I gave them my angelic smile.

"Maybe they have any relationship without we know." Chanyeol started guessing. I was startled. i must stop them. They can't know about it. If they do know, all his life will ruin.

"I had asked him." I started, nervously. "He was not comfortable with manager noona. Well, you know he was the leader and he must always contact with the manager. But, after what had happened, maybe he was regret because he never entertain her with the way we did to her." I explained then carved a smile. Well, I only can't think those silly ideas. Perhaps they will believe me.

Then, they nodded with my explanation.


My ears caught a sound that came out from the machine besides Hae Young. i looked at the screen. I'm glad she was stable but she still unconscious. Her face looked pale and she was really weak.

"Mianei Hae Young-ah." I whispered.

After I heard about the accident, I kept blaming myself. With what had I done, I felt so regret.

"I never hate you."

I wiped my tears. Yet, I hope Hae Young will hear me. I admit that my ego was too high. I always hurt her feelings. But I was never willing to say those words. The situation forced me.

'You're such a burden to me.' The words kept playing in my mind. Because those words, she became like this.

"Please comeback!" I begged. "I still love you." I continued.

Then, I looked her face. I noticed tears flowed down from her right eye. I carved a smile. She can hear me. I hope she will conscious from her coma. I know she had bad injured but I hope she will keep her spirit and comeback. I knew she was that kind of person.

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Chapter 30: I love you story i read this story the whole day. I love it.
Chapter 30: Yes, Make Baekhyun the main character in the next story.
exobabyelf #3
Chapter 15: Update reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly faaaaaaaaaaaaaast
Chapter 10: Author-nim, Hae Joon is just too cute :) Visit my story too kay ? lol :)
Btw, update soon :)
Chapter 4: Author-nim , don't forget to put Kim Hae Joon pic okay ?
Daebak author-nim :)
Chapter 6: Wow,the story is getting interesting..hope you can update more,author-nim.. :D
Chapter 1: gile la aku bce ^_^
Btw,Who's HaeJoon? o.O
Nugu?Nugu? ~v~