Chapter 26: Room 2207

Only 60 seconds

Luhan POV

I looked away for a minute, I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to answer him. I knew Chanyeol was waiting for an answer, but at that momet, I didn't know how to lie and tell him that I don't like her. It's like I didn't even know the meaning to the word 'lie'.

" I knew it. Why does everybody like her? What's so good about this Kim SooJung? She causes trouble and she's rude...."

" Enough. I never said I liked her in the first place so stop.''

" ...Ok fine, not you then, but everyone else does. I don't get what is wrong with everybody, she's not pretty, she's not what is she?!"

..Everybody else..? What do you mean Park Chanyeol? Don't scare me like this.

"...Every-bo-dy else..? Who?" I asked. I was too curious, I couldn't stand back.

" Hm... Jongdae.."

" Yah Chen doesn't count, he likes everybody." I said.

" True...Hm..Jongin.. Kris hyung....Baekhyun....Lay hyung....Suho hyung.. Xiumin and Zitao too."

" Yah that's like everybody! Stop making up such nonsense.." I shouted. I couldn't control my anger. Do they all actually like her..?

" They all seem to change whenever she's around...''Chanyeol said.

Soojung POV

We all stayed at the hospital over night since I couldn't leave. I felt bad because all 12 of them were there, sleeping on sofas and couches when they could've been at home sleeping in their beds. I told them to go home that night, but they didn't want to leave, so I didn't bother pleading them.

I woke up and found all the boys in deep sleep. I sighed and carefully stepped off my bed and sat into my wheelchair. I opened the door and rolled my wheelchair out and closed the door behind me. I rolled past several rooms and greeted every nurse and doctor I saw in the halls. I was on my way to the elevator door when I rolled past a room that was in a corner, across from the elevator door. As I sat on my chair, waiting for the elevator to be available, I heard weird sounds coming from the room in the corner, someone puking? The elevator was taking a while so I decided to roll over and peek at what was going on in the room, I peeked through the little holes that the blinds did not cover, and looked in. I could hear the nurses comforting the person saying " Its okay, Its okay, just hold it in for a while, the doctor is coming very soon." I could hear the person vomiting, every 5 seconds. Oh he must be really ill...  I heard the elevator beep and the doors sliding open, I quickly rolled over to the door, but I couldn't make it. I sighed and sat there dumbfounded. Hearing noise from the room again, this time, I ignored it. The sounds of the man vomiting was getting louder and louder, and I could tell he was getting alot out of there. I was disgusted, but worried at the same time. Waiting for the elevator again, I heard the nurses in the room shout. " Mr. Oh Sehun! Omo! Where is the doctor?! He's throwing up blood!!" At that moment, I couldn't believe what I heard. Oh Sehun?! What happened? I was about to roll my wheelchair over to the room, but suddenly, a group of doctors and nurses rushed through the the corner of the halls and took up the whole hallway, I couldn't make a move. They all ran into Sehun's room and shut the door behind them. Sitting in front of the door waiting and wanting to open the door, I couldn't. I sat infront of the door for about 10 minutes, not knowing what to do, I didn't have my phone with me, I couldn't call the other members over. 20 minutes later, the nurse opened the door and without any hesitation, I asked the nurse for her phone. She handed it over, and I dialed Suho's number.

" Hello..?" He said with a tired voice.

" Sehun is very sick!! He's puking blood!! Come over to room 2207 quickly!!" I shouted. I handed the phone back to the nurse and rushed into the room. On the bed, he was lying there, his back facing the door. I rolled over to his bed and poked his back... " Sehun...are you okay?" He  slowly turned over and looked at me. I was shocked. That wasn't Sehun. Not the Sehun I knew. I froze with a dumbfounded expression on my face. Not moving even a bit. He was a younger boy, at the age of of 14? He was tall, like Sehun. 

" Noona...who are you?" The boy asked me. I didn't answer. I still had a blank expression on my face, mouth wide opened, not moving.

" Yeah noona, Who are you?" A higher pitched voice behind me said. I turned around and it was Lay. He was already laughing. Still confused, I didn't say a word.

'' Sorry kiddo, this noona got confused, don't blame her, she's sick, i think it got to her head..kekekeke. Sorry for disturbing you, Noona and i will leave now. Drink more water and rest!" Lay said kindly. He rolled me out of the room and closed the door, then he burst out laughing. I looked at him, still confused. He looked at me back, and laughed even harder.

" HAHAHHAHAHA SooJung-ah, this is really funny, how could you not know this was not the same Sehun? Did you actually sit here for 30 minutes waiting?" Lay said while laughing, nearly crying. I nodded. He laughed even harder, he is crying now. Yixing i am going to kill you.

" okay c'mon lets go"

" Where..?" I asked. He didn't answer, he was still laughing. He rolled me into another room, room number 2216. When I entered everyone was in the room, staring at me, laughing. I looked around the room, and found Sehun on the bed, in a patients outfit. 

" SooJung-ah, We asked Sehun, he didn't puke blood. HAHAHAAHHAHAA" Suho said, everyone laughed even harder. Tao on the side, crying, and looking like he is going through some asthma attack.

" But this proves SooJung does care and worry for us. That's good to know, right Chanyeol?" Baekhyun said.

"..or maybe only to Sehun...." Chanyeol replied, looking annoyed. Now that I think about it, Chanyeol didn't laugh at all.



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I love this fanfic!! Update soon <3
Chapter 31: Yaaay another update! I missed reading this fic. hehe. Keep updating please! <3
baconlovers04 #3
Chapter 31: really hope you can keep updating :) nice story btw
Chapter 30: hiiii, please update soon! <3
Chapter 30: yijung time! lol
update soon!
XxLoserGyuxX #6
Chapter 30: LOL YiJung XD Update soon~!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #7
Chapter 29: asdfgxcnlj- yeollieeeee! >3<
Waeyo? Oh?
Chapter 29: Update soon! Ah afsjfkldgah
XxLoserGyuxX #9
Chapter 29: Chanyeol -3- look what you did to poor YiJung
Update soon please!!! I wanna see what happens :3
Chapter 29: update soon!!