Chapter 15: Where did she go?!

Only 60 seconds

SooJung POV

I woke up. I felt something warm holding onto my hands. The persons hands were big, long, and white. He had dirty blonde hair, but I couldn't tell who it was. A lot of the members have dirty blonde hair. He had a big black coat on and had a silver ring on his pinky. I nudged his hand a little but he didn't move. I decided to slip my hands out of his hand and went to go drink some water. I picked up the glass of water and left the room, I needed some fresh air. 

On my way out, I needed to go to the bathroom. I gave my cup to a nurse and walked into the washroom. I looked in a mirror. I had a white bandage wrapped around my head and waist.

Did I actually hurt myself that badly?

I left the washroom and walked outside. I sat on the bench. As I was watching a group of kids play on the swings, I remembered YiJung.

Where did she go?!

I reached into my pocket, but I realized my phone wasn't there. I ran back inside and opened the door to my room. Everyone was still asleep. I grabbed my phone, clothes, and bags and headed out the door.

Chanyeol POV 

* SLAM*  I heard the door close.

What was that? 

I opened my eyes and looked around the room.

Everyone is still sleeping, hm, might as well sleep some more.

I closed my eyes, then opened them again. I looked at the bed. It was empty. 

Where did SooJung go? Maybe she went to the big deal.

I closed my eyes then opened them again. I looked at the desk and the chair beside it. Her bags, clothes and phone was gone.

Where did she go?!

I stood up and tapped everyone's shoulders so they would wake up. None of them even budged. I decided to run out and go find her myself. I ran around the hospital. Up and down, I still couldn't find her. I decided to call her. She didn't pick up. I started to get nervous. 

She hurt her back and head really bad. She can't go anywhere alone without anyone with her. That's too dangerous. What if she fainted?

I got more nervous as time passed. I kept on calling her but the line was busy. 

Where are you Kim SooJung.

SooJung POV

" Hello? JaeBum? Do you know where my sister is? Is she still at her friends house?"

" No, I sent her back home, she is probably still sleeping right now."

I hung up right away and didn't even get to say thank you. I ran to the side of the sidewalk and called a cab. I arrived back at the house and opened the door. I ran upstairs and barged into YiJung's room.  I lifted up YiJung's blanket and yelled.

" Get up. Now."

" Hmm..? Kdmd,cm##&@$$#"

" Wake up!"

She sat up. She stretched and scratched her eyes then looked at me.

" Eonnie what happened?! Are you hurt? How?!" She walked towards me holding my hand. I flung her hand of my wrist.

" Where were you? What time did you come home? Why didn't you call me?!?!?"

" Sorry I forgot...this won't happen again okay?!" She said.

I stopped talking and started at her in the eyes, I started to cry.

" Don't ever leave me without my permission" I said with tears rolling down my face. I pulled her in for a hug.

" Araso eonnie. I will be the good YiJung I always was before, okay?" She said as she patted my back as I kept on crying.

Chanyeol POV

Where the hell did she go?! She needs to pick up her phone!!'

I decided to call JaeBum hyung.

" Where did SooJung go"

" Where did she go? What do you mean?"

" I woke up and she wasn't on the bed, I ran around the whole hospital to look for her but I couldn't find her."

" Oh, she called me 15 minutes ago asking me where her sister was, she is probably at home right now"

I hung up without saying goodbye or thank you. I ran to the side of the sidewalk and called a cab. As soon as I got home, I ran up

 to SooJung's room and opened the door. I saw her on the floor holding onto her back.

" Are you okay?!?!" I ran to her and picked her up. I layed her down on the bed.

" Ahhh..." She said in pain.

" Does your back hurt? Do you need ice?!" 

" No."

" Where did you go? I woke up and isn't see you and I could---"

" I went to go find my sister."

" You should've told us where you went! You just left and I didn't know where you wer---"

" I'm fine now. You can go. I'll just sleep for now."

I looked at her with a blank expression.

Wow. This whole time when I was nervous as hell because I didn't know where she went, all I get back in return is ' You can go'? Fine. I'll leave.

" Pfft. Fine." I walked out her room and closed the door. 

This stupid little .


Did you see that? Chanyeol was worried? Hmmm... They did the same thing..... Forgot to say thank you, and called a cab right away....hmmm...ANYWAYS. HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS CHAPTER:D COMMENT, UPVOTE, AND SUBCRIBE!!!


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I love this fanfic!! Update soon <3
Chapter 31: Yaaay another update! I missed reading this fic. hehe. Keep updating please! <3
baconlovers04 #3
Chapter 31: really hope you can keep updating :) nice story btw
Chapter 30: hiiii, please update soon! <3
Chapter 30: yijung time! lol
update soon!
XxLoserGyuxX #6
Chapter 30: LOL YiJung XD Update soon~!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #7
Chapter 29: asdfgxcnlj- yeollieeeee! >3<
Waeyo? Oh?
Chapter 29: Update soon! Ah afsjfkldgah
XxLoserGyuxX #9
Chapter 29: Chanyeol -3- look what you did to poor YiJung
Update soon please!!! I wanna see what happens :3
Chapter 29: update soon!!