Chapter 1: Arrival

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It was a quiet morning in  Ontario, that morning SooJung woke up extra early so she wouldn't be late for her flight. Where is she going? South Korea, she is studying abroad so she can get a better education. SooJung is 18 years old and is a Canadian-Korean. She lives with her 12 year old younger sister YiJung in a small apartment. 


SooJung POV 

I woke up early for the flight, and great, I finished everything, but way too early. So what am I going to do now? I don't know. I have no TV, No laptop, no internet, nothing. I guess I'm just gonna have to sit on my bed reading the same book I read when I was 10 years old. Yes, I have been reading the same book for years. So what. I can't afford a new one. An hour passed and I dozed off. 

I woke up and I checked my phone * 9:00 a.m* 

"9:00 A.M?!?!"

i quickly jumped out of my bed and woke my sister up.

" Ya Kim YiJung wake up! We're gonna be late!"

" Araso eonnie.....what time is it?" 

"9:00 a.m!!! Hurry get up and go brush your teeth and get dressed the flight is at 11:00!" I screamed.

"9:00? It's just 9 o'clock, our flight is at 11:00, there is still two hours."

" What?!?! You think we can get there and get through all the security stuff in 2 hours?" 

YiJung then got up and ran to the washroom. I could hear everything she is doing inside, Turing on the tap, closing the lid of the toothpaste, brushing her teeth, spitting the water out, everything.  


We ran out of the house locked the door and as we ran out I threw the ahjumma waiting out at the front of the desk $50 for our monthly paycheck.  Those were the last $50 I will ever give her.

I called a cab and I threw our bags in the trunk. We finally arrived at the airport and it was already 10:00 a.m. I held on to my sisters wrists tightly as I ran across the airport. We did everything we needed to do and we made it just in time before the plane took off. We handed our passports to the lady and entered the tunnel to the plane. 

YiJung suddenly let go of my hand.

" Eonnie!!"

" Hmm?"

" I lost my bag!" 

" your bag?"

" Yea. Where did it go?!"

YiJung ran the other way out of the tunnel and I ran after her.

" Ya! Where do you think you're going?!?!" I said as I held her wrist.

" I'm going to find my bag. I have important things in that bag, I can't loose it. I must find it."

"NO. We are going to miss the flight. They're going to take off in*looks at phone* 2 minutes...2 minutes...2 minutes?!?!" 

" I'm going to find my bag"

" I will buy you a new one in Korea, now let's go" 

I held her and ran through the tunnel, we went on the plane and I made sure I blocked YiJungs way wherever she walked so she couldn't go back and find her bag. We sat in our seats and I made sure she sat on the inside. We waited for the the plane to start with silence. She didn't say anything and I didn't say anything, until the plane took off and I heard her mumble.

" Mom and dad's picture were in that bag...." 

I heard her sob.

" Where else can I get those pictures of them now? They were the only ones we had....and I lost them...why couldn't you just let me go back?! I would've still had a chance if I went back to find it!" She continued.

I didn't reply. I didn't know our parents pictures were in her bag all this time...I lost them...I should've let her go back and find it.......I'm so stupid.....I hate myself....our one and only picture of our parents...gone...because of me.



This is my first fan fiction so please don't kill me if this was really bad or if I had a lot of mistakes....I will try to update often^^ I will try my best so you guys won't have to wait so long for my updates!!


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I love this fanfic!! Update soon <3
Chapter 31: Yaaay another update! I missed reading this fic. hehe. Keep updating please! <3
baconlovers04 #3
Chapter 31: really hope you can keep updating :) nice story btw
Chapter 30: hiiii, please update soon! <3
Chapter 30: yijung time! lol
update soon!
XxLoserGyuxX #6
Chapter 30: LOL YiJung XD Update soon~!
PerfectlyImperfectxX #7
Chapter 29: asdfgxcnlj- yeollieeeee! >3<
Waeyo? Oh?
Chapter 29: Update soon! Ah afsjfkldgah
XxLoserGyuxX #9
Chapter 29: Chanyeol -3- look what you did to poor YiJung
Update soon please!!! I wanna see what happens :3
Chapter 29: update soon!!