I Love You



I opened Seungcheol’s room door and sighed at the view. His room was a complete mess (not that mine is neat or anything, but he’s waaay worse than mine!) and he was still buried under his massive blanket, only his right leg and head was appeared. Well it’s not like he’s a heavy bull sleeper that I need to flip the bed to wake him up, no. But I wouldn’t say that it’s easy to get his ready for school without some yelling here and there.

I walk closer to his bed and stared at him. How can he sleep in that position without having any problem with breathing?!

“Seungcheol oppa, wake up” I said as I sit on his bed and nudge him “Hey, wake up”

“Five more minutes”

“It’s already late and you haven’t even brush your teeth! Wake up, Seungcheol!”

“I could go to school without brushing my teeth” he said lazily

“Ew, that’s freaking gross!” I said as I slapped his shoulder, earning a small hum only. I stared at his sleeping face that looked like a baby with some trace of drools on his right cheek. Oh wait, he doesn’t drool, I’m just kidding hehe.

I was about to tapped his shoulder again, but before I could move my finger closer to him, he stands up with that fully conscious face and big grin. “Oh my God, ___, you’re talking to me!”

I  looked at him with confused look and raised an eyebrow, “Err, yes? I think..”

“Oh thank you, God!” he said and quickly pulled me into his bear hug. He shook me around and messed my ponytail as he keeps on saying thanks to God. “You’re finally talking to me! Oh God, you have no idea how thankful I am, now!”

“Err, I could kind of see it in your face, Seungcheol”

“Oh God, I’m so happy that you’re talking to me again. That means that your silent treatment to us had come to an end”

“Who said that I’m finally over my silent treatment to you?” I said as I pushed him away from the hug “I’m just waking you up for school, doesn’t mean that I’m finally done with my upsetness about you and the Seventeen boys”

I quickly stood up before I finally cracked a smile on how priceless his face was. He was shocked, confused, lost, I don’t know. He’s just looking really funny that I wanted to laugh so heard till I cry about it, but I wouldn’t let him see that I’m finally forgiving him. Well, not yet, I think.


I placed a big bowl of ramen on the dining table and can’t help but to smile on how happy Seungcheol was looking as he walked out of his room. He take a deep breath of the food and grins ear to ear as he takes a seat and quickly take some of the ramen to his own bowl.

“Good morning”

I nodded, “You don’t need to look all fancy and neat in the morning any more, you know. You could just go with your usual looking at school. I know who you are now, so there’s no point on hiding it anymore”

“___-ah.. I-..”

“Shh, I’m not in the mood on talking about it. Less talking, more eating” I said with a smile as I placed a some of the noodles to my mouth. He gladly smiled back, knowing that I finally forgive him and get over the fact that he’s one of a badass boy, even when deep inside I still can’t fully accept it.

So we then continued our food quietly. It wasn’t awkward, surprisingly, since I think the both of us still need time to process what’s happening and why it happened, but I can’t help the fact that my mind was running wild with questions and my lips were itching to just ask it all out.

“___-ah, are you alright?” Seungcheol asked with worried face as he looked at me. Great, I must’ve mumbled things as I argued with myself to ask it out or not. You know, personal habit.

“Yeah, I’m fine” I lied “But Seungcheol.. I actually have some questions for you..”

He stared at me deeply and sighed, “Sure. Ask away”

“It’s actually about you and the boys..” I started “..Are you guys like.. A real real gangster that beat the heck out of people and stuffs or are you guys just like.. You know.. Ordinary school bullies that only grab students’ lunch and all..”

He placed his chopsticks down and stared at me, “We’re.. How do I say this, um..” he saturated. He tapped his fingers nervously and bit his lower lip. I don’t know what was his problem on telling me about this topic when I’m obviously his freaking sister that he could spill everything out, but it seems like he was really trying hard to find good words to say that his body was getting stiff and all “.. well we’re like.. We’re not a gangster or bullies, actually. We’re just.. Protecting each other’s up, yeah..”

“Protecting each other? Who from?”

“Well we kinda have this one enemy that we don’t fear about, no. We’re just.. Well, you understand that some people just hate others with no reason and start attacking them when those people are doing nothing in the first place, right?”

I nodded.

“Well we’re those people. There’s this group that I don’t want you to know about and you should never know because they’re just causing nothing but trouble, and they keep on disturbing us when we’re doing no harm on them and out of nowhere, we just keep on having this fights between us that I don’t even know where it started from, but Seventeen then turned into some kind of scary group in people’s eyes”

I stared at him with blanked eyes and he only shrugged with sheepish smile as he finished his explanation.

This is too much information in the morning. I didn’t expect him to tell me the history of Seventeen, to be honest. All I asked for is what they do, not how did they created, but this information is just.. Wow.

“Okay, so.. Are you like the good one or the bad one? And don’t lie to me cause you know I will find out the truth if you lie later on”

“We’re the good one, of course! It’s just that.. Sometimes we don’t use the ‘good’ way to express ourselves and I’m fully aware about that. Sometimes we just do what we think is right and ignore the fact that it’s actually destroying or hurting someone else like what you saw on the other day.. But we have a very good explanation for that, I promise!”

“Okay, woah woah, enough explanation for a day. Head’s about to explode here” I said as I put an end on his explanation. Well it’s not like I don’t want to hear any further information about the boys and all, no. I wanted to know everything. But I think it’s more than enough information to start off my morning today.

Seungcheol stared at me with those worried look as if he’s scared that I’ll give him some more silent treatment and all. To be honest I would actually give him some silent treatment, knowing that he’s doing things on his will without thinking of the consequences and other’s feeling, but my mind was busy trying to process what he just said that I didn’t have time to think about it that much.

“___-ah, I know that you hate what we’re doing and who we really are. I know that it’s wrong to do what we’re doing now, and we’re completely aware of it. But just like I said, these people are just like parasites that came out of no where and they won’t stop even if I tried to put an end on it. We’re now are in the point where we’re just trying to protect ourselves and-..”

“I love you”

Okay where did that came from..

Seungcheol stared at me with shocked look and believe me, I was shocked to myself too. I sighed and take his left hand, “What ever you and the boys are doing now, I just want you to know that I believe in you guys. I know that you guys are the good ones and you would take care of each other no matter what, but.. Always have a note in your mind that I love you and I need you, okay? Just.. Please try to stay out of any troubles that can cause you guys any harm and all cause I don’t want to see you guys in any kind of pain”

He smiled at me and surprisingly, he pulled me into a hug. A hug that I’ve been missing so much that I almost think that that kind of feeling doesn’t even exist. I smiled upon the warmth and close contact and I can’t help to not hug him back too. He patted my back softly and buried his face on my hair, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect the boys no matter what”

“Yeah, but you need to take a look on yourself too, okay?”

“Of course. Don’t worry about me” he said and pulled off form the hug. He smiled at me genuinely and I could clearly see that his big brown eyes were getting teary. Psh, such a big baby.

 I only smiled at him and turned my body back to the ramen that’s already getting cold because of our convo. I was slurping it down and chocked hard as Seungcheol said,

“Love you too, baby sister”



[ Hey guys! I am very sorry about this late update and all. My laptop broke and I need to retype everything and I was confused on what to write because if I choose the wrong sentence, it would change the whole chapter and the rest of the story so I was having a hard time to rewrite it. I'm really sorry ><

So what do you think about this chapter? A bit crappy, eh? Yeah, I know. But don't you just love how sweet and caring Seungcheol is? I personally had always been craving for an older brother and I think that Seungcheol's such a perfect brother here! Gaah, I can't handle him for being such a gentle and protective brother! *fangirl over my own story LOL

Remember to always let me know what you think about this story in the comment box so I could make some fixing here and there to finally satisfy you guys, okay?

Oh, and did you notice the new poster? kkk]

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meialice #1
Chapter 29: Wow, the story i realy liked
Wow you have been a carat since their pre debut days! I have become one only a few moths ago ?
Hope you would comeback and continue to write this story (;
FinJee #2
Chapter 29: i'm waiting for so long
Chapter 1: PLEASE CONTINUE!!! I've read this all the way back in 2013 back in the days of SeventeenTV and ugh, the memories and it would be great to know the ending~~
adorethespirit #4
Chapter 29: Continue, please! This story is too great to let goㅠㅠ
I've been waiting for this story to continue since a long~ time ago.
No need to be too rushed, as long as the story continued it's totally fine for me :" (but the faster it's updated, the better it'll be ㅋ)
Fighting, author-nim! I'll be waiting for the story to continue♡
bielatahar96 #5
Chapter 29: please continue this story author-nim !! I've been waiting for this story to continue!
Chapter 29: author-nim!!! please continue this story!! I've beeen waiting for this story to continue! please author-nim comeback!
k_p_o_p #7
Chapter 28: please update this story soon!! Its the best story ive read so far and im really intrested in it so please update it soon
Naejin #8
Chapter 28: Wow...never JR to be like this....anyway this is so good authornim, pls update!!!^^
Chapter 28: OHMYGERDNESS You finally updated! Love the cool twist Author-nim!