
Dangerously in Love

"What do you want?" Hea Woo asked as she was scanning the flavors.



The other looked at her, "What?"



She looked at him, "I asked, what flavor do you want?"



"I don't want any." Sunggyu lied, looking away from the variety of ice cream.



"Yeah, right. No one can resist ice cream. Plus, you look so into food. I saw you almost getting a second on cereal." she rebutted.



"....Strawberry Cheesecake." he answered, making Hea Woo smile at his response. She wanted to choose that flavor as well.



- - - -



"You know, people usually say thank you when they receive something to their delight. Especially, if it's food." Hea Woo said out loud.



They were off the bus, and were now walking to their house.



He looked at her, "Thank you."



"Aw, no smile or anything? You don't sound sincere, knowing you earn your own money now instead of it being given. You sound... regretful, or sad even."



"You always have something to say, don't you?" he gave out a slight laugh, "You're sweet to the others, but you're so mean towards me."



She looked back at him, "Did you just laugh? Then Sungjong was wrong, it is possible to make you smile at least."



"Just be quiet. We're here now."



"Oh, you don't want them to see you smiling?" she questioned.



Sunggyu glared at her, "I wasn't smiling, I was barely laughing. So please, stop saying that."



"Oh well, you smiled!" Hea Woo exclaimed before running inside the house, locking him out. *This guy's pretty interesting,* she thought. *He just needs to let go of that shell... Well, if that even is possible, he's weird.*



Loud bangs were coming from the other side of the door, "Let me in! Hurry up, and don't talk back to me!"



After awhile, Hea Woo eventually opened the door, letting him in, "You're lucky it's freezing outside."



Taking off his shoes, he sighed, "Only because we ate ice cream."



"That I paid for!" she exclaimed.



"Whatever. We should've just used up our free drink at the end of our shift instead of our first break." he answered, "I'm so cold."



"Sunggyu hyung? Hea Woo?" it was Sungyeol's voice, "The both of you are late for dinner..."



They both looked at him, "Ah, we are? Sorry, we just went for some ice cream."



He furrowed his eyebrows, "Really? We thought your shift ended at 3, it's almost seven now."



"We went for seconds because the bus was late." Sunggyu answered.



Hea Woo looked at the other male, "More like you got seconds... And late? After we got more, we were late!"



"Be quiet, at least we're home. And I'm full now, I'll skip dinner."



For some reason, Sungyeol felt awkward. In secret, the boys bet how long it would take for both Sunggyu and Hea Woo to get along with each other. They all could tell she wasn't fond of him, and Sunggyu didn't like strangers.



"Uhm, alright. What about you, Hea Woo?" Sungyeol asked.



She slightly titled her head, "I had a crepe at gomo's shop, so I'll pass."



"Well, we're going to watch a movie after dinner, so we'll meet you in the family room." he then walked back to the kitchen.



Sunggyu sighed, "Another movie... I'm going to fall asleep while watching. I'd rather just go get some food."



Hea Woo looked at him, "I thought you were full? Oh right, you'd like to empty out my wallet."



"Seriously, I'd rather go somewhere else. Sungjong's picking the movie this week and I'm sure he'll pick a horror movie." he said while looking in the family room, "In fact, it's right here." he held up a case.



She turned to the DVD, "The Human Centipede...? Well, uhm... I still have my credit card, where do you want to go?"



"I knew you would have that reaction. What do you want to do?"



Hea Woo shrugged, "I don't know. What about Hongdae?"



With that last word, his face lit up, "Chincha?!" It looked like his lips finally curved upwards. Who knew that this guy loved going out so much?



"You just smiled! Now I'm right! Aren't I?~"



Sighing, he looked at her, "Lets just go. I want meat." he said, gently pushing her once again to the door.



Meanwhile, the seven at the table were in a awkward atmosphere.



"I just won. Give me my money." Dongwoo said, looking at all of them.



The other boys sighed, while giving him thirty thousand won each.



There was Tablo, looking at them in disbelief, "Why would you bet on something as crazy as that?"



"It seemed fun. Plus we were waiting for them to talk, because we're all friends with her now, except him." Hoya stated.



Woohyun had an idea, "I bet fifty thousand won that they'll kiss by this Saturday. Sunggyu hyung never talks to girls, except now. She must feel special. So I'm su-"



Tablo cut him off, "Shush, don't play around with your money like that."



"Plus I don't think Sunggyu hyung should love..." Myungsoo commented, looking at his plate.



Everyone but the older male, Tablo, looked at him with a questioning look. What the hell was he talking about? Although, Tablo had a irritated look on his face, he seemed unsurprised as well.



"What?" Sungjong asked.



But, the other just ignored him and continued eating.



Hey, guys~ I hope you like the chapters right now. More interesting things will happen later on, just wait for it! Please comment, it makes my day and I'd love to hear your feedback. Thank you~ <3

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Sorry for slow updates, everyone. Something happened to my family and it's really hard to get over it...


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Chapter 30: oh... snap.... didn't see that coming O.O
Chapter 28: I spat my retainer out after finding out who she's supposed to marry...
Chapter 33: Finally finished! The ending was terrible if there's no sequel. I will hate you all my life if it's really the ending. Lol. I never knew i like action things until i read the action part of this fic!
Chapter 7: Hi! I'm a new reader. So far, i love this. I plan to comment when i finish but i read your author's note, does someone unsubscribe just because you add Beyoncé here?
Chapter 33: Oh there's a sequel!!!! I'm looking forward to it, author-nim! Too bad Sunggyu was in deep coma, but when he woke up, it turned out that Myungsoo & Hea Woo was nowhere......
Chapter 31: What an awesome story! Please update!!!! <3