Pepero Kiss

Dangerously in Love

The four of them were forced up to go up to the main stage, they were all surprised. They couldn't say anything at all.



"Well this just killed their mood..." Sungjong commented as he sighed and shook his head.



Hea Woo was forced to stand next to Myungsoo, as Eumi was forced to stand next to Sunggyu.



"Now it's time for the King and Queen, and the Prince and Princess dance!" the DJ said through the microphone.



They couldn't speak. They all liked the other person near them, and it was...weird. Especially since Myungsoo and Sunggyu are brothers.



Music started playing, and the couldn't dance with the brother they don't have feelings for. Especially for Eumi, because Sunggyu had just confessed.



"You don't want to dance?" the DJ asked them, which they quickly shook their heads to.



"No," Hea Woo told him, "we don't."



He looked at them weirdly, "Uhm, alright then..." he looked at everyone else on the dance floor, "All of you can dance instead."



As the music ended, the DJ went back on the microphone, "Every year, we have a game that the King and Queen, and the Prince and the Princess do. Do the four of you have any idea what it could be?"



The four of them didn't say anything, they didn't want to be a part of it...whatever it may be.



The DJ had something behind his back, "We're doing... The Pepero Kiss!" he held out the box that was now in front of him.



Their eyes widened, and so did Table 7. The DJ made Eumi and Hea Woo's backs facing each other, as their 'King' or 'Prince' were in front of them.



"Are we really going to do this...?" Eumi whispered to her friend behind her.



"I'd rather leave. I can't do this with the guy you like." Hea Woo answered.



She nudged her back, "Shut it... I can't do this either, but we have to."



Little did they know, the two brothers had their own plan.



The DJ gave Sunggyu and Myungsoo a piece of chocolate, "Are you ready?"



That's when Sunggyu grabbed Hea Woo, as Myungsoo grabbed Eumi and switched their places.



The two girls had the shock of their life. They were unexpectedly grabbed and now they were so close with the other guy.



Hea Woo's heart kept beating rapidly, her face was only centimeters away from his, and she could feel his warm breath against her skin.



"Ready." he finally answered the DJ's earlier question, as he held up the Pepero stick.



The DJ looked extremely confused, "Uhh... Okay then? Change of plans, everyone... I guess the King and Princess and the Queen and Prince will be doing the game tonight.."



But, that's when two hands grabbed Hea Woo's shoulder and pulled her away.



It was Hoya and Himchan.



Himchan was glaring at Sunggyu, as Hoya... he surprised himself, and the whole table. Envy got through him, seeing them so close to each other got him standing on his feet.



"Don't do this with him, Hea Woo. You don't know him." the dancer told her, "Don't."



She was confused, ever since she got up on that stage, she has been confused. Why was Hoya like this? she thought. It's pretty clear why Himchan is doing this, but Hoya?



"Let her go." Sunggyu commanded, glaring at both of them.



Himchan slowly let go, but his glare towards the Infinite leader stayed in place. But Hoya, his grip tightened.



She winced, "Stop it, Hoya.. It hurts..."



Myungsoo and Eumi went to them, "Hoya, what is going on with you? Snap out of it..." Myungsoo told him.



He didn't listen, he stayed in the same position.



"Hoya! Let her go, don't let your jealously get through them!" Eumi yelled at him as she forcefully pulled him off, "Jealousy creates a monster."



Because of this, the Winter Ball was ruined for Hea Woo. She'd rather not be there anymore. She looked at Sunggyu, "I'm sorry... My mind's everywhere... I can't do this right now. I can't here any longer." she got off the stage and ran towards the exit.



"Hea Woo!" Eumi screamed her name as she as well ran off stage and headed her direction. Min Hee ran off too, they couldn't leave their friend alone.



The girl in the white dress was in the lobby, on her phone, "Thank you, samcheon... I'll be waiting in the lobby." she ended that call and sighed.



Her two friends went up to her, "Hea Woo... Are you okay?" her childhood friend asked her as she sat next to her.



"What the hell is going on, Min? I don't understand. First, I tell you guys about how much I like him, and then he confesses to me after he shoos out some other guy... And then I get paired up with his brother, and then all of a sudden their friend pretty much just grabs me and tells me not to do anything with him. Why is this like a movie?!"



Eumi sighed, "Hea Woo, it's okay. We know you love Sunggyu, a lot. So don't worry about it. If you do feel the same about each other, this whole thing will fade away."



She was right, she was totally right.



hey everyone~ you all know i update frequently (my life as a junior is quite easy that's why). but this might be my last update for the week. my birthday is coming up this sunday and i'm so busy the entire week because of that. but i will update on monday, i promise you that~ bye guys :3 saranghaeyo~

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Sorry for slow updates, everyone. Something happened to my family and it's really hard to get over it...


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Chapter 30: oh... snap.... didn't see that coming O.O
Chapter 28: I spat my retainer out after finding out who she's supposed to marry...
Chapter 33: Finally finished! The ending was terrible if there's no sequel. I will hate you all my life if it's really the ending. Lol. I never knew i like action things until i read the action part of this fic!
Chapter 7: Hi! I'm a new reader. So far, i love this. I plan to comment when i finish but i read your author's note, does someone unsubscribe just because you add Beyoncé here?
Chapter 33: Oh there's a sequel!!!! I'm looking forward to it, author-nim! Too bad Sunggyu was in deep coma, but when he woke up, it turned out that Myungsoo & Hea Woo was nowhere......
Chapter 31: What an awesome story! Please update!!!! <3