Phone Calls

Dangerously in Love

A knock was heard in her hospital room, “Come in.” Hea Woo called out.



The door opened, and it was Hoya who came inside, “Hey, Hea Woo.”



She was honestly disappointed when she saw him, “Oh, hey Hoya. Why'd you come?”



“Sunggyu texted us and told us that one of us should pick you up instead of him because he had to help out a new student. Are you feeling better now?”



Hea Woo shrugged, “I've been sleeping the whole day, I'm definitely feeling better.''



Hoya looked at her, “Hea Woo, you were looking forward to seeing Sunggyu hyung here, weren't you? Instead of me?”



She slowly nodded, “I don't want to be mean, but yes... Just out of curiousity, who's the new student anyway?”



“Her name is Lee Mi Kyong, and for some reason, she clings onto hyung. I know her, but she's just plain annoying. Hea Woo, you are so lucky though. All throughout lunch, she was flirting with hyung, but he always said that he didn't want her near him because he already has you. So if you were worried when I said she was flirting with hm, don't be. Just worry about her messing around with you.” he told her.



She stood up and looking in the mirror, “You know, if she dared to mess with me, it won't be pretty.”



A phone started ringing, it was Hea Woo's. The ringtone caught Hoya's attention, “Wow... Animals by Martin Garrix? I should've expected that.”



“We're using it for the second year song, I heard we're last to go after the first years, so I chose this. It'll be perfect. It's the Step-Up Assembly next month, we need to leave a good last impression for the year, especially your class. And a week after that, you're graduating. Time went fast here...” she said, grabbing her phone, noticing it was an unknown number. She decided to answer it anyway, “Hello?”



“Hea Woo-ah!” a cheerful voice came through the other line.



She immediately recognized the voice, “Daejung Appa!”



It was her uncle. Her uncle was her father-figure when she lived in New York, that's why she calls him appa. He is the only family member the she truly cares about.



“How are you calling? You live in New York!” she exclaimed, she was obviously excited talking to her uncle again.



She could hear him laughing in the background, “I'm here! Go to my house, I have a surprise for you!”



“Chincha?! I'll be there as soon as possible! Still the same house, Daejung oppa?”



“Yeah, it is the same house as before. Remember, I own that house for whenever I want to visit.”



Excitement took over her, “I'll hang up now, I promise to be there!” she immediately grabbed her bag and quickly walked out, leaving Hoya alone and confused.



He caught up to her after, and as they were walking towards the exit of the hospital, they saw two other people walking their way.



Min Hee and Woohyun.



“Expected...” Hea Woo and Hoya said at the same time.



“Hoya? Why are you here? We told Sunggyu that we'd pick her up...” Min Hee said.



He shrugged, “I had nothing to do after school, so I decided to come.”



They looked at each other confused, and looked back at the other two, “I guess...” Woohyun muttered.



Although they were already there, someone else came into the picture. It was no other than Kim Sunggyu.



They didn't understand why they saw him, “Hyung? I thought you were going to help that idiot get her textbooks?”



“Does it look like I want to do that? I completely ripped her schedule and went here. But Hoya, why are you here? Did you come here first?”



Min Hee cut him off before the other could say anything, “No, he didn't. We got here first, and he thought no one else was coming.” she lied to protect one of her friends.



“Uhm, okay then...”



Hea Woo, on the other hand, was getting really impatient, “Can we just go now? I really want to go to my uncle's place already...”



- - - -



“So you lived in a small house in New York when here in Korea, he owns a mansion?” Sunggyu questioned as he was driving to her uncle's house.



“Yeah... He's really weird, but very lovable!” she smiled as she looked out the window, “He can be extremely bipolar, so don't mind him.”



He looked at her, “That's okay, I won't. I deal with you everyday anyways.”



Hearing that, Hea Woo immediately slapped his arm, “Yah, Sunggyu oppa! You're so mean to me!”



He started laughing, “I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'm saying that you got a lot of your personality from him, if that's what you're telling me.”



“But you pretty much called me irritating...”



“Well, you did annoy me when you first moved in.”



Instead of being angry, she dropped her shoulders and looked at him, “Here we go again. The story you're always telling me, saying, 'You irritated the heck out of me when we started working together. What a bad attitude you had.' and everything else... I've heard that for so long already!”



Sunggyu laughed to himself, “We can tell each other everything now... Don't you remember how long we've been dating?”



“Four months, Sunggyu... Four months, I know.”



He put his right hand over her left hand, “And if I thought you were so annoying, we may not even have lasted, and I may have not liked you at all. Plus, remember the time you told me that you thought I was an idiotic prick when we first starting working together? Come on, Hea Woo. We're only joking with each other now.”



She looked at him and the tips of her lips slowly curved upwards, “Oh Sunggyu... Trying your best at being romantic, it's kind of funny.”



“Shut up... You know, why is every attempt at me being romantic always funny to you? I'm not trying to be funny, I'm not Dongwoo, but I'm just funny towa-” he began ranting before Hea Woo noticed something.



“We're here!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, causing Sunggyu to press on the brakes and plunge forward a bit in their seats.



He looked at her with widened eyes, “Are you crazy?! You idiot, you could've made me crash!”



That, was a typical Sunggyu and Hea Woo conversation. Spendid, isn't it?



hello, everyone. i'm sorry for a late update, something happened... when i thought about this chapter, i was told a few hours before one of my favorite uncle and aunties was coming to visit from the philippines, so i began writing about it for some reason. but, while i was writing this chapter, a few days later, i recieved news that a different, very close uncle of mine had passed away. so, it's been really hard for me to cope with it right now. but anyways, enough of me. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter. thank you. :)

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Sorry for slow updates, everyone. Something happened to my family and it's really hard to get over it...


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Chapter 30: oh... snap.... didn't see that coming O.O
Chapter 28: I spat my retainer out after finding out who she's supposed to marry...
Chapter 33: Finally finished! The ending was terrible if there's no sequel. I will hate you all my life if it's really the ending. Lol. I never knew i like action things until i read the action part of this fic!
Chapter 7: Hi! I'm a new reader. So far, i love this. I plan to comment when i finish but i read your author's note, does someone unsubscribe just because you add Beyoncé here?
Chapter 33: Oh there's a sequel!!!! I'm looking forward to it, author-nim! Too bad Sunggyu was in deep coma, but when he woke up, it turned out that Myungsoo & Hea Woo was nowhere......
Chapter 31: What an awesome story! Please update!!!! <3