
Dangerously in Love

"Hea Woo..." Sungjong looked at her as she came out of her room, "What the hell are you wearing?"



She looked at her outfit, and blankly looked back at him, "What? Sunggyu's cardigan is warm and since I still have the chills, I think I'd be good for the school day."



"But hyung never lets anyone use his clothes."



Hea Woo shrugged, "He said I could keep it. Oh, by the way, is the school's dance room open during the day?"



Sungjong looked really surprised, as he looked back and screamed, "Hyung!" from the top of his lungs.



- - - -



After school had arrived, and Hea Woo headed towards the dance room, opening the door, and seeing that it was actually a hall. Quickly signing herself in and reserving a room for an hour, she put her bag down and began stretching.



Meanwhile, all the guys were together, looking around for their female roommate.



"Hyung, you're close to her, where do you think she is?" Dongwoo asked the eldest.



He shrugged, "Beats me..."



"I thought you liked her, hyung. You don't even know where she is?" he commented back.



The five other guys widened their eyes, "What?!" Sungjong exclaimed, "You like Hea Woo?!"



"Shut up, don't let anyone else hear that! What if she passed by?!" Sunggyu shouted at him, "Don't say anything else!"



But it just so happens, that Min Hee was walking to her locker as she heard that, and her direction made her walk to them, "You're looking for Hea Woo? She's in the dance room hall on the second floor."



"I believe you heard it too..." Sunggyu sighed, shaking his head.



She smiled, "Loud and clear, Sunggyu. Loud and clear."



"Yah, Lee Sungjong! This is all your fault!"



The youngest just laughed it off, "You're welcome, hyung. You could not be more obvious, I'm surprised by how stupid I sounded earlier."



"And I'm quite surprised how oblivious Hea Woo is..." Woohyun commented, laughing at his words.



Hoya looked at his hyung, "He gave her his favorite cardigan, that's insane..."



"....I'm still here." Sunggyu sighed once again, "I have no respect from any of you..."



Myungsoo chuckled, "Maybe not from us, but you sure do have a lot of respect from Hea Woo."



With a blank face, the eldest's patience was thinning out, "I'm just going to work so I don't get suspended on the first week of school because of you guys." he walked away, and in fact, not to the dance rooms, he was actually going to work early for the first time in weeks.



....No one in their house understands why Hye Jung hasn't fired him yet.



- - - -



With just minutes before their shift, Hea Woo came running in the coffee shop, heading behind the counter and putting on her pink floral apron.



"Hey, I'm earlier than you for once." Sunggyu passed her coffee cups as he also took customers orders.



"Well I like doing things after school, mainly dance, so I'm going to ask gomo for later hours starting next week." she answered, "I want to join clubs, so it looks good for my resume."



He looked at her, "Are you planning to leave the coffee shop?"



Shaking her head, Hea Woo began making the coffee, "Well I can't stay here forever, and neither will you. I talked to gomo about it already and I only have five months left of working here. So I'm trying to find other places that are hiring as well."



"True, but I'm getting used to this place..."



"You're going to have to let go someday, we have our education to focus on. We have to start applying to colleges next year, and I plan on going abroad. So far, I have the grades for that." she answered.



Sunggyu tilted his head, "To Japan?"



She shook her head once again, "No, I'm talking about America."



- - - -



"Kids!" Tablo called out the eight high-schoolers, "Come to the living room!"



In a matter of minutes, all of them came out, "What happened, samcheon?" Myungsoo questioned, sitting down on the floor.



"You guys know how this house is run-down now, so I went around with a realtor all day. I found the perfect house, but it's ten minutes farther from your school."



All of them widened their eyes, "What? Did you buy it already?" Sungyeol also questioned.



Tablo nodded, "Yes, I already did. It's bigger as in space in every room, but there's less bedrooms. That's the only con about it. There's five bedrooms, so decide your sleeping arrangements."



"Bwoh? I'll have to sleep with one of you in the same room?" Hea Woo pouted, "Aish, I don't even..."



Hoya and Dongwoo immediately went next to each other, telling everyone they would take up one bedroom.



"Expected..." Sungjong said while they looked at the both of them, then turning his attention to the girl, "Hea Woo, you're closest to Sunggyu hyung out of all of us, aren't you? Then you should share a room with him."



Sunggyu's eyes widened as he glared at the maknae, full of anger.



Also, Hea Woo's eyes widened too, "Huh?! Why should I? I don't want to be stuck with him the whole entire day! I already sit next to him in class, work the same shift with him until nine, and I'll have to share a room with him?!"



"And do you know how loud she blasts her music every night when I try to sleep?! I can hear it from mine and Myungsoo's room!" the eldest complained.



Tablo looked at the two of them weirdly, "What a unique friendship..."

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Sorry for slow updates, everyone. Something happened to my family and it's really hard to get over it...


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Chapter 30: oh... snap.... didn't see that coming O.O
Chapter 28: I spat my retainer out after finding out who she's supposed to marry...
Chapter 33: Finally finished! The ending was terrible if there's no sequel. I will hate you all my life if it's really the ending. Lol. I never knew i like action things until i read the action part of this fic!
Chapter 7: Hi! I'm a new reader. So far, i love this. I plan to comment when i finish but i read your author's note, does someone unsubscribe just because you add Beyoncé here?
Chapter 33: Oh there's a sequel!!!! I'm looking forward to it, author-nim! Too bad Sunggyu was in deep coma, but when he woke up, it turned out that Myungsoo & Hea Woo was nowhere......
Chapter 31: What an awesome story! Please update!!!! <3