Empire State of Mind

Dangerously in Love

The eight of them, excluding Tablo who was at work, went to Butterfinger Pancakes for breakfast. Although they sat down together, none of them were talking because of what happened earlier. Awkwardness and music blasting from some earphones was the only thing that was being heard, or was happening at the table.



When they got their food, yet again, they were all quiet, and there was still music blasting from someone's earphones.



"Yah, Hea Woo. Turn down your music or you're going to go deaf." Sunggyu said, obviously disturbed by how loud it was.



And of course, no answer. She can't hear anything but the song, Smash Into You.



"I got it, hyung." Hoya said as he took off her left earplug.



A death glare came towards him, Hea Woo looked angry, "Don't even do that again..."



- - - -



"What should we do now?" Dongwoo questioned, as they were all now in front of the restaurant.



"Lets go shopping!" Sungjong exclaimed, "I haven't gone shopping in such a long time!"



Hoya laughed, "Go shopping if you want, but Hea Woo and I are going to school and meet up with Eumi to choreograph again. Dongwoo hyung, you don't mind if I take your car for a few hours, right?"



The dino nodded and tossed him his keys, "Go ahead, just don't scratch it."



"Got it. Lets go, Hea Woo?"



They soon both left, and the rest of them looked at Sunggyu, "You getting annoyed yet, hyung?" Myungsoo looked at him.



"I've been..." he sighed, "I can tell he's purposely annoying me and making me jealous, I'm not that stupid."



"Why don't you just tell her to make him stop, hyung? It's best that you do." Dongwoo advised.



"It's not that easy, confessing to a girl you like. You don't know how she feels unless you actually can see it. I'm not risking it, especially since we live together." the eldest answered, "and share the same room. I can't."



Meanwhile, Hoya was driving as the radio was playing Empire State of Mind. Hea Woo smiled as she heard the first verse, "I miss this song... I haven't been in New York in such a long time..."



"You went to New York before?"



"Not just went, but I lived there. When I was six to nine, and then I went back right before eighth grade and came back here at the second semester of my first year of high school." she answered, sighing, "I was supposed to move back for good after graduation because of my mom's arrangements, but I'm not going to go back for something like that..."



"Maybe you can go back one day, I'm sure you will." he said to her.






- - - -



The three of them were finally finished choreographing the seven minute song. Yes, seven minutes.



Hoya sighed in relief, "Thank you both, for helping me choreograph this piece. Usually, just because I'm the dance team captain, they let me choreograph by myself. But you guys, thank you... I want one of you to be the dance captain of the second year class."



"We can figure that out on the day of the assembly. Lets just focus on teaching this to everyone in three days..." Eumi said as she panted from how tired she was.



"Please, it's almost nine... We got here at two, lets get home, I need to sleep..."



The next day at school, Hea Woo went inside the campus completely tired. She was too tired to put on any make-up, her hair was out of place. Technically, she just looked like a wreck.



"Hea Woo, are you sure you're okay? You look like you've haven't slept for the night." Min Hee said as they walked inside their classroom.



"I didn't..." the other girl groaned, "I was practicing instead and watching some dance companies."



Min Hee sighed, "Woohyun told me that you took your auntie's nightshift at her cafe. He even told me that Sunggyu has to bring you up to your room now."



She looked at her friend, "You hang out with him too much... Do you like him or something?"



"No, we're just friends. That's all."



"Hmm... Alright then..." she muttered, but that's when Sungjong, Sunggyu, and Myungsoo came inside the class and took their seats.



The eldest looked at Hea Woo, who sits right next to him, "Don't go to work, go home after practice."



Hea Woo looked back at him, "No, I'm fine. I can just make my own coffee at work."



- - - -



Hea Woo walked inside the coffee shop, yawning. Hye Jung looked at her, as Sunggyu was putting on his jacket, getting ready to leave.



Hye Jung sighed, "Hea Woo-ah, no need to work today for you. Sunggyu told me about your condition after dance practice. Minwoo promised to work an extra hour before the shop closes instead of you. I want you to go home."



"But, gomo... I want to work today. I finished my homework already..." she answered.



She was stern, "No, you're going home. Come back to work tomorrow when you can actually open your eyes without yawning."



With another few minutes of saying why it was a good reason to go to work, Hye Jung just pushed both of them out of the shop.



The both of them ended up going home, "Hea Woo, don't devote most of your time for dance. You always come home so tired, when this whole dance assembly ends, you need some sleep."



But, then again, Hea Woo was asleep.



"....Whenever I try to talk to you these days, you always end up falling asleep." he sighed, parking his car on the driveway, and again, carrying her back to their room.



"If this happens again... I swear, this'll be an everyday thing for me..." he muttered as he placed her down on her bed, "Good night, I guess, Hea Woo-ah." and he went downstairs to eat dinner with everyone else.



anyone else team coffee everyday? in a year, i've become a coffee addict, which actually helps me write! lol idek. comment and subscribe~ thank youuu :D

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Sorry for slow updates, everyone. Something happened to my family and it's really hard to get over it...


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Chapter 30: oh... snap.... didn't see that coming O.O
Chapter 28: I spat my retainer out after finding out who she's supposed to marry...
Chapter 33: Finally finished! The ending was terrible if there's no sequel. I will hate you all my life if it's really the ending. Lol. I never knew i like action things until i read the action part of this fic!
Chapter 7: Hi! I'm a new reader. So far, i love this. I plan to comment when i finish but i read your author's note, does someone unsubscribe just because you add Beyoncé here?
Chapter 33: Oh there's a sequel!!!! I'm looking forward to it, author-nim! Too bad Sunggyu was in deep coma, but when he woke up, it turned out that Myungsoo & Hea Woo was nowhere......
Chapter 31: What an awesome story! Please update!!!! <3