Changes Don't Hurt

Dangerously in Love

Four days later, it was finally a Friday, and that meant this Friday was the assembly. It was close to the Bring the Parents night, and all the dancers were in one classroom, getting ready.



Hea Woo was looking at her new hair, "Eumi, there was no need for extensions... My normal hair length was fine."



"Your hair is too short, just for today, alright? If you like it later on, keep it. But just keep it on for the night." she answered, curling her friend's hair.



After about thirty minutes, Hea Woo....looked different. Her hair was longer, she had make-up on, and her glasses were replaced with contacts.



A knock was echoed through the door, and Hoya came inside, "We're up next, everyone. Where's my choreographers?"



"We're here." Eumi said, as they were only a few feet away from him.



When he looked at the two girls, his eyes widened when he looked at Hea Woo, "Hea Woo...? Is that you?"



She slowly nodded, "Yeah... Do I really look different?"



"Yeah, but! Not in a bad way! You look really pretty, actually." he replied, "A-Ah, anyways... Lets go now. Lets go Woollim High Dance Team!" he started cheering, as everyone cheered as well and walked out of the classroom, heading to the gym.



When they walked in the gym, their principal was talking about graduation requirements. Honestly, the students were getting bored, it even seemed like the parents were too. Well, we're sure Tablo has heard this two times already.



"I'm going to die in here... When is the dance team performing?" Min Hee sighed, as she crossed her arms.



"In a few minutes. Oh, Hea Woo will be Hoya's partner and Eumi will have to partner up with Woohyun because he had no partner when he learned the choreography." Dongwoo answered.



Myungsoo looked at him, "You know, hyung... You should be dancing instead of Woohyun. Why is he doing this today anyway?"



Dongwoo whispered in his ear, "He's only dancing because he's a kiss-up..." he laughed before clearing out his voice, "Plus, I'm graduating this year, I'm focusing on my grades for now."



As the principal stopped talking, the dance team was now ready to perform, he tapped on his microphone, "Earlier, you heard the choir. Now, please enjoy the choreography our school's dance team has made for us tonight." he walked to the sides, ready to watch.



That's when the music started playing, it was TKO by Justin Timberlake. As the beat got more interesting, the team went into their positions, and put on their black snapbacks. They began dancing once JT's vocals were actually heard.



"I see Eumi, Hoya, and Woohyun... Where's Hea Woo?" Sunggyu questioned to himself, looking at all the dancers.



Dongwoo looked at him, "You would..." he looked around also, "She's partnered with Hoya. Right there, the girl with the long hair..." his eyes widened, "Since when did she have long hair? And wore makeup?"



"Eh?!" Sungjong exclaimed as he stood up, looking at all of them, "I don't even know anymore..."



Right before the five minute mark, every dancer but Eumi and Hea Woo crouched and left the stage. When the instrumental beat came, they had began popping. Who knew they were into hip-hop?



- - - -



All of the dancers were panting, all outside of the school, getting some air.



"I do not want to dance to a seven minute song ever again." Hea Woo sighed as she sat on a bench.



Eumi nodded, "Same, anything else but this song."



"Eumi! Hea Woo! Hoya! Woohyun!" the maknae called out their names, making them turn around.



The four of them turned around and looked at the six of their friends, "Oh, it's you guys." Hoya panted, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "The assembly ended already?"



"For us, but not for the parents. Samcheon's stuck in there. You guys were great!" Sungjong commented as he looked at Hea Woo, "And you! Who transformed you to look like a princess?"



Hea Woo laughed, "Eh? Princess? Not even! Eumi helped me just for tonight... I'm going back to my old self tomorrow."



"And Woohyun, you did better than we expected..." Dongwoo patted the other's shoulder, "Good job, you kiss-up." he whispered that last part in his ear.



"Hey! At least I actually did dance team this year!" the grease remarked, "This choreography was hard to learn, I dare you to try."



Myungsoo looked at all of them, "....Can we let this go and eat out? I'm in need for some meat."



"I was waiting for someone to say that." Hea Woo said as she sighed in relief. She looked at her childhood friend, "Min, you want to go with us?"



She looked at her, "Oh, sure. I don't want to go home so soon anyway. We all need a bit of freedom."



Hea Woo smiled, "Great! Ride with Sunggyu and I, we can drop you off after the meal."



- - - -



"Thank you, Hea Woo and Sunggyu. I'll see you on Monday!" Min Hee smiled as she closed the door and ran towards her house.



As Sunggyu began driving he started talking, "You were really good tonight, much more impressive than the choir."



She smiled, "Thanks, we worked really hard on it, especially since we rushed."



"Ah, I see." he looked at her, "And your new...look, I guess? It suits you, you should wear those extensions until your hair grows out."



That caused her to look at him, "A-ah.. Ch-chincha? I don't know... I may wear it again, I'm still deciding."



"You should, a change won't hurt, right?"



"Yeah... I guess."



has anyone heard the 20/20 experience 2 of 2? murder is my favorite song from the album~ anyway, mianhae if there's so much...american songs in the fic and on the playlist. i've had a deep obsession with beyonce's ballads and the 20/20 exerperience. but either way, please comment and subscribe~

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Sorry for slow updates, everyone. Something happened to my family and it's really hard to get over it...


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Chapter 30: oh... snap.... didn't see that coming O.O
Chapter 28: I spat my retainer out after finding out who she's supposed to marry...
Chapter 33: Finally finished! The ending was terrible if there's no sequel. I will hate you all my life if it's really the ending. Lol. I never knew i like action things until i read the action part of this fic!
Chapter 7: Hi! I'm a new reader. So far, i love this. I plan to comment when i finish but i read your author's note, does someone unsubscribe just because you add Beyoncé here?
Chapter 33: Oh there's a sequel!!!! I'm looking forward to it, author-nim! Too bad Sunggyu was in deep coma, but when he woke up, it turned out that Myungsoo & Hea Woo was nowhere......
Chapter 31: What an awesome story! Please update!!!! <3