Winter Ball + The Confession?

Dangerously in Love

This chapter is long~ Just for you guys~~ Thank you!


"Thank you." Yongguk thanked the valet as he gave the worker his car keys. Yes, Eumi's date is actually her older brother. But he just agreed to go so no one flirts with his sister. What a good oppa...



So pretty much, Hea Woo is the only one without a date tonight. The only reason why she was date-less tonight was because from all the guys who asked her, she rejected them all.



Meanwhile, all of Infinite were all together, waiting for the three of them to arrive.



"Where are they...? We've been waiting for fifteen minutes already, girls always take so long to get ready." Sungjong sighed, looking around.



The song that the D.J was playing was A.D.T.O.Y by 2PM. The event just started, it's best to keep to let them girls grind after dinner.



"Min texted a few minutes ago that they were near, so it won't take them long." Woohyun told them.



Onew, Jonghyun, and their other friends, Taemin, Key, and Minho passed by them, causing Sunggyu to stop them, "Onew, where's Hea Woo? I thought she was your date tonight?"



He looked at him, "She isn't... I was playing around with you that day."



Sunggyu's eyes widened, "Bwoh? I heard her say yes, though."



"No. You didn't hear that she wanted to go alone, or with Eumi. Have fun tonight, you guys. And Sunggyu, confess already. We know how much you like her." they all walked away to their table.



That's when the four of them came in. Eumi wore a gray dress, with a thin black chiffon fabric attached to it with a pair of black heels. Min Hee wore a black and red high-low dress, with small heels. As Hea Woo wore a simple white one-shoulder dress and paired it off with glittering silver stilettos. They were in matter of fact, dressed up for the event.



The seven of them had their jaws dropping, it's not everyday when girls try to look their best.



"Are you guys okay?" Yongguk looked at them weirdly, "Go back into reality."



Most of them were okay after a few seconds. The only ones who weren't, were of course Myungsoo, Woohyun, and Sunggyu.



Eumi's brother couldn't help but laugh at them, "You guys are really captivated by looks... Typical..."



They soon snapped out of it, they looked embarassed after being caught.



After awhile, they all sat at their table, getting their food as they started to eat.



"It's pretty cool that our school actually spent money on this. Finally, it makes the students more into the school's activities." Sungyeol commented as they were eating.



"That's so true, I wouldn't have expected this at all. It's crazy, from the three years I've been here, this is the first winter ball that took time to plan." Dongwoo said.



All of them were chatting with each other, laughing at corny jokes. Most everyone was on the dance floor by now, but the ten on them decided to spend time with each other before breaking into dance.



They were pretty much sitting down for a good hour and a half.



Everything was going fine, until someone touched Hea Woo's bare right shoulder, "Hea Woo-ah."



It was Himchan's voice.



Yongguk's eyes widened as he stood up, "Himchan? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in your family's company right now. You don't even go here. You weren't invited."



"Who said you need to be invited when you can get your own hook-ups?" he looked at her, "Hea Woo, you want to dance with me?"



She brushed his grip off of her, "No thank you... I'm not interested..."



"Aw, come on. Just one, it'll be fun."



That's what ticked off Sunggyu, "She doesn't want to dance with you, let it go. Leave her alone and get out."



They looked at each other with anger in their eyes, "Don't tell me what to do. I do what I want to do." Himchan answered as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up, "Lets go dance." he dragged her to the dance floor as a slow song came up.



The song that was playing was Even in My Dreams by G.O.



The DJ said something through the microphone, "Everyone, it's time for the half hour of slow songs. Dance with your date if you're confident!"



Meanwhile, all of them at Table 7 just got silent because of how forceful Himchan was.



"Bastard..." Sunggyu cursed to himself, "Right when I'm about to ask, that's when he just comes along..."



All of them looked at him, "You what? You pretty much were about to confess today?" Min Hee questioned.



He slowly nodded, "I can't do that now because of Himchan."



"Then be a bastard like him and push him away! Don't just sit there, get out of your seat and take him out!" Eumi remarked, "Yongguk oppa will take him away for you!"



"Come on, hyung. You've waited so many months just to say it to her, and today you have the courage. Go push Himchan away and do it, you've been wanting to." Myungsoo told his brother.



Sunggyu looked at Himchan and Hea Woo, who was uncomfortable with Himchan trying to dance with her, "Should I do it now...?"



"DO IT NOW!" everyone in their table yelled at him.



That made Sunggyu stand up, "Okay, I'm up!" he sighed, "Wish me luck..." he started walking over to the both of them, and put his hand on Himchan's shoulder, "Yah, if she doesn't want to dance, let her go."



Himchan glared at him, "No one asked for you, Kim Sunggyu."



"I'm sorry, but I also think that it is my turn. So will you please excuse me." he pushed Himchan away from her as Yongguk came up to get him.



The next song that was playing was On The Run (Part II), by Jay Z featuring Beyonce.



Sunggyu smiled at her, "You happy he's gone?"



"Yeah... D-Do you really want to dance with me though?" she stuttered.



He nodded, "Yeah, sure. Why not? Come on, if you can't slow dance...I don't know how either, but I will try." he pulled her by the waist, and assisted to put her arms around his neck.



Little did they know, their table had a little reporter... It was Sungjong who got Eumi to pretend to be his partner for those few minutes on the dance floor.



Sunggyu cleared his throat, "Hey, Hea Woo... Can I tell you something?"



"Sure. What is it?"



"Well, I've been needing to say this for a few months already... I was pestered by everyone to do this for the how many ever months I've known you... I finally have the courage to say this today, so I'll say it."



He took a deep breath, "Yoo Hea Woo, I like you. I like you a lot."



Her eyes widened as her heart beated rapidly. How is she hearing this right now? Is she being tricked? Girl, please. Author-nim says you need to believe him. [A/N: Excuse me there~]






Sunggyu nodded, "Neh, I've been liking you, actually. Maybe about a few weeks after you came?" he nervously laughed, "Well, I don't care if you don't like me the same way. But I just needed to say it... Of course you don't have to feel the same it is your hea-"



"But Sunggyu... I like you too. And I'm going to kill Min Hee and Eumi for playing around with me...



Both Sungjong and Eumi heard that, causing the male to cheer for them, and they walked towards them, "Now kiss!" Sungjong smiled as he grabbed Eumi's hand brought her back to their table.



"Mission complete! But we're going to die..." Eumi said as she looked at them.



Sunggyu and Hea Woo were completely confused on what happened, but that came off quickly.



He looked at her, "Can I...?"



She just looked at him, and slowly nodded.



Sunggyu smiled as he leaned closer to her, but that's when the song ended.



The DJ went back on the microphone, which caused him to pull apart even before he could make contact, "Every year, after two slow songs, we announce the Winter King and Queen, and the Winter Prince and Princess."



"Oh my god... He just ruined it..." Sungjong cursed to himself at their table.



"This year, our King is... Kim Myungsoo."



Myungsoo looked around, totally confused, "Wait, what? I never entered myself in there..."



"Our prince this year is his brother, Kim Sunggyu!"



His eyes widened, "Who would vote for me?!"



"And the queen and princess! The girl who I say first is our queen, and the second is our princess."



Everyone at Table 7 were completely silent, what the hell is going on?



"Yoo Hea Woo is our Queen! Bang Eumi is our Princess!"



Hea Woo's eyes widened too, "What?!" she looked at Sunggyu, and then at their table.



Everyone of them had an unreadable face, they couldn't believe what was going on.


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Sorry for slow updates, everyone. Something happened to my family and it's really hard to get over it...


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Chapter 30: oh... snap.... didn't see that coming O.O
Chapter 28: I spat my retainer out after finding out who she's supposed to marry...
Chapter 33: Finally finished! The ending was terrible if there's no sequel. I will hate you all my life if it's really the ending. Lol. I never knew i like action things until i read the action part of this fic!
Chapter 7: Hi! I'm a new reader. So far, i love this. I plan to comment when i finish but i read your author's note, does someone unsubscribe just because you add Beyoncé here?
Chapter 33: Oh there's a sequel!!!! I'm looking forward to it, author-nim! Too bad Sunggyu was in deep coma, but when he woke up, it turned out that Myungsoo & Hea Woo was nowhere......
Chapter 31: What an awesome story! Please update!!!! <3