Small Notice + Update

World Domination / JYP Entertainment New Girl Group (Closed)

Hi guys,

I don't get to talk very much with you do I? I don't leave author notes at the bottom or top of the chapters since I always thought it was important to get to the story and leave me out of it.

However, I do need to update you on a few things.

First of all - pairings! Yes you can see the whole romance going on with Wooyoung and Snow, Yana and Taecyeon and Ayako with the non-celebrity! I didn't want you to get your pairings, even if you asked for it, because well, life plays out without you knowing how, right? So I want to play match maker, I want 'fate' to happen to you since I am the one typing behind the screen. If someone is brutally against me choosing a random pairing with yourself, please do say so. I just thought that would be a nice idea that you have no idea who you're gonna end up with, that's why in the application I never asked who is your bias :)

Second, new full album coming out soon! Because it's a full album, I need opinions of songs! Hence, please comment song suggestions! How about we do this, you comment three songs each and I will take into consideration all the songs ;) Try give me non - promoted songs, as in, songs that were in the album but never became popular.

Update on my life. College is finished but I have many things planned! I'm moving apartments this week, going on holidays for two weeks and then doing loads of dance covers over the summer haha :) If anyone would like to suggest songs or check out my youtube channel that would be great. My youtube name is MsOkTaecyeon, you'll find me, don't worry ;) Anyways, I don't know how often I'll be updating during the summer. You'd think a lot but I don't have much time at all at the moment since I started playing Skyrim... haha

Anyways, I think that is it... I think I might be updating soon because I'm almost finished the chapter... :)



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Sorry if any of you get a false update, I was simply spell checking the new chapter because I noticed a grammar error.


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Chapter 43: Hello everyone!
Chapter 43: I read all the chapters again, i hope you will update in some time because it is really good.
Chapter 43: Hey guys. I just and won't have internet until the 21st, so if there is an update and I don't reply that is why. Hopefully I'll be able to check with my phone, but some times I can't get signal or I might use up all my data before the 21st. >.<
Chapter 43: Hmm...things seem to be heating up between the girls and their love interests..can't wait to read more! :)
Chapter 43: Updates always happen when I am away from home. It is nice to see the girls getting out more.
Chapter 43: crossing my fingers on Taec and Yana! :D Ai and JB next perhaps? :)
Chapter 43: It looks like Ai likes JB? I wonder what is up with JR and Yana. I am gald that things have died down with Snow. Taekyeon and Yana dating, well hope it doesn't turn out like Wooyoung and Snow. Anyway thanks for the update. I can't wait to read what is next.
Chapter 42: i have a few songs for the 2nd album..i will put it here later~~