Book Two - Chapter Twelve

World Domination / JYP Entertainment New Girl Group (Closed)

The next several days for both 2PM and World Domination members was complete caos. Wooyoung's fans were going against World Domination in general, and as you might have known, there are more 2PM fans than there are WD. When World Domination managed to snatch the trophie in Show! Music Core over EXO, there were booed off stage by HOTTESTS. It was a very difficult time for them, and they struggled with the hate mail, obviously most of it directed towards Snow.

It turned out that Minyoung actually was planning on leaving JYP and got accepted into CUBE entertainment. She was the cause of the pain and hurt in the World Domination members, and yet she was walking away from this with a smug smile on her face.

Photoshoots and fan meetings all were canceled. The only thing the girls attended were their live performances which was almost once daily. Other than that, they remained at home with a security guard at the door for safety reasons.

The mood was cold and upsetting, and most of the time, everyone avoided Snow. Some didn't want to cause her any more pain while others felt betrayed by her. Just as they debuted, Snow caused the fall of World Domination with her association with Wooyoung.

Yana was unable to perform fully during her shows because of her hand. She realized later, after attending a medical center, that she fractured her knuckle. Her arm was in a band and she couldn't move her whole arm as freely as she wished. However, Yana had no regrets. That evening, when Taecyeon attended to her injured arm, she got really close to him. They talked about random things, jokes and had a good time. Despite the situation they were in, Yana was very happy with their meeting.

Rose and Ayako took this opportunity to venture out back home in Spain and Scotland. They were only going away for three days, seeing their family and returning back to Korea to work on their next album.

Finally, eventually, after several weeks the whole thing blew over. EXO's Kris story took the heat of the Wooyoung and Snow relationship, the girls returned to their daily activities with bright smiles on their faces and mending hearts on the go.


It was seven o'clock in the morning when the drill began. All the alarms went off, announcing to make everyone rise from their slumber. Yana, Eunrae and Soojung all shared a bedroom together, and obviously a bathroom as well. As soon as Yana realized the time, she jumped out of the second floor bonk bed and landed smoothly on her toes. Soojung pulled back the blanket and grabbed Yana by her ankles before she could have the chance to move from her spot.

"Oh no you don't!" Soojung screamed.

"Let go!" Yana shouted as she fell flat on her face. She kicked herself out of Soojung's grasp and crawled her way to the bathroom. Eunrae, who was rather quiet and patient, slipped behind the girls and got to the bathroom door first.

"Sorry ladies, today, I'm first," she winked at them before shutting the door behind.

"God damn it," Yana cursed out in anger. Soojung smiled as she got up. 

"You know, we're getting more violent about the whole shower thing," Soojung noted.

"Well if we had more hot water this wouldn't be an issue," Yana stated, dusting off her scraped knee.

"Did I hurt you?" Soojung asked in concern.

"No, it's just a carpet burn," Yana sighed. Lihua opened the door to the girls bedroom.

"What's all that ruckass?" Lihua asked, peering in.

"Dispute about who goes to the shower first. Let me guess, Rose got their first?" Soojung eyed Lihua. Lihua smiled and nodded in reply.

"That diva put the alarm five minutes earlier and creeped in behind everyones back!" Lihua laughed. "Coming down for breakfast?"

Soojung and Yana nodded in reply and followed Lihua down the whining stairs. Snow and Ayako were cooking together some thing bacon strips and scrambled eggs. Soojung and Yana worked together to make fresh apple and carrot juice for themselves. Together they sat in the sitting room, watching the morning news and drinking down their nutritious breakfast. Later Ayako, Lihua and Snow sat down beside them with their protein filled breakfast. The celebrity news was filled with EXO Kris's lawsuit. It did shock the members quiet a bit, it came as a complete surprise.

"I still can't believe this is happening," Lihua sighed in complete shock and devastation.

"Did you ever suspect...?" Snow asked.

"No," Lihua shook her head in reply. "We haven't been able to keep in contact because at the time our schedules were so busy... I tried calling him all week but he has not been answering his phone."

"What about the other members of EXO? What are their thoughts?" Yana asked.

"Because of the whole incident I haven't been able to keep in contact with them. I don't think they have their phones on them..." Lihua left the sentence to linger.

"You think the managers have their phones?" Ayako asked.

"I think so..." Lihua spoke in an unsure voice, hesitant to accuse anyone just yet. She has been cautious ever since she created the incident between Eunrae and Snow. Though neither of them confronted her afterwards, she knew she was partially the blame in that incident.

"Oh!" Yana jumped from the couch. 

"What is it?" Snow asked.

"The showers off!" Yana sprinted towards the stairs, pushing Soojung off the couch and onto the floor on purpose. Though the EXO's incident was very upsetting, this fight over the shower made her giggle and return life to her cheeks.

Yana                                                          Snow                                                              Eunrae

Ayako                                                  Soojung                                                                  Lihua

EXO's Kris


After the girls had their clothes and showered fully, they all got into the manager's car and her helper. They split into two cars and made their twenty minute drive to JYP entertainment. In there, they went straight into the recording studio. For this first full length album, JYP members were going to be working with them. Yenny from Wonder Girls composed a few songs, Junho, Taecyeon and Jun. K also composed new songs and of course JYP as well. They were planning in features and many other things. It was their first full length album and it was going to be important to work hard on it. Ayako and Mayvin had a lot of fun working with the choreographer. They worked together to create new moves with the girls and so far it was a success.

The main vocalists - Eunrae, Yana, Lihua and Ai were all working together to divide the lines between the members and choosing which songs would be more appropriate. So far, the girls enjoyed the song 'Trick' but it didn't contain any rap lines. Most of them thought it would be a great song for the vocalists alone to sing and so they decided it was necessary to put it in the album, with or without the rappers.

It was lunch time when all the girls decided to go out for food in the cafeteria. Taecyeon, Jun. K and Junho joined them while Yenny was going to go visit Sunye and her baby girl. Sunye was going back to Africa soon and she wanted to say goodbye before anything happened.

In the cafeteria the boys sat at one end while the girls on the other but they still talked, and threw food at each other as well. Junho and Ayako were getting close, talking about different acrobatic movements, and the hardness of certain moves. Eunrae sat beside Taecyeon and Jun. K. She was close to the 2PM members, especially Taecyeon. They were trainees at one point together and remained friends for a long time. Yana found herself blushing every time Taecyeon and her eyes met across the table. At one point she even choked on her food when she caught him winking at her.

"I think this album will turn out amazing," Lihua finally said, changing the topic from Sunye's cute daughter.

"Why do you say so?" Rose asked.

"The songs that we are given to choose from are brilliant vocally," Lihua explained.

"They are not so great rap wise," Snow eyed Lihua suspiciously. "I glanced at the songs that ye chose, there was very little rap," she explained.

"Come on Snow," Ai grinned, "be a little more versatile, like CL."

"CL?" Rose wondered out loud.

"CL is the main rapper of 2NE1, but she's also a really good singer," Ai explained.

"Yeah, there's loads of rappers who can sing, like Kahi from Afterschool," Yana pointed out.

"And Jia!" Soojung added her fellow member from Breakers.

"I can't sing," Snow muttered as she chewed on her dry grape.

"Have you tried?" Eunrae asked, raising an eyebrow.

"True! I've never even heard you sing in the shower," Ayako wondered suspiciously.

"Okay, let me get something straight," Snow stood up, clearing . "I cannot sing. I have good hearing, I'm good at composing, but I can't sing. I used to have a pet cat back home, I sang to him once, and now I don't have a cat." Everyone burst out laughing as Snow sat back down in her seat.

"I'm sure you're not that bad," Mayvin patted her on the shoulder.

"No really," Junho butted in, "I remember when you had to audition to sing and JYP didn't let you to become a trainee after that," Junho recalled the incident.

"No way!" Ai gasped.

"It's true," Snow nodded her head, taking a sip from her drink. "I didn't make it my first way into the auditions because vocally, I was way too bad," she explained with a grim look on her face.

"I really want to hear you sing now," Lihua joked, but the other members sincerely agreed with her.

"We really need to go kareoking together some time," Eunrae suggested. "Get Snow drunk, and make sure she sings."

"That sounds like a well thought out plan," Yana winked at her best friend. The lunch ended with light laughter and jokes about Snow's singing and lead to Eunrae's dreadful dancing. All in all, the girls had their energy back, and were ready to have a comeback with a bang.

Taecyeon                                                                       Junho                                                         Jun.K

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Sorry if any of you get a false update, I was simply spell checking the new chapter because I noticed a grammar error.


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Chapter 43: Hello everyone!
Chapter 43: I read all the chapters again, i hope you will update in some time because it is really good.
Chapter 43: Hey guys. I just and won't have internet until the 21st, so if there is an update and I don't reply that is why. Hopefully I'll be able to check with my phone, but some times I can't get signal or I might use up all my data before the 21st. >.<
Chapter 43: Hmm...things seem to be heating up between the girls and their love interests..can't wait to read more! :)
Chapter 43: Updates always happen when I am away from home. It is nice to see the girls getting out more.
Chapter 43: crossing my fingers on Taec and Yana! :D Ai and JB next perhaps? :)
Chapter 43: It looks like Ai likes JB? I wonder what is up with JR and Yana. I am gald that things have died down with Snow. Taekyeon and Yana dating, well hope it doesn't turn out like Wooyoung and Snow. Anyway thanks for the update. I can't wait to read what is next.
Chapter 42: i have a few songs for the 2nd album..i will put it here later~~