Fake Act Exposed

When Tears Equals To Love

It was recess after Maths and I was with Sunye as usual. An idiot then covered my eyes and asked me to guess who he was.

"Kim Jaejoong, stop it,"I sighed.

He let go and stood in front of me.

"How did you know it was me?"he asked.

"Of course I know its you. I can recognise your voice anywhere,"I rolled my eyes.

"Haemin, look, Eunhyuk!"Sunye tugged my arm.

Without turning my head, I used my eyes to peek from the corners of my eyelids. He was looking at me. I returned my attention to Jaejoong.

"The guy's here. Act as my boyfriend now,"I whispered.

Jaejoong immediately stretched out his arm and pulled me towards him. He then hooked his arm round my shoulders.

"Minnie, are you hungry?"he asked.

I laughed when hearing him call my by my nickname.

"Kinda. I wanna eat noodles. Sunye, what do you want to eat?"I asked.

"Erm, noodles then,"she blinked.

"Let's go queue up together,"Jaejoong led us to the queue.

We stood together. As Jaejoong and I were close from young, Sunye is used to seeing him kiss and hug me.

"So, how's class?"he asked.

"Annoying. I was asked to be in same group as stupid Eunhyuk,"I complained.

Then, the guy in front of us turned and looked at me. I got a shock. It was Eunhyuk.

"Since when were you here?"Sunye asked.

He looked at me.

"Do you hate me so much?"he asked coldly.

I thought about it and looked at me.

"Yupp!"I nodded my head.

His eyes went cold and he walked off.

"What was that? Why did you provoke Eunhyuk?"Jaejoong asked me.

"Cause he's my enemy. And the guy whom I told him you were my boyfriend,"I replied.

"Eunhyuk's the one?!"Jaejoong's eyes widened in shock.

"Anything wrong with that?"I asked.

"Everything is wrong when it involves Eunhyuk. Stop getting me into trouble, will you? I don't want to act as your fake boyfriend anymore,"Jaejoong shook his head.

"Since when are you so cowardly?"I asked.

"Since Eunhyuk came into the picture. His stare is really...."he dragged, unable to explain.

"Oh, so he's not your boyfriend?"someone said.

I turned to look.

"So what if he isn't, Lee stupid Donghae?!"I asked while glaring.

"None of your business,"Donghae walked off.

I watched him walk to Eunhyuk who was acting cool by drinking milk. He told him something and Eunhyuk's eyes shifted to look at me. We then stared for each other. I realised what we were doing and rolled my eyes before turning back. After I ate and Jaejoong left, I was walking with Sunye back to class.

"I need to get something from my locker. Go back to class yourself alright?"Sunye said before running off.

I continued walking till someone pulled me.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"I shouted.

"Shut up,"Eunhyuk shouted back.

He pulled me to the same basketball court. He closed the door and pushed me against a wall.

"OUCH!"I bumped my head on the wall.

He then put both arms on each side of me to prevent me from walking away.

"Let me tell something. Don't you dare go near any guys,"Eunhyuk said coldly.

"Its none of your business who I go with!"I shouted.

"If its your business, I'll interferre, you get me, Kim Haemin? And I won't hesitate to drag you back in here if I see you with any guys. And that includes Kim Ryeowook, Kim Jaejoong and Lee Sungmin,"he continued in that cold tone.

"Are you nuts? What's with you these few days!?"I asked.

He smirked and walked off. I ran after him and punched him.


"Kim Haemin, you're my girl. I'm not going to let any guys get you. Hear me?"Eunhyuk stared at me.

He then walked off.

I stood there. "My girl?" What does he mean by "my girl"?? My eyes opened wide in shock. OH MY GOD!!! DOES HE MEAN............. OH MY OH MY OH MY!! Who does he think he is? Claiming me as his? He's nuts! He's nuts! THE FEVER! Must be the stupid fever. He burnt his brains. ARGH!

I ran off to class and found him sitting in his seat. I got to my seat and sit down. I faced him.

"Lee Eunhyuk, I won't let you interferre with my affairs. I'll talk to Ryeowook as long as I want. I'll hold Sungmin's hands as long as I want. And I'll hug Jaejoong for all you care!"I glared.

He smirked and turned to me.

"Let's see about that, Kim Haemin. You can try for all I care. But I'm warning you, the people you go near won't have a good life after that,"he said coldly.

"Don't you dare try anything funny. And don't you dare claim me as yours, bastard!"I glared.

"Let's see who wins,"Eunhyuk said before turning away.

My blood continued boiling as I continued lessons. Idiot Eunhyuk! Who does he think he is?! IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT! Fortunately, the bell rang and I stood up to leave. Can't wait to go home.

"Excuse me,"I mumbled.

He sat still, packing his bag.

"I SAID EXCUSE ME!"I exploded.

He continued packing. After he was done, he stood up and grabbed my hand. I twisted my hand away and raised my hand to slap him. He grabbed hold of my hand, looked at it and rolled his eyes to look at me. His stare was intensed as he looked deep into my eyes. I stared back. Stared right into the windows of his soul. Then, I couldn't take it anymore. With all my might, I pushed him. I turned to run but he pulled me back.

"STOP IT! I had enough already, alright,"tears flowed out.

His eyes were still coldly staring at me.

"I've had enough alright. I'm tired. Stop it,"I plead.

His eyes turned soft. He released my hand. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"I really hate you, Eunhyuk,"I continued crying.

I ran off. It was only a few weeks later that I knew how much those five words hurt him. It pricked his heart and made it bleed.

End of Chapter

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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??