Junsu VS Eunhyuk

When Tears Equals To Love

I had the same dream for two time last month. I'm walking the aisle. My future husband's waiting for me. When I'm finally beside him, we turned to face each other. Then, I realise his face isn't the one I've been dreaming about last month. This time round, Junsu was the one smiling at me.

I jumped and sat up straight on my bed. Junsu? For two times that I had the dream, the guy in my dream was Eunhyuk. That I can understand now. But why Junsu? I sighed and grabbed my phone to look at the time. I pressed for the light to appear. It was 10am on the Saturday morning. And I have a text message from Junsu and Eunhyuk.

[Are you coming tonight? -Junsu]

[Are you sure you want to go tonight? Its kinda dangerous. -Eunhyuk]

I replied a yeah to both of them and got up. After I was done with brushing my teeth, I did my homework but I was unable to focus. A text message came in at the moment.

[Good. Glad that I can see my new friend again. -Junsu]

[Hahaha:) Can I ask you something? -Haemin]

[Yeah? -Junsu]

[Is the club dangerous? -Haemin]

[Quite if you're a single female. But you don't have to worry. You've got me and Eunhyuk and all the other guys. -Junsu]

[Won't your girlfriend be jealous with you being so nice to me? -Haemin]

[GIRLFRIEND? I don't even have one. The girl beside me is our friend, Tiffany. -Junsu]

[Oh! Anyway, see ya tonight. Gotta finish my homework. -Haemin]

[Okay! See ya:D -Junsu]

I sighed and got back to my homework. Today's gonna be a long day. I was doing my maths when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in,"I called out.

I didn't expect him to come.

"Hey,"Eunhyuk stepped in.

"Hi. Sit,"I pointed at the sofa.

He nodded and went to sit.

"Nobody goes to the club so early in the morning, right?"I asked.

"Nope,"he answered.

"So what are you here for?"I asked.

"Well, er, my parents are kinda worried,"he said.

"About?"I asked.

"You being with Sungmin. Cause its making this whole engagement very complicating,"Eunhyuk told me.

"Don't worry. My parents talked to me about it. We're breaking up soon,"I told him as I got back to my work.

"How soon?"he asked.

"Don't know,"I replied.

"Well, I hope you don't get yourself a new boyfriend,"Eunhyuk said.

"What?"I looked up.

"Nothing,"he quickly said.

"Repeat what you just said,"I ordered.

"Erm, I said, well, I hope you don't get yourself a new boyfriend,"he repeated.

"I don't think I can anwyay,"I replied as I got back to my work.

"You sure?"he asked.

"What makes you think I'm lying?"I asked.

"Cause you might have gotten yourself a new boyfriend without knowing,"he told me.

"Huh?"I looked at him with a clueless look.

"Erm, Junsu told me he likes you. He doesn't know about us getting engaged soon,"he said slowly.

"What?!"I exclaimed.

"He said you're really nice,"he told me.

I looked at him blankly.

"It means he's got a crush on you for god's sake,"he said, exasperated.

"Ohh,"I nodded.

"Thats all?"he looked at me.

"What do you mean thats all?"I asked.

"As in, that's all you're gonna say about someone having a crush on you?"he asked.

"Then, what do you want me to do?"I asked.

"Don't go to the club tonight,"he said.

"No way! It was so fun! Besides, I can explain to him that I can't be attached to him,"I said.

Eunhyuk thought about it.

"Sounds like a good plan, right?"I asked.

"Not really. You don't know Junsu. He's the son of that rich businessman,"he said.

"You're the son of a rich businessman too,"I told him.

"You don't understand. Junsu's so much more richer than I am! You mean you've never heard of him?"he asked.

I shook my head.

"His surname's Kim,"he told me.

"So? Mine's Kim too,"I said.

He smacked his forehead.

"Kim International? Ring a bell?"he asked.

It hit me.


He massage his forehead while nodding.

"Woah. And I thought your family's building was big,"I said.

"Yeah, mine's peanuts compared to his. Mine's only Lee Corporations. He's INTERNATIONAL,"he said, emphasising the differences.

"But so what if he's rich?"I asked.

"He can get his dad to arrange for marriage with you? After all, all our parents want is the connection on top of the marriage,"Eunhyuk told me.

"So, that spells trouble,"I said.

"Big trouble,"he said.

"Well, you're the one that needs to worry cause I rather marry him than you,"I told him flatly.

He sat up straight.

"I'm going off,"he stood up.

"Where are you going??"I asked.

"Meet Junsu. I'll call you to get you meet us later,"Eunhyuk walked out.

"EUNHYUK!"I yelled before running after him.

"I won't beat him up. Promise,"he said and I let him go.

I went back to my room and waited. Now, altogether, there's 4 guys who are officially having a crush on me. Jaejoong. But that's solved since he said he rather stay friends then let the friendship sour. Then, there's Sungmin who's not rich enough to compare with the likes of Eunhyuk and Junsu. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! An hour later, my phone rang. It was Junsu.

"Eunhyuk's coming to get you. Quickly change,"he told me.

"Oh, okay. What's going on?"I asked.

"Don't worry. Nothing big,"I can see his smile.

"Okay,"I said.

I went to change and waited at the front door for Eunhyuk. He came within a few seconds and I got into his car. He sped off.

"What's going on?"I asked.

"Junsu'll tell you later,"he said in a cold voice.

He was back to the Cold Prince mode. He's thousands of modes. Prince Flirty mode. Prince Charming mode. Smart Prince mode. SIGHHHHHHH! He reached the park near my house and he switched off the engine. I got out of the car and he led me to where Junsu is. He smiled when he saw me.

"Hey,"he smiled.

"Hello,"I smiled back.

"So, Eunhyuk came to discuss something with me,"Junsu started.

I looked at Eunhyuk. He was looking at Junsu.

"Its like this, we've decided that we should let you decide who you want to be with. And since we like you, we'll try our best to win your heart. You'll choose one of us. If you choose Eunhyuk, you'll continue with your plan to be engaged to him. If you like me, then, I'll get my dad to arrange,"Junsu smiled his killer smile.

"So, you better break up with Sungmin on Monday,"Eunhyuk told me.

"But don't you think this getting a little overboard?"I asked.

"No,"Eunhyuk answered simply.

"Welcome to the world of the rich,"Junsu grinned.

Right. A battle between Eunhyuk and Junsu. Eunhyuk was smart enough to stop Junsu before he can do anything. If Junsu were to tell his dad he liked me, Eunhyuk'll be dooomed for. Cause Junsu's parents will talk to mine. Between the two businesses, my parents would choose Junsu's family business. After all, their's an International group.

"Are you free tonight?"Junsu asked me.

Eunhyuk looked up.

"Tonight's a club night,"Eunhyuk said.

"I don't want to go,"Junsu told him.

Eunhyuk kept quiet.

"So?"Junsu turned back to me.

"Where are you going?"I asked him back.

"Just for a light dinner,"Junsu told me.

"Okay,"I replied.

"Don't worry about Eunhyuk. We promised each other we'll not let this sour our friendship,"Junsu told me.

"Oh okay,"I replied.

"I've got something on. You going home or what?"Eunhyuk asked me.

"Nah, I hardly come out,"I told him.

He nodded.

"Bye,"he hugged Junsu before walking off.

"Where's he going?"I asked.

"Driving around to clear all the sadness,"he told me.

"Huh?"I looked at him.

"He's really upset that he might be losing you,"Junsu smiled.

I nodded my head as I watched him drive his car away. His face was cold-looking.

"Well, let's go. Where do you wanna go now?"he asked.

"Actually, I want to try taking the train,"I grinned.

"What?"he looked at me to make sure I'm not joking.

"I'm serious. I've never taken one before,"I told him.

He nodded and smiled.

"Follow me then,"he led the way.

We went to a nearby underground train station and he went to the ticketing machine and bought two tickets.

"Let's go,"he waved the two tickets.

"Do you take the train often?"he asked.

"When I was young and unable to drive,"he smiled.

The two of us went down another escalator and waited for a train to arrive.

"Have you known Eunhyuk for long?"Junsu asked.

"We've been in the same class for quite some time but we've always went about doing our own things. It was only this year when my friend offended Donghae and him by accidentally bumping into him that we started talking,"I explained.

"Wow. Thats cool. But why do you hate Eunhyuk so much? He's a nice guy,"Junsu asked.

"Well, he can be really arrogant and annoying. But I have to admit, he's nice these few days,"I told him.

"Don't tell me you're falling for him,"Junsu teased.

"NO!"I exclaimed.

After I exclaimed, everyone looked our way.

"SHHHH!"Junsu chuckled.

"Oh my god, that was embarrassing!"I covered my face.

"Talk to me about it. The train's here,"Junsu stood up.

We went to the platform. The train's door opened and we walked in. We took a seat.

"Wow, this is so cool. Do you happen to have a camera with you?"I asked him.

"No. I only brought my phone and cash. Oh, and car keys,"Junsu told me.

I took out my phone and pointed the camera towards Junsu and I.

"Smile! I want a nice picture for memory's sake,"I smiled at the camera.

"First train ride?"he asked.

"Yupp,"I smiled.

"Smiling!"Junsu smiled at the camera.

The camera snapped the picture.

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??