Fake Boyfriend

When Tears Equals To Love

The next day, I was standing near the front gate waiting for Sunye. I turned around to face the school while I waited. When I turned back, I saw someone in front of me.

"Hey,"he greeted.

I blinked.

"Eunhyuk,"I said his name.

He smirked and he walked right in. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?!

"HAEMIN!"someone called out.

It was Sunye.

"I just saw you talking to Eunhyuk. Did anything happen between you two?"she asked.

I kept quiet and thought of the accidental kiss.

"No. Obviously not,"I lied.

We walked towards class and settled down. Then, the ert, Vincent came towards me.

"Morning, Haemin,"he greeted as he grabbed my hand.

"LET GO!"I shouted.

"Oh, Haemin! You look so pretty when you're angry,"Vincent grinned.

"I SAY LET GO!"I glared.


I turned to look who was that coming to my rescue. My heart stopped beating in shock when I saw Eunhyuk. He walked towards us and grabbed Vincent's hands.

"Don't you touch her,"he hissed.

I looked at him. His glare was intensed.

"Sheesh!"Vincent walked off.

"Are you okay?"Eunhyuk asked as he turned to look at me.

I nodded and sat down. I took out my history textbook to study.

"Haemin!"someone called me.

I looked up from my book. Sungmin. I smiled.

"Hey!"I grinned.

Sungmin came to sit in front of me. He turned the chair around to talk to me.

"So, how was piano yesterday?"he asked.

"Quite okay. How's your first few lessons of guitar? You like the place?"I smiled.

"The school is really awesome! Best school I've been to,"he nodded.

"Good that you like the school,"I answered.

"Ryeowook won't recommend a slip-shot school,"he said.

"Quite true,"I grinned.

"Erm, do you know how to do this question?"someone interrupted.

I looked to see who was talking. Eunhyuk. I stretched my neck to see the question. I smiled at the question.

"Are you sure you don't know how to do this question?"I asked as I looked at him.

He looked down at his book. He must have realised what an easy question it was.

"I seriously don't know how to do,"he answered.

I frowned. And pulled the book towards me. I grabbed my pencil and wrote down the solution.

"Its a one step question. Normally, a genius like you would have solved this in a split second,"I commented as I pushed the book back.

"Thanks,"he simply said.

I turned back to Sungmin.

"So, what song are you playing now?"I asked.

"Fly me to the moon,"he replied.

"Nice song! I really like that song,"I told him.

"ME TOO!"he excitedly grabbed my hand.

Eunhyuk pulled his hand away.

"Don't you touch her,"Eunhyuk glared.

"What's wrong with you?! Are you mad? This isn't Vincent!"I glared.

I turned to look at Sungmin.

"Are you okay?"I asked.

Sungmin nodded.

"Stop hurting innocent people like Sungmin, will you? Annoying freak!"I snapped.

Eunhyuk gritted his teeth, turned away then sighed angrily. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom.


"Stop screaming, will you?"Eunhyuk said.

He pulled me to the indoor basketball court. As it was early, there was no one there.

"What are you trying to do?!"I repeated my question.

Eunhyuk stared at me. He leaned forward. But I pushed him away and slapped him.

"What are you trying to do?!"I glared.

He used his hand to nurse the injury. He looked at me and glared. He then turned and walked away.

"ARE YOU NUTS?!!!!"I yelled.

I breathed in and out to calm myself and walk back to class. I stepped in and Sungmin appeared.

"Are you okay?"he asked.

I nodded.

"Good good!"he smiled.

I smiled back. I then walked back to my seat. Eunhyuk kept quiet throughout class. After school, Sunye and I walked out of class together.

"Haemin!"someone called me.

I turned and smiled.

"HEY!"I waved.

It was Jaejoong. When he neared me, I ran to hug him. I LOVE MY BEST GUY FRIEND! I let go of him and smiled.

"Hey,"he smiled.

"Hey yourself!"I smiled.

"I'll leave you two then. Bye!"Sunye waved.

"Bye!"Jaejoong smiled.

"Hey, are you okay? You've been absent for quite some time,"I asked as we walked together.

"I'm better now, thanks to your constant text messages,"he grinned.

"YOU IDIOT!"I smacked him.

"I didn't say it was bad!"he smiled.


"And you are so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"he pinched my cheek.

A car honked at me.

"Your devil's here. See ya. Love you lots,"Jaejoong leaned down and kiss me on my cheek.


He smiled and I smiled back. I walked into the car and my chauffeur drove off. Instantly, my phone received a text message.

[Who was that I saw you with? Boyfriend? -Eunhyuk]

I smiled at the message. And decided to trick him.

[Yupp. Hot, right? -Haemin]

As I waited for his reply, I messaged Jaejoong.

[Jae! I told someone from my class you're boyfriend. Are you honoured? By the way, can you act as my boyfriend whenever he's around? -Haemin]

[I'm honoured. Very honoured:) I can be your boyfriend if you want. When will you accept me? -Jaejoong]

[You know I don't wanna spoil our friendship. So stop asking me:) I love you lots! -Haemin:)]

[I hope you'll accept me one day though. Love lots, Jae]


I reached school early as usual.

"Hey,"I greeted Eunhyuk as he walked into school.

Eunhyuk looked at me. He blinked with anger and walked towards the other direction.

"HAEMIN!"Jaejoong greeted.

I can recognise his voice anywhere too.

"JAEJOONG!!!"I grinned.

"Morning,"he kissed my forehead.

"There's no need to keep kissing me. Isn't it better being my guy friend? That way, I won't even break up with you and you can keep kissing me. HAHAHA!"I laughed.

"Very funny, Kim Haemin,"Jaejoong said bluntly.

"Awww, can't you take a joke?"I asked.

"I better get going! Bye!"Jaejoong smiled, gave me a quick hug and walked off.

Then, a text message appeared.

[Are you sure he's your boyfriend? -Eunhyuk]

[Seriously, stop asking, bastard! -Haemin]

End of Chapter

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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??