Our Date

When Tears Equals To Love

The whole day, I was so fustrated that I couldn't concentrate in class. All those rumors!! RAHHHHHHHHH! Class ended and I stood up to leave. Eunhyuk refused to let me go.

"What is wrong with you? Are you going to continue to ignore me the whole day?"Eunhyuk asked as he stood up.

I looked at him straight in the eye. I don't want to talk to ANYONE today. I'm really annoyed!

"Answer me, will you?"Eunhyuk said.

"I want to go home,"I said.

"Seriously, are you really going to stop talk to me?"he asked.

"No. I just don't feel like talking today,"I replied.

"You sure?"he asked again.

I nodded with annoyance.

"You need me to fetch you home?"he asked.

"No. Stop asking questions. Its annoying,"I said bluntly.

Eunhyuk kept his mouth tightly shut. Then, he pulled me.

"Where are you bringing me? LET GO!"I smacked his hand.

"Keep quiet!"he snapped.

He brought me to his car and slammed the door shut. He went to tell my chauffeur that he'll be bringing me out and he came back into his car. He then drove off.

"Where are we going, Lee Hyukjae?"I asked angrily.

"You'll see,"he replied.


"Don't make me tape your mouth!"he shouted.

I kept my mouth shut. My blood was boiling. He then stopped the car at a park. He got out and pulled me out. He pulled me onto a bench.

"Sit here and don't move an inch. If I find you missing, you're gonna get it from me, hear me?"Eunhyuk said sternly.

He walked off. I rolled my eyes. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!? I looked around. This looks like Seoul Central Park (fake). Why am I here?! I turned around and an ice cream appeared in front of me. I looked up and Eunhyuk was holding out the ice cream.

"What?"I asked.

"Take it,"he pushed the ice cream unto my hand.

"I didn't even say I want ice cream,"I said.

"Just eat it! You'll feel better. Trust me,"he said as he started his ice cream.

I sighed and tore off the packaging. I the ice cream. The gooey liquid slid down my throat. It tasted fabulous. I looked at Eunhyuk and he was enjoying his ice cream. I smiled.

"Help me hold,"I pushed my ice cream to him.

He took it and I reached into my bag. I pulled out a tissue out of a packet and reached out to wipe his lips.

"What are you doing?"he asked.

"You've got ice cream all over. You look like a cat, you know that?"I laughed a little.

He smiled back. After I was done, I took my ice cream back and continued eating.

"Feeling better?"he asked.

"Kinda. Thanks,"I smiled.

"I've been waiting for hours to see that smile of yours. Next time, when you're angry, just talk to me. I can't stand the way you just shut yourself up when you're angry. I don't even know what you're thinking of inside,"Eunhyuk said.

"I don't like to talk when I'm angry,"I explained.

"Try to open up. You'll feel better,"he said.

"Do you talk to people when you're angry?"I asked.

"Yeah, I talk to Donghae,"he said.

I nodded my head.

"Done? Let's go home,"Eunhyuk stood up and threw his rubbish into the bin.

"Let's go somewhere else since we're out,"I suggested.

"You mean, go on a date?"he asked.

"You can say that,"I nodded my head.

"Sure, where do you wanna go?"he asked.

"Can't you decide? I've always liked a guy who has a little bit of opinion,"I grinned.

He smiled and pinched my nose.

"Right, so let's go ice-skating,"he said.

"ICE-SKATING? Its summer for god's sake!"I laughed.

"Indoor ice-skating rink. Haven't you heard of those?"he raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, right!"I said.

He laughed and pulled me up on my feet. We walked together to his car. He drove us to a building.

"Here?"I asked.

He nodded and we walked to the building together. We waited for the lift and stepped into it. We were silent. Then, I felt his hand coming closer. His fingers touched mine and I jerked away. He grabbed hold of my hand and held it tightly. I looked at our hands then at him. He smiled a little before looking away. The lift door opened and he led me to the counter. He brought me to the shop.

"The rinks expect you to have your own equipments,"he said.

He followed me around while I chose my skates, gloves, ear muffs and jacket. I followed him while he chose his. We went to the counter to pay up. He took out his credit card at the same time as me.

"What are you doing?"he asked.

"Paying. Duh!"I replied.

"I'm paying. Girls don't pay,"he said.

"Well, I'm the type of girl who pays for her own things,"I said.

"Leave it. I'll pay for yours,"he said.

"Eunhyuk! These are my own things. I like being independent,"I told him.

"Does it really matter? My money will be yours after we get engaged. Leave it to me,"he said.

"Lee Hyukjae,"I said sternly.

"Stop it,"he said firmly.

"You're annoying,"I rolled my eyes.

"Like you're not,"he gave me a fake smile.

He paid for the items and handed mine to me. We went to the bench to sit down. We wore our skates, jackets etc. He held my hand as we walked to the rink. We started skating.

"Wow, you're quite good,"he nodded his head.

"Of course,"I grinned.

He smiled back.

"Is there anything you can't do?"he asked me.

"Erm, I can't play soccer,"I replied.

"Are you serious? That's my favourite sport! I'll teach you next time,"he replied.

"Then, is there anything you can't do?"I asked him.

"Hmmm, let's see. Not really. HAHA,"he laughed.

"Very funny,"I poked him.

"Stop it. It tickles!"he smacked me.

"Seriously, is there anything you can't do,"I smacked him back.

"Basketball. I can't shoot hoops like you,"he replied.

"SERIOUS?!"I widened my eyes in shock.

"Serious,"he nodded his head.

"Wow, I really must teach you one day,"I told him.

"Sure, but before that, teach me horseback riding first,"he grinned.

"HAHAHA, you haven't given up, have you?"I smiled.

"Anything to impress you further,"he replied.

My heart melted right then. I stopped skating. He followed suit.

"Tired?"he asked.

"Eunhyuk, there's no need for you to keep impressing me. I'm happy with the way you are already,"I smiled.

"I know but I want to make you happier,"he replied.

"No need to. I feel happy just being with you,"I told him honestly.

"Really?"he asked.

I nodded before smiling.

"You sure do smile alot more now,"he smiled before leaning in to kiss my on my cheeks.

My heart literally stopped beating when he did that.

"Come on, start skating, lazy pig,"he joked before skating off.

"What did you just call me?"I skated after him.

"Lazy pig. You're to slow to catch up, Kim Haemin,"he grinned.

"You'll see!"I smiled.

I was just skating after Eunhyuk when someone banged into me, really hard. I fell and hit the rock hard ice. I skidded for a few metres and banged my head on the rink barrier.

"Haemin!"I could hear Eunhyuk.

It took a few moments to be able to open my eyes.

"So, you were the one who banged into her! How dare you bang into my girl,"Eunhyuk said angrily.

"Serves her right for stealing you away from me,"the girl said.

From what she said, I reckon she's Jessica.

"Apologise to her right now!"he said sternly.

"I won't and will never,"she said firmly.

Then, all I heard was a someone slapping someone.

"Eunhyuk! How could you?"Jessica cried out.

I think Eunhyuk just slapped her in the face, really tightly.

"How could I what? Slap you? Why couldn't I? You deserve it anyway. My girl's been suffering so much because of you. Don't you dare go near her again, you hear me?"Eunhyuk warned her.

"Watch out, Kim Haemin!"Jessica shouted at me.

"You watch out!"Eunhyuk shouted at her.

Then, all I heard were skates.

"You okay?"there was a warm pair of hands and soothing voice.

I tried to sit up with my eyes closed.

"Don't move,"Eunhyuk said.

The next thing I knew, I was being lifted up. I opened my eyes abit and all I could see was Eunhyuk's face above mine. I closed my eyes. I feel really dizzy.

"Are you carrying me?"I asked softly as I leaned my head on his chest.

"I sure am,"he replied.

"It hurts,"I told him.

"I know. That girl's really heavy and she just bumped into you like that. Its like an elephant bumping into an ant,"he said.

I laughed a little.

"Are you comfortable in this position?"he asked.

"Uh huh,"I replied.

"Good. Hang in there. I'll bring you to my house to rest, alright? I don't want your brother to worry,"he said.

"There's no one in your house?"I asked softly.

"Not really. Only the maids,"he said.

I nodded my head and fell asleep in his arms.

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??