We Became Friends

When Tears Equals To Love

"Class, dismiss!"Mrs Park said to my class.

My class stood up to thank her. She left and Eunhyuk turned to look at me.

"Bye, Kim Haemin! Happy cleaning up,"he smirked before grabbing his bag and meeting Donghae to leave.

"IDIOT!!!!"I shouted.

I grumbled and grabbed the broom. I began sweeping.

"Haemin, I gotta go. I'm sorry,"Sunye apologised.

"Its okay! Tuition is more important!"I smiled.

She smiled and waved goodbye to me.

"Haemin, do you need help?"one of the guys in my class asked.

I hate him. He's a total ert!! He must be mad to think I want to be in an empty class with him.

"No, thanks! Go home and study!"I grinned.

He nodded and left. I sighed a sigh of relief. THANK GOD!! I continued sweeping the floor. This classroom is so big. When will I finish cleaning up? I swept and swept till I reached Eunhyuk's seat.

"LEE EUNHYUK THAT IDIOT!"I gritted my teeth.

That idiot littered his whole place!! Tissues, foolscap paper, used pens et cetra. I hate him!! I continued sweeping till someone tapped me on my shoulder. I got a shock and turned.

"Sungmin!"I smiled.

"Hi, I figured you might be hungry. So, I bought sandwiches,"he handed me a sandwich.

"Oh, I'm fine!"I replied.

"Just eat! Or are you afraid I might poison it?"he asked.

"Of course not! Don't be silly!"I laughed.

"Then, eat! I'll help you!"he said before snatching my broom away.

"But, Eun..."I didn't manage to finish my sentence.

"Don't worry about Eunhyuk. As long as we don't tell him, you're safe!"he smiled.

"Oh, okay!"I nodded my head obediently.

"Start eating! And we can go home after I'm done,"Sungmin pushed the sandwich into my hand.

"Thanks, Sungmin! I really appreciate it!"I smiled.

"No problem!"he smiled back.

"Why do you want to help me?"I asked.

"Well, Eunhyuk and I used to be best friends. But something happened and we became normal friends,"he said.

"Ohhh,"I nodded my head again.

"It was because of a girl that Eunhyuk and I both like. In the end, she became my girlfriend and Eunhyuk was really sad. And from then on, he turned into the cool guy you see now,"he continued.

"I see. So, before all this happened, he was a nice guy?"I asked.

"He was really nice. He would give me lunch money when my parents didn't have enough to spare. He'll drive me to and from school so I can save up on transport,"he explained.

"He doesn't seem like the kind of person who'll do that,"I made a digusted face.

"HAHAHA!"Sungmin laughed.

"I'm serious! Eunhyuk just makes me think of this annoying guy that I just want to punch his face whenever I see him,"I told him.

"He's nice when you get to know him well,"Sungmin said.

"I'll never want to know him well. Sitting beside him is bad enough!"I said.

"HAHAHA! Maybe you'll be friends with him after sitting with him for the next 6 months. I'M DONE!!!"Sungmin announced.

"I will not ever be friends with him. I hate him!!!!! Thanks so much for helping,"I smiled.

"Its nothing. I ought to help anyway. I can't let a girl do all this alone,"he smiled back.

"You're such a gentleman unlike stupid Eunhyuk,"I grumbled.

"Trust me, Hyukjae's nice when you get to know him,"he smiled.

"Hyukjae? Who is that?"I asked.

"Oh! Hyukjae is Eunhyuk's birth name. He changed it after the incident happened,"he explained.

"The incident refers to the your ex girlfriend??"I asked.

"Thats right!"Sungmin smiled.

I nodded my head.

"Let's go!"he said as he switched off the lights.

We walked out of the classroom towards the front gate.

"I suppose you're waiting for your chauffeur. I'll keep you company,"he smiled.

"Sungmin, its been really nice of you to help me clean up. You must be tired. Go home and rest,"I smiled.

"Oh! You don't like me, right? Thats why you're chasing me away,"Sungmin made a sad face.

"Sungmin! Its not that. Its just...."he cut in again.

"I'm staying to keep you company! I don't care!"he said.

"Fine! You shall stay and talk to me till that idiot arrives,"I smiled.

"Idiot??"he asked.

"My chauffeur. I hate him! I want to take the bus!!! I've never done that before!"I complained.

"Are you serious?"his eyes widened in shock.

I nodded my head.

"Wow! You're the same Eunhyuk!"he said.

"WHAT?! WHY?!"I asked.

"Eunhyuk's super rich like you. His parents are nicer though. They let him go wherever he wants and do whatever he wants as long as the teacher don't call them to complain,"Sungmin told me.

"My parents are so annoying. They lock me at home the whole day. I'M SO BORED!!!"I said.

"HAHAHA! Your chauffeur's here!"Sungmin smiled.

"Do you want a lift home?"I asked.

"Nah! I like to take the bus. Thanks anyway!"Sungmin smiled.

"You sure?"I asked.

He nodded and grinned.

"Okay then. See you! Thanks so much!"I waved and got in the car.

My chauffeur drove off. And I fell asleep. I awoke to the chauffeur's voice. I got out of the car and went back to my room. When it was dinner time, I went downstairs. I wonder whether my parents will be joining grandma and I tonight. Its been 4 days since I last saw them. To my delight, they're sitting at their seat in the dining room.

"Sit down!"my grandma ordered.

I sat down and looked at my parents.

"Well, as you know, we don't approve of you dating,"my mother started.

"Uh huh,"I nodded.

"So, what were you doing with a guy?"my father asked.

"What guy?"I asked.

"Don't deny! Come on! Speak the truth!"my grandma scolded.

"But what guy are you talking about? There are thousands of guys in my school!"I argued.

"The guy you were talking to when the chauffeur arrived!"my father said sternly.

"Oh! Sungmin? He's just a friend,"I explained.

They looked at me.

"My classmate,"I said.

"Are you speaking the truth?"my mother asked.

"Of course! Why would I lie to you?"I asked.

"To hide the fact that you're dating!"my grandma said.

"You better be honest! We'll be getting people to check on you two,"my father said.

"I'm serious! He's just a friend. I don't mind you all checking. That'll prove me innocent!"I retorted.

"Fine! We'll continue this conversation tomorrow after investigating this matter. Now eat!"my father ordered.

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??