Continuation of The Date

When Tears Equals To Love

The waitress left. And I was left to stone with Eunhyuk opposite me.

"So, how's school?"Eunhyuk asked he sipped his green tea.

cause you're everywhere.

"Okay, I guess,"I replied.

"I heard from Donghae you've got problems with History. Need my help?"he asked with a smile.

HAHAHA! Even if I need, I wouldn't ask you, idiot!

"Not really. I've a buddy tutor,"I smiled.

"Who?"he stopped smiling.


I smiled at him and kept quiet. From my eyes, I think he knows who it is. Then, it hit him. His eyes became cold.

"Lee Sungmin,"he said coldly.

"Well, its not that bad. After all, we're dating,"I said.

His eyes widened.

"You two are serious?!"he asked in shock.

I rolled my eyes up to think and I rolled it back down towards him and smiled.

"What did I warn you, Kim Haemin?"he hissed.

"You didn't say anything about dating, did you?"I answered.

"I said not to go near any guys. You would have to go near Sungmin if you date him. It breaks my order,"he stared at me.

"I'm here to apologise for being mean. Will you stop controlling me? This is my life! I don't need you to control me!"I rolled my eyes.

I wouldn't be here if I hadn't wanted to go out with Sungmin. ANNOYING!!!!!

"You wanna date? Fine! But make sure you two don't get serious. You hear me?"

I could see fear in his eyes.

"Eunhyuk, will you stop being an idiot? This is all unnecessary, you know? You can't force me to like you,"I said, exasperatedly.

"Well, you could at least let me try. After all, thousands of girls would love to be in your position,"Eunhyuk smirked.

"I rather not be in the situation I'm in now, alright,"I looked away with tears welling up.

"Are you okay?"he reached out to hold my hand.

"No. Don't touch me, alright,"I pulled my hand away.

"Kim Haemin, honestly speaking, do you hate me that much?"Eunhyuk asked softly.

I kept quiet. Do I hate him that much? Or is there a part of my heart that goes out to him?

"I don't know,"I mumbled.

"Do you know how much it hurt me when you said you hated me the other day? It hurt so much that my heart bled,"he said softly.

I looked up. Eunhyuk had tears in his eyes.

"Excuse me, your eel fried rice,"the waitress came and broke our moment.

"Thank you,"the two of us said together before wiping our tears.

We digged in in silence.

"I have something to tell you,"I said.

He looked at me.

"Well, Sunye likes you,"I told him.

His eyes widened in shock. Then, it went back to normal.

"I guess its quite expected. After all, I'm the Prince Charming of our school,"he became the arrogant jerk I hate.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my food.

"But of all girls, I didn't expect Min Sunye,"he said.

"What's wrong with her?"I asked.

"Nothing. She's pretty. Can sing really well,"he replied.

"Then, why won't you like her?"I asked.

"I didn't say anything about not liking her,"he replied.

"Does that mean you like her?"my face lit up.

"My feelings towards her is neutral. I treat her as a friend and never will I like her,"Eunhyuk said.

"Why not?"I asked sadly.

"Cause she doesn't have a brain like yours,"Eunhyuk smiled.

"Huh?!"I raised one of my eyebrows.

"What I like about girls, Kim Haemin, is their brains. They've got to have a brain like yours. You're really smart for a pretty girl. Honestly speaking, I thought you were a bimbo when I first saw you. I didn't expect the two of us to be in the same class,"Eunhyuk replied.

"Idiot! I'm so not a bimbo!"I snapped.

"It was a first impression!"he argued.

"Well, I thought you were an arrogant jerk when I first saw you and I WAS RIGHT,"I announced proudly.

"Are you here to pick a fight or apologise for being mean, huh?"Eunhyuk frowned.

"I..."he cut me off.

"I sense something fishy here,"Eunhyuk looked at me.

I gulped and went back to my food.

"TSK! Kim Haemin! How could you use me? You weren't here to apologise. You were here as an excuse to go out with Lee Sungmin. Am I right?"I looked at him in disbelief.

My jaw dropped.

"I am right! What a lousy trick, Haemin. You think I'm that dumb? You weren't suddenly change your opinion about me. Besides, you kept fighting with me throughout dinner,"Eunhyuk looked away.

"I..."I opened my mouth then closed it.

I looked at him. His eyes were full of sorrow. I felt really bad for using him.

"You disappointed me, Haemin,"he looked into my eyes.

His sorrow overwhelmed me.

"Eun..."I started.

"Just keep quiet. Finish eating and I'll send you back,"he said coldly.

Those words really pricked my heart. I felt really guilty right there. His eyes were different from those cold eyes which I hated. These pair, though cold, was full of disappointment and sadness. And I was the one who made those eyes turn out this way.

"I don't feel like eating. Eunhyuk, listen..."I started.

"Neither do I. Let's go then,"he walked away.

"Eunhyuk,"I ran after him.

I reached the counter and he was already signing the receipt after paying.

"I said I'll pay,"I told him.

"Its okay,"he mumbled, grabbed his card and walked out.

He walked to his car and opened the driver's door and got in. He started the engine and waited. I hurriedly went up to the car and got in.

"Eunhyuk, listen,"I held his hand.

He pulled his hand away to put it at the steering wheel.

"I like to listen to music in the car,"he muttered.

He pressed the radio and made the volume increase. It was so loud that I couldn't even speak.

"Eunhyuk!!!"I shouted.

The music shut me out. He didn't want to listen. He drove me all the way to my house. He stared straight ahead, waiting for me to get down.

"Eunhyuk!!"I shouted once again while shaking his arm.

He reached out to switch off the radio.

"You're home. You can go now. Get away from me as fast as you can,"he looked at me with those cold eyes.

"Eunhyuk,"I started.

"Get off,"he said before turning away.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I sighed and got off. Without saying a word or looking at me, he drove away.

End of Chapter


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I really like this ^^
kevin7 #2
Chapter 22: Update soon please
Chapter 15: XD Haemin, my dear Haemin, you're in for a big shock.
Chapter 13: They kissed again ~! :D
Chapter 12: XD this part always make me laugh. Eunhyuk is so sure of himself!
shiningstarr #6
Chapter 11: Ohmygosh i can feel eunhyuk's sadness... But i like ming too...
Chapter 8: Awwww so sad :(;( update soon:p
Chapter 7: She is insulting hyuk HOW DARE SHE ?? XD :D
Chapter 5: This is one of my favorite chapters. :D Awkward~
Chapter 4: well what about you guys now?? i think eyunhyk will try two prove that u two r dating.. am i ryt??